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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Great report Rick!! Some really nice gold.
  2. Yes, it will.
  3. Apologies to Roy, who I respect, but, you're on the wrong forum Brian. Now if you want OPINIONS about everything from a bunch of guys that KNOW everything. Or, if you want to know how to open a can without a can opener you are all set.
  4. Could be worse, could be the Grey Cup. Enjoy everyone. Fresh perch going in the pan shortly.
  5. Sad to lose that many jobs. As far as prices, and, stock. Had two of my biggest scores ever last year in their camera section. Nikon D3100 for less than half what Best Buy was/is charging for it...plus a Nikon point and shoot zoom for a similar deal. The D3100 after a further price drop was under $150. Should be some good deals during this closing.
  6. Thanks for the reel purchases Roy! I know they've found a good home. You should receive in la belle province, tomorrow.

  7. Thanks for the replies guys!! Forty-five a month is more like it, thanks Mike. Waiting to hear back from one other friend on a place in Tilsonburg.
  8. Wondering if anyone on the board knows of somewhere in the Woodstock area that has indoor boat storage for a reasonable price? Willing to go as far as Kitchener/Cambridge east, and, London west. Used to store my old boat at the DC where I work, but, the new boat's trailer axle measures about 7" too long to fit up the ramp here. Called one place that was supposedly $40 a month, when I spoke to him turns out he wants $300 for the "rest of the season"...until May. First of all I want it back out by April 1st latest, second of all how the heck does that work out to $40 a month...last time I checked that would be $50?! Cheers, Frank
  9. Speaking of baseball. I was up on the big screen at the Jays game yesterday with the J Force girls. Won a jersey and Honda lawnmower!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spincast


      did you get the second cut of the summer in with that new mower already?


    3. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Lucky guy, new jersey mower and boat all in one summer.

    4. asdve23rveavwa


      Yeah, Tim. Hanging out with the "J Force" girls for an hour wasn't bad either, lol.


  10. Enjoy!!! Really nice looking rig, especially for a '92!
  11. Pains, Strains and Audible Squeals...been too long since I was in a canoe, feeling it today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Except for the squeals. ;0)

    3. asdve23rveavwa


      LOL, Brian. Insert a clever remark about American beer here.



    4. misfish


      You didnt get drunk on that water did ya? LOL There ya go. I did.

  12. One word.............BRILLIANT!
  13. It's reports like this that are the reason I come back to the OFC, anytime I take a short break. What a great lunchtime read. Cheers, Frank
  14. Hey all, looking for information/feedback from anyone that has tried their accommodations and lakes. Cheers, Frank
  15. Thanks, again, guys! Seems like we are all in agreement...the stand up covers are amazing. My first experience with one was in Spincast's old Starcraft. Finding a boat that I wanted that came with one, really was a bonus! Just ask, Juli, the boys or our dog Jinger, lol!! As for me, I still throw on the rain gear and fish from the front deck running the bow mount Minn Kota.
  16. Great set-up Spiel!!! Who needs a motel when you have that?! Enjoy!!!
  17. Thanks Kris!! Like I said, I'll try and post a report when I get a bit more time. As you know, we had another fantastic time up there. The boat definitely moves us around quicker, and, gives us more options on that fairly large body of water. Great tip!!
  18. Everytime I try to get out..........they PULL me back in!!!!!!!!! Joined up four, or, five years ago. Haven't been participating much lately, but, I've met some really good friends through this board. Once you wade through the Bull, and "winternet" it really does have a good bunch of core people.
  19. Thanks for the comments, guys! It is beyond sweet, Mike. Worth it's weight in gold on rainy days. Thanks, LeXXington. I know who to talk to! The week we were fishing, I pretty much used the casting deck the whole time, Juli and/or the boys fished out of the back. I never used it as a standing platform, sat on my "throne" as Juli dubbed it, running the bow mount troller with my foot. I LOVED it up there, no problems at all, but, the changes you made are pretty sweet. One knock on the boat is definitely storage. Just the one small compartment under the driver seat, but, it is something I can live with.
  20. I have no comment until the 75th game of the season. Been a Leafs fan my whole life, last year almost broke me.
  21. It's been a busy year, so, haven't posted anything in awhile. So, first off a big hello to everyone I know on the forum!!! Five years ago, almost to the day, I purchased my 2009 Legend Prosport that has been featured in many of my reports. After some serious discussion with the better half (FisherJuli on the board) I decided an "upgrade" was in order. To get the boat I wanted I needed to go a bit older than the 2009, but, still wanted a reliable machine. The requirements were full windshield, electric start, tilt, trim...slightly larger, more HP. If a bow mount trolling motor and/or stand up cover were included, so much the better! About a month ago I found her. Ironically I ended up getting a Legend again. I sent a bunch of messages back and forth to Henry, whom many of you know works for Legend, who gave me the "thumbs up" on this boat. Anyways, enough, babbling....here she is, 2003 Legend All Sport 151 with same year 30 HP four stroke Mercury. Enough boat and HP for my requirements. Took her up to Happy Day Lodge for the last week in August, and, we loved her!! That last pic says it all...I am one HAPPY man!! I'll try and post a few reports of our recent fishing adventures + Juli and I still owe a photojournal of this year's Fish-A-Thon for a Cure event. Cheers, Frank
  22. Friggin' in the Riggin'

    1. limeyangler


      The cabin boy was flipper…

    2. asdve23rveavwa


      The captain's wife was Mabel

    3. limeyangler
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