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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Welcome, and, yeah that is one FAT gator!!!!
  2. Welcome to the board!! Good luck with answers on your question...curious myself about Lake of Bays. The better half used to go up that way in her "younger days", and was talking to me about taking our boat up there.
  3. Great, stuff, Dan!!!! Looks like this year's event is going to top last year's easily! I'm proud to be a part of it, can't wait to see the final pledge totals!
  4. Ah, man they're ganging up on me, now I'll take you up on that as well, Vince!! Do you know yet, if you will be there for sure??? Tell you and Rick what...if she catches a bigger fish than me, I will add another $20 out of my pocket to the pledges...that way there is another $20 regardless of who gets a bigger fish!!
  5. LOL!!!!!! Hey, I kicked her butt fishing at Restoule! She is doing awesome in the pledges...think she is over $450 closing in on $500 now! Thanks, for the offer Rick...I'll do my best to beat her and her deadly new bass combo (involves a crazy electric blue Yum trailer)!
  6. Great report/photos, John! Some decent fish as well, looks like a good time was had (other than the initial rain).
  7. Good point, Roy. Once he is set-up properly. In-line bucktail spinner black with either red/orange or chartreuse would be my choice if I could only have one bait. You can cast it or troll.
  8. Ask him what the "in-flight" movie is as well, lol!!! Good luck, if you do make it out, Mark.
  9. Nice, Dan!! I'm at about $200...Juli is up to close to $400, I think, with a few more people to pledge (she's smoking me!!!!!)
  10. I can give you a decent answer on that one...the launch isn't usually that busy. Remember there are no gas motors allowed on the lake, so it cuts down on boat traffic considerably. There is a decent grade heading down to the lake, but, you could walk a 12 fter in fairly easily. Looks like we are going to have quite the cold front rolling through, so, super-slow presentations this weekend. I'll let Dan or Ryan help out more with the time...I'm not sure what time the gatehouse will be open.
  11. Another $100 pledge from Juli's mom!!! Thanks Judi
  12. Participating in the Fish-a-Thon for Cancer, Saturday. Putting up a section of fence either Sunday or Monday. RELAXING, the rest of the time!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Great report/photos!!! Good thing I started eating lunch, those striploins and elk look fantastic!
  14. If it is just collecting dust, why not make it available. I've purchased a few items on the board, and, have been very happy with the money I saved. As I'm sure the guys I've purchased from have been happy to get some extra cash towards what they want to purchase. Go for it Geoff!!
  15. Now THAT is dedication...or maybe just plain old "fish crazy"!! Way to go Aaron, Mitchell and Justin!! Some really nice kings
  16. That's great, Ryan!! Back at work, trying to get some pledges together...three people so far, not as much as I hoped for, but, it is only Monday.
  17. Notice a trend, again?? I would recommend Lloyd as well. Satisfied customers, speak volumes, and Lloyd gives back to this board by offering specials on charters, as well as donating charter time as a prize for the Fish-a-Thon for Cancer.
  18. Well said. I finally took the time to sit and read this, and, I am trully sorry for your loss. Another reason why the Fish-a-Thon that Ryan is puttin on this weekend is important...cancer hits home for all of us at one time or another. Keep fishing, know that it is what Hutch would want.
  19. Fish with Juli all the time. She loves to fish, be it in the boat, on the ice on the river...so yeah, I'm pretty lucky. She isn't a member of the board, but, sees many posts on here through me.
  20. Holy bleep, Steve...you are definitely a "hawg master"! Nicely done, as usual!
  21. That would have been amazing! Every deer we saw at Restoule was a doe, but, the way they just wander throughout the park is amazing. Congrats on some nice fish as well. Also kudos, once again, to Golden Eagle camp for coming through for you two!
  22. Sounds great, Ryan!! Don't want to jinx it, but, last time I checked the weather is shaping up nicely for the day, as well!
  23. Way to go, Joey!! Couple nice bows and a good "eater" salmon...nice pics, looks like you are enjoying that new camera!
  24. Less than a week to go...so bump, again. We're bringing the boys along for the day as well. Great to see so many OFNers contributing/pledging/offering up prize packs!! Way to go everyone
  25. A great end to a very hard beginning. The photos are great, love the buck wading at the side of the water!!
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