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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Way to go Jacques. Specks were the fish of choice on openers for my dad and I for years as I grew up. We trudged along many paths and through alot of bush looking for those beauties! Heading out tomorrow for our opener with Juli's dad and brother for, hopefully, some small lake rainbows and/or browns.
  2. That would be great Mike, haven't hit the rivers much the last six or seven years.
  3. Good stuff, Mike!! Love the shots of Brendan holding the bows! I never did hit the rivers this winter/spring, looking forward to the fall for that. Good luck at Algonquin, looking forward to some shots of nice brookies!
  4. Some valid points Brian. Lowering the limit works for me too, but, I just find the bass season so short that an extra week to pursue them, LEGALLY, would be nice. As far as other changes...how about closing Scugog to winter walleye fishing, or rotating Scugog/Rice...but, that's a whole other discussion
  5. Spectacular, as usual, Brandon!! Thanks for sharing those
  6. Done!!! I am strictly catch and release as far as bass are concerned, so, opening the season a week early for me isn't about filling a freezer. I do feel, that, the populations in this zone are healthy, and, with the trends toward warmer springs opening the season a mere seven days early would in no way harm the fishery. For that matter how many extremely healthy bass fisheries in the US and northern Ontario have no closed season, not that I would go that extreme for a high pressure, slow growth...compared to the US...area like zone 17.
  7. Good stuff, Brian! That meal looks amazing, too
  8. What hasn't been said yet???? Way to go BB!!! Those aren't just pigs, they are WAR PIGS!!!!
  9. Congratulations on a beast of a brownie!
  10. Beautiful!! You guys are killing me Can't wait to get out there again!
  11. Awesome Simon!! I'd love to get into a few of those babies
  12. Fat pig of a crappie!! Had a similiar surprise last Saturday. Looking for chrome, caught an OOS smallmouth in a spot I've fished for many years. First time I've ever caught a bass there.
  13. Happy Birthday, Brian!!!!!!!!!
  14. Good stuff Chad! Enjoy the bows!!
  15. Have a "man card" that doesn't have "rescue kitten from a tree on it"! Love Terry's
  16. Priceless, and, yup...the Browns are my football team...maybe I need to try reverse cheering for my teams to have success. Yup, my "new teams" are the Steelers and Habs
  17. Great report! I can't wait to get some of those golden beauties!!
  18. Way to go Chris. Some beautiful browns!
  19. Nice fish Brian. Dave will get one next time. I keep my sign in my camera bag....maybe I should take it out
  20. Not 100% sure yet, but might toss some hardware off one of my favorite piers for some chrome...be it coho, brown or bows.
  21. Obviously not...it was meant more as a joke...sort of like the entire month of February for the Leafs
  22. If they really want to make a sincere apology, a reimbursement for all season ticket holders would be a good place to start!!!
  23. FANTASTIC Thanks for that one, something I've always wanted to experience!
  24. Great report Joey!!!!!!! Nice bow, Roy!! Glad you had some success. Icing on the top of the cake that is great company
  25. I'm chiming in a little late on this one, but, I love my little Nikon p & s...less than $120, and, takes great shots. Pretty much any of the shots of Juli in my reports are taken with it...she uses the much more expensive Canon SLR for hers.
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