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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. I'd go Scotty... the 1116 or 2116
  2. boat was on a sloped driveway... wasnt sucking in any gas... turned it around in the driveway with motor on the lower side and a bunch of squeezes and all was good...
  3. Fired the motor up today and it was nice and easy... noticed no water coming out of the pee hole... not sure if i ever ran it on the muffs before? Also read somewhere that some motors have thermostats that open up and allow water through... not sure if this is the case with my motor? was down out the marina talking with them. mechanic wasn't in and lady didn't know... i did blow air through the pee hole a few times, so it shouldn't be blocked... any ideas?
  4. nobody show this to my wife please!!!!
  5. I'm gonna be starting up the boat pretty soon... Is there any trick to getting the gas up quicker with the primer bulb? I gave her about 20 squeezes yesterday and still didn't see any gas in the filter... It's a built in/inboard gas tank... the primer bulb was new last year and this is my first time with an built in/inboard gas tank... any help is appreciated
  6. I ordered some parts for my yammy, wasn't impressed with Bay City's service... Parts will be here in 2 days guy tells me when i ordered the parts... 3days later i call and ask if the parts are in, they tell me tomorrow (2 extra days) I call the next day, it's still not in...(3 extra days) I asked them when they would be in, he tells me when UPS delivers them... wasn't impressed... It ended up coming 5 business days longer then i was originally told
  7. Gerrit's was sweet fishing machine, nicely rigged out and tons of a room for a boat it's size
  8. I waited at work... and that is why i will never wait again...
  9. i've been burned many times... I will hold the item for 1 day, that is all, no exceptions also firm on meeting times... from 5 to 6 or whatever, if you show up 15 minutes later, i wont be there... i've waited 7 hours extra for a guy to come and buy an old outboard, he shows up 7 hours later and tells me he already bought one, but it's good to know that i had this one incase he needs parts $#%$#!%^!$#%!^ you it's also good to use another email address for selling things, keeps your personal email private and never meet at your house, the person is able to see what you have and where you keep it, prospective for theft tim hortons or a local mall is best
  10. Don't forget to try the smoked turkey drumstick... best/cheapest eating in disney!!
  11. I love the colors of the male mallard... simply amazing!! Great pics Justin
  12. Everyone complains about how much electricity costs, buying energy efficient appliances, and now they want to plug cars into the grid?? What the hell??? ranks up there with an electric lawn mower...
  13. Hybrid Battery life is around 5 years... which is where you are with the vehicle right now... you don't want to know what it would cost to change it... As for the Highlander... My brother while working up in the oil sands in alberta raved about it... said it had the least amount of problems out of all the site vehicles... these were abused day in day out in extreme conditions and the highlander stood their ground he says
  14. My condolences to his family and friends
  15. There are no "great" deals to be had from what i've seen in the past most of the "special sale" items are older models that they are trying to clear out... lures and such are usually $1 off, i don't really see that as a great savings considering most cost $6+ anyways after you factor in the entrance fee, doubt you'll save much... if i had to pick out of the 2 shows it would be the spring fishing show... you don't pay for parking in this one...
  16. It's a great unit... if you're gonna dump that much $$ on a new one, spend a little bit extra and get the LX5 you only buy a flasher once... i learned on a buddies LX3-TC, and when buying, i bought the LX5, a little more money, but i'll never upgrade it...
  17. I have yet to make it on the ice this year... is the ice safe and how thick is it at Gilford? Planning on Tomorrow or Saturday.... Thanks!
  18. I've had my Finbore III for 8 seasons now... your blades are dull or out of tune... it should go through ice like butter...
  19. Being my size, i doubt anything will fit anyways... i'm spending less and less every year on gear/equipment i find
  20. I'd give it back to him and never fish with him again... you should have cut him after the 2nd trip with no $$ you gotta pay to play... a good buddy wouldn't do that to you anyways...
  21. I believe it's being built as we speak across the street from tiger direct... works out perfect... drop wife off at costco, then go to Sail... then go and pick her up at costco... she's happy, you're happy, and you've just saved a lot of gas by not driving to vaughn for bass pro or the sail store there... wife easily spends 1 hr at costco, which is enough to get your fishing fix in and everyone wins
  22. I'd go scotty if i were to buy riggers again...
  23. its horse crap... they have been advertising bigger cup sizes but no increase in price... 2 "old" large coffees is the same price as 2 "new" medium coffees... 2 "new" large coffees is more $$$ then 2 "old" large coffees all they did was introduce that 24oz monstrosity... I'm bitter LOL
  24. I have a mr buddy for my popout i don't like it... too bulky, figure you have the propane tank, then the my buddy heater plus a hose... takes up way to much room in the sled... i want to get the sunflower heater... also when looking at which style tank... i have the low fat one and wish i had the tall skinny one... the fat one again takes up too much room in the sled...
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