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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. That's why he gets paid the big bucks. We all watched it, no? Like I said, earlier, it's all about good tv. Do I take it seriously, not very often
  2. Great stuff, as usual, Tyler!! Love that 43" gator!!
  3. The rant..........good tv. As for Burke coming after Don for his job....Brian you have WAAAAAAAY bigger things to worry about!! The final bit about the boy and his dad.........heartfelt, sad story.
  4. Left all the way, for the reasons stated by many others AND the fact that it just feels right...er...um.....left
  5. Yeah. I know Dave. I meant it happened a day earlier than I figured
  6. See ya!!! I figured it would happen if they lost to the habs.
  7. I know it, John!!!!!!!
  8. Awesome report Wayne. Good to see you all having a great time. Well deserved after some struggles last year.
  9. Welcome to the family, hon! There are many fish boards, but, this one is unique with it's cast of characters. Thanks for being part of my angling odyssey.
  10. Fishing is a science, but, it isn't an exact one. Part of the joy of angling is the fact that we are always learning. Even the "teachers" are still students. It is amazing how many anglers stories include at least one account of so called beginner's luck. The wife who picked a lure that never catches fish, yet, proceeds to catch either the most or largest fish of the day. You would be hard pressed to find another sport in which the participant will subject themselves to such extremes in climate only to be humbled by creatures that at times measure less than the length of our boot. Yes Mike we anglers are a strange lot, and, we wouldn't want it any other way!
  11. That 50"er would look great on the board for team 4.
  12. Nice Bill! Love the colouration on that first laker
  13. Looking forward to sharing the boat with you "Captain Morgan"! With G-man, Juli, yourself and myself all on different tourney teams, should make for alot of fun, and, good natured teasing.
  14. Great stuff, Simon. Awesome shots of Jack and "the gremlin"!
  15. You win, so far, Dave. Anybody hitting Costa Rica????? Eighty days until Bay of Quinte Gold with Lloyd!!
  16. Things better turn around real quick. Here's a look at the standings from 9th to the basement. Won't take anytime at all for the Leafs to be down there with the Habs..........................................9 Winnipeg SE 65 30 27 8 68 26 166 186 -20 19-10-4 11-17-4 4-4 5-3-2 Lost 1 10 Toronto NE 63 29 27 7 65 26 187 195 -8 16-12-5 13-15-2 3-3 1-8-1 Lost 3 11 Tampa Bay SE 63 29 28 6 64 27 176 213 -37 19-9-2 10-19-4 2-3 6-4-0 Won 2 12 Buffalo NE 62 27 27 8 62 21 154 180 -26 16-11-7 11-16-1 6-4 5-3-2 OT 1 13 Carolina SE 63 24 26 13 61 24 166 190 -24 17-12-5 7-14-8 0-6 5-1-4 Won 1 14 NY Islanders ATL 63 26 28 9 61 21 148 187 -39 14-14-5 12-14-4 5-3 4-5-1 OT 1 15 Montréal NE 64 24 30 10 58 21 164 177 -13 11-14-8 13-16-2 3-8 3-6-1 Lost 5 8
  17. Have bought one thing on the site. Postive experience, met a fellow fishing fanatic...got a killer deal on a mint, used once, Helly Hansen floater suit. However, like I mentioned, only one transaction for me so far.
  18. Not so much a new technique for me, but, start streamlining. More of a back to basics. Spend less on new lures, use more of the ones I have, and, start "culling". Force myself to fish with some lower confidence baits.
  19. Or maybe a few shots of Brandy to loosen up
  20. I'm seeing double
  21. Not even sure what to say about that one. If only most of the players had Brown's heart and intensity!!
  22. Sorry for your loss.
  23. The latest word from the MNR is that there are only two strong year classes of herring right now in Simcoe. They are waiting for complete proof that the population is self sustaining enough to allow an open season. They have also cut Lake trout stocking in half, and, are hoping that the herring as well as the smelt continue to contribute to the well being of this fishery.
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