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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Well said...I thought the same thing reading this yesterday...hard to consider a Rainbow an "invasive species." However when it comes to messing up an ages old fishery such as the Atlantic salmon in eastern ontario I guess it truly is. That said...I will gladly take any they don't want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. LOL...I also got a new boat late in the season...used it on a local lake with the "wife" and watched her catch a 20" Largemouth on our first trip out...two lessons learned...that lake has some awesome fish in it and never underestimate the fairer sex when it comes to fishing skill/luck!! Also regained my love of late fall steelheading...haven't had the time the last four years...this year with some extra time off work and favourable conditions, have had an awesome time on the rivers!
  3. New Zealand for Brown Trout...this answer is based on the scenery, beauty of the country as much as the fishing...although along with our Brookies they are some of the most beautiful fish in "the swim!"
  4. Good for the state of Michigan's DNR!!!!!! The guy is already the number one commercial fisherman in their state...sounds like greed to me...sportfishing dollars are extremely important to the economies of towns on the lakes (ask some of them how the decline in salmon in Huron has impacted them)!
  5. Has to be steehead...my reasoning being which fish would I miss the most if I couldn't fish for them!! Nothing more exciting than seeing that initial leap as you set the hook on a fresh "chromer"!!!!!! Also, can fish for them pretty much year round being close to Lake Erie.
  6. Agreed...I almost prefer not to hear about somebody elses day on the river I am going to fish...the anticipation is half of the fun...also no false hopes or expectations.
  7. What more can be said? Had a great day Wednesday myself, but, fish on the first nine drifts????????? Amazing!!!!!!!!
  8. Very nice on the Superior "steel" through the ice...something I have wanted to try on Huron for the last couple of years, weather permitting this may be the one!
  9. Being a relatively new member to the OFC, but, a long time steelheader, I truly enjoy your reports and long for the days when I have the time to pursue these fish as often as I would like. For now it is weekends and the odd day off in the latter part of November (co-worker with more seniority takes the first two weeks for deer hunting)! Keep up the amazing work!!
  10. Great point...we all pay too much for televison as is.
  11. Hardware and steelhead seems to be a hot topic over the last week. I usually only throw spoons of piers, if using lures in a river I prefer Blue Fox spinners in size four or three...these are large rivers, however. If fishing smaller creeks go as small as one or two. Kwikfish or Flatfish can also be deadly in slow moving water. As far as colors...I have had the most luck with Fire Tiger in spinners (possibly more of a confidence thing, had success with it right off the bat)...skunk, black, silver in the plugs.
  12. Just had to laugh out loud at lew's rundown on a Fishful Thinking episode...that pretty much sums it up.
  13. I think the most blatant push of products I have seen was on Charlie Wray's Fishful Thinking...I would hear the word Okuma, or Mustad, or.....you get my drift....in my head for about an hour after watching it. That said, I still watched...I have nothing against the guy, great fisherman...doing what he loves to do. Like Craig says, if you don't like it...switch channels.
  14. I've seen steelhead caught on Kwikfish in early January...slooooooow presentation is the key. Also, days where the "temp" rises a few degrees in the afternoon can make a large difference, as well.
  15. Absolutely beautiful "steel"...as many have said before me, your reports are awesome...great photography, great fish!!!! Keep up the fantastic work...or is that play?
  16. Don't even want to go there, lol.
  17. Don't misunderstand me...I am in no way advocating chucking spoons in places where the odds are you will snag a fish....these two were both caught on a pier. I have no time for rippers/snaggers...or force feeding fish for that matter...come spring time, leave the fish on the beds alone guys.
  18. Had an interesting day Steelheading yesterday. Went to one of my favorite rivers, low and clear (keep this rain coming) walked it for five hours, not even a hit. Handful of other anglers all having the same amount of success as myself. Decided to change things up by hitting one of the rivermouths a little further south, put away the noodle rod, broke out the 9fter. Switched over to spoons...second cast resulted in a 25" chrome male, followed up by a 23" female less than an hour later. I guess the message is...don't be afraid to try different spots/techniques...I feel that too many of us steelheaders get stuck in one type of fishing, be it float rods, bottom bouncing, etc...if you are fishing from a pier/rivermouth, or deep pool on a large river, DON'T be afraid to break out your spinners or spoons...they can turn a fishless day around.
  19. Thanks, BillM...took her a little over five minutes to land, only one jump, but, it was spectacular!!
  20. After 25 years of steelheading I know the thrill never goes away!! Her excitement was awesome to see, and I enjoyed watching/coaching her during that battle more than any of the fish I caught myself that day. Like you said, all it takes is one!!!
  21. For my first personal post I thought I would share my girlfriend's steelhead success from two weeks ago. She had fished "bows" with spinners and spoons this year on a few outings...caught her first ever (6lb hen) on a Blue Fox spinner. We were fishing the rivers on this particular weekend, the water was prime and I had gone three for three on some smaller chrome beauties. Having never fished roe before, and, not hitting a thing on lures she was game to try something different. On her third ever, yes third!!!!!!!!!, drift she hooked into a beautiful 26" chrome male steelhead!!!!!! Needless to say she is hooked for life after the ensuing battle!
  22. Fantastic report...couldn't wait to get on the river before reading this, now I'm really pumped!!!
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