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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Thanks for the info, Dan!!! The boys are a little hesistant on fish at times, but, Caelan's eyes lit up when he tasted that perch (half Cajun/half garlic butter Fish Crisp) this morning!
  2. Heard and read about that through a friend of mine that lives in Kincardine. Very good thing that the club is continuing, and, I know I'm signing up...I've fished up that way since I was six years old (with my parents). It would be a shame to see the club go under, not too mention the hatchery and all the work they do for the fishery.
  3. Go get 'em, Ryan!! FYI, we did get the boat out on "the Bay" yesterday, got a few (very few, lol) keepers, just had them with eggs for breakie. Not too much action, in the "pack". Sounds like Friday was the better day.
  4. You've got it Vince! I will not fish for salmon in rivers, however early in the season from a couple of the piers I like (not on Lake O) casting Cleos or Fat Raps/Wally Divers can be a blast. Not too mention the odd early steelhead you can latch onto. As for flossing, fishing marshmallows, catching salmon in rivers/streams as wide as a living room...no thanks!!
  5. Fantastic report and pics!!!!! I've done the drive out west and back once, beautiful scenery, amazing wildlife, breathtaking views...it can't be beat. Great stuff, Tyler!
  6. Left something out...the big girls come back to Quinte!!!!!!!
  7. Some things never change guys. Shawn is totally correct, anyone that has that little respect shouldn't be termed an "angler".
  8. Fall steelheading + hardwater season!!!!!!! Oh, yeah....musky feed bag!!!!!
  9. LMAO at the Canadian flag covering up the background!!!!!!!!! The little brownie is beautiful!
  10. Come on, Steve, when are you going to catch some big ones The eagle sighting is awesome!!
  11. Holy ----!! That is too funny! Next they will be wearing camo, and trying to get the "spring human hunt" back!
  12. The most disturbing part of this whole post is the fact that the guys pulled that musky on a STRINGER!!!!!!!! All we can really do as anglers is keep putting out the word on how fish like this are to be handled. Muskies Canada does a great job in this respect. As for the second part of your question, I would say, yeah you probably could have gotten in trouble for it, but, with a proper explanation and respect towards the CO, I don't think they would have charged you (unless he was having one heck of a bad day).
  13. Wow...pretty scary when our CO's don't know the difference. That being said I respect the job they do, and, believe we should have more of them. Maybe your dad should have handed him the ministry regs with the fish identification section highlighted!!!!
  14. Can't answer your question, but, the boys got pretty excited about that as well. Looks like we may have found a new winter hobby for the family. They are really "hyped" about catching fish on lures they put together themselves. I love it!!! Anything that keeps or increases their interest in fishing
  15. Thanks for all the input, everyone!! Great that an ice fishing question can generate this kind of response in September! I'm leaning towards the manual for this year, either a Nils or Finnbore. Although Lloyd (Fishhunter) has said he'll be dancing around me drilling holes with his gas auger, first the machete, now that...have to keep him away from those sharp objects
  16. No need to apologize Joey, some really nice shots!! The awesome thing about digital is you can "blow" through hundreds of shots, without the costs of film processing that 35 mm had!
  17. Couple of really great shots + some awesome fishing. Got to love having a lake to yourself.
  18. Yeah, baby!!!!! Then we can catch them where they are meant to be caught, out in the lake!!
  19. Very nice, Pete...that 50"er is just around the corner! Still hoping for a 40"er myself, lol!
  20. I'll PM you what they have or will have.
  21. Beauty...Joc's store is a ten minute drive from my house!!! I'll check it out.
  22. I second Geoff's question...where can you buy the Nils manual auger in southern Ontario? Was doing a quick bit of research...reading many good things about them.
  23. Got that...the auger is my last piece of equipment I need...well, other than maybe another rod and reel set-ups, cause we all know you can NEVER have too many
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