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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Way to go guys!! Three beauties, anyways, with a really nice perch to boot. I was wondering how the waves were for you two...was pretty windy up at Scugog as well, but, the areas we fished weren't too choppy. Hope to make it out for the next "practice session"!
  2. Some good answers here already. The question itself could have a very lengthy answer depending on water clarity/speed of retrieve/troll...etc...etc. For good old plain mono...I have done well with Trilene XT in 8 and 6 lb for more years than I care to remember (it's the green colour). If you are fishing slow in crystal clear water, than for sure go with a low visibility/flouro line or leader...it won't hurt.
  3. Beautiful, as usual, Mike. Nice-combo of family outing, and, some good fishing (that larger esox is a "beaut")!!
  4. Congrats!! You "gotta" love those big, stinky, beasts!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks, to everyone for the comments. Wish we would have booked a few more nights up there...although it did start raining pretty hard as we were packing up. Anyone that has been thinking of going to the park, go for it!! Don't expect to catch a ton of fish, there is alot of water to cover in one, make that 50 weeks, but if you are happy catching 2-3 lb smallies, some pike, and having a chance at some musky (wasn't even trying for them when I caught the little one, and hooked the good one) you might be surprised. Just watch the water when you are wading
  6. I probably release about 75 - 80 % of my fish...100 % of all bass and muskies. Nothing wrong with keeping a few fish for the pan/smoker, etc....
  7. Thanks, guys, I actually wasn't done yet, and posted it early by mistake, LOL!! The full report is up now.
  8. We arrived home from Restoule, last night, and I've been putting together a picture package (out of the 500 or so that we took in the last five days)....so here is the story of our mini-vacation. I am going to begin with my musky encounter, which actually took place on our last full day (Tuesday). No pictures of this, it all took place so quickly and my "ace photograper" was up the path at our site. I had waded out from our little beach with my spinning rod and a black buzzbait, the same as every other day up there, trying to nail a few more nice smallies. In the first fifteen minutes I caught and released a small pike and lost a decent smallmouth. I took another cast out from the weeds/lilly pads and began my retrieve. The Cavitron buzzbait gurgled across the top of the water as I retrieved it at a good clip. I was standing in shorts up to my waist in the clear water just off the marked area of the beach. As the buzzbait neared me I couldn't believe what I saw following it!! Within five feet of me was what looked like a mini-alligator !! MUSKY, and, a decent one (probably a solid 15 pounds) charging towards my bare legs! It began to turn away, I lifted the bait and did a "semi-roll cast" in front of it...the 'ski didn't hesistate...it nailed it with a massive swoosh. Remember this was all within less than ten feet of me, while wading!! My spinning rod bent over and the fish peeled line for two seconds, then was gone. Leaving me with a fast beating heart, and, shaking knees, and, more than likely the craziest encounter I've had with a fish. For those of you out there who fish musky, if you think a hit during or after a follow to the boat is exciting, you haven't experienced heart-stopping until you have it happen in clear water, while wading in shorts!!!!!!!!! To sum up the vacation and the park...it was beautiful, lots of wildlife, great scenery and we had an amazing site. Lake access, large, a beach right off our path (the boys spent every minute they could down there) and only one other family next to us for three of the nights. The fishing out of the boat was tough, but contrary to popular opinion shore fishing with the right presentation and spots can be quite good. I never got skunked while wading. Our trip began Saturday morning...Juli and two of the boys finishing packing the van (we took both vehicles, I was towing the boat with mine) After a lot of "are we there yets" in both vehicles, and, a six hour drive with stops for lunch and gas, we arrived. We launched on the main lake the first night for a couple of hours of fishing...I lost a decent bass, not much else. The boys were raring to go Juli loves fishing, but, here she is partaking in her other hobby Some miscellaneous boat/fishing shots Restoule wildlife- Scenery- Wading/fishing including a couple decent smallies and a baby musky- Juli and the boys around the campfire The boys "clam farm"...think they had as much fun gathering them as fishing!! The boat pulled up on the beach at our site- We had an awesome time, the fishing was just a bonus. Thanks to Bowslayer, Dan and Stoty for some tips on the park. I never targetted the walleye, but, they are there. Plenty of bass to be had, I also caught a few smaller pike, had a good one follow on Clear Lake...the same day as my musky encounter...I won't lie, the fishing out of the boat was tough, but, with the three boys it was more about getting out on the water and having fun!! Hope everyone enjoys the report, might get out to Scugog on Saturday to end the holiday. Then on to the Fish-a-Thon for cancer!!
  9. Good to see things are progressing well with the Fish-a-Thon. Our family is looking forward to participating, and, things have hit close to home with us yesterday. On the way back from Restoule, Juli's eldest boy got a text saying that her other son's, Ceagan, good friend and classmate Jacob (of Jacob's story) had passed away after his battle with Leukemia. We had just stopped for lunch in South River, and, the boys were pretty upset, but, we concentrated on how strong a little boy Jacob was. Keep up the great work guys/gals!!!
  10. Nope...double high queen size inflatable bed with built in pump, runs off an electric outlet...can also be pumped up manually, but, will take alot longer.
  11. LOL....the only reason I asked was the bed has a built in air pump + I figured I could use an inverter anyways.
  12. Canoe rentals only...electric motors only on other boats.
  13. Juli and I are in. We will start getting some pledges as soon as we're back from Restoule. Come on guys/gals let's get some people signed up, been PM'ing back and forth with Ryan...this is a great cause/family event. Cancer has hit close to home for many, if not all, of us. What better way to raise money than doing something all of us here on the OFC love!!!
  14. I grabbed one a few minutes ago...should be adequate for my needs.
  15. PM sent, Ryan!
  16. Yup, that's the one I'm looking at. Just need it to blow up the bed (double high mattress), but, could come in handy once in awhile for other uses.
  17. Quick question. Would this inverter have enough "oomph" to power the air pump in an inflatable queen size bed? Thanks, in advance!
  18. Great report, photos and congrats on the beauty eye!!!!
  19. Picked up the Energizer today, thanks for the help guys. Thanks to lakerguy for his PM, as well, I did check out that alternative...ended up being a few bucks more than the battery I purchased. Looking forward to "christening" it up at Restoule.
  20. Just by the colour and styling, she definitely has a "few" seasons on her. I'm sure at least one of the guys/gals on here will be able to pinpoint it within a year or two. Good luck.
  21. Ryan and Dan...would it be possible to convince the LPCA to open the gates for this special event after Labour Day?
  22. Awesome, Steve!! Way to go, on helping out a great cause Some nice fish too!
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