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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. G'Day Wayne,I live in Petawawa and have fished the Ottawa from Rapids de Joachim, pronounced de swisha all the way down to the damn below Campbells bay. These waters are not known for ski's in any great numbers. But there are some. The area you are talking about below the rapids down river from Pembroke to the rapids above Chapeau Qc I have never fished. That is the nastiest section of the river for navigating. Theres to many suprises waiting, for me to take my bassboat in there. But I can tell you that the walleye fishing as well as sm and lm, and northerns is really good. The fishing pressure below the rapids from Pembroke all the way down past Campbells Bay Qc is very light, mostly worm dunkers and bass fisherman. I have a buddy who fishes the area you are talking about in his beat up tinny, I will give him a call and see if there is skis in that area for you. Hey Leechman lets hook up next season and do some largie fishing down the Lapasse way. Thats my favorite area for them hawgs.
  2. Ya right you were probably high sticking the old girl on that big bass.
  3. Buster, are you serious a chard with bbq steak? Pick up a barolo for your next bbq steak, you won't be disapointed.
  4. I remember the first generation ficht motors. Lots of bass fisherman jumped on the new technology bandwagon and bought them for their bassboats. It seemed every tournament there was a few of them grenading. But if I recall a few years before they came out, they moved most of their manufacturing and assembly to Mexico. Inferior materials and quality assurance probably led to their demise more than the new technology. OMC was hellbent on being the first out of the blocks with this new technology and probably didn't do enough R&D before they put it on the market.
  5. I use a 7MH with 25lb braid tied direct. When you feel the strike set the hook with a long low sweep.
  6. Hey Frankie, I think Jimmer is targeting walleye not sheeps. Stay away from the purple and blues jimmer. Try taildancers too they work for me
  7. Sounds good to me Randy, i'm only 2 hrs away, and a fishing trip in the middle of winter is all good.
  8. What a dick. He is so proud of himself. I would seriously think of tipping a guy like him if I was there.
  9. Art, don't forget to use your new card the next time you go to any B.P.S. store and you will get 50% off all your merchandise.
  10. That is awesome. I had planned to go out to Chilliwack this fall but just starting a new job put it on the back burner till next year. When is the best time of the year to go? I will be staying at a friends place in Chilliwack but he doesn't fish. He says he going to start since he lives so close to the Vedder and Fraser river's.
  11. I know raisin pie is gross to most people. I think the reason why is because they have only tried store bought pies. They are awful. Now my moms is another story. A slice of her raisin pie and you will swear you died and went to heaven.
  12. Nice work Speil, can you elaborate on the blank a little more? The burl seat is sweet.
  13. Thats great news John. I was wondering where you went and just assumed you were really busy teaching classes. Best of luck on a speedy recovery Mike.
  14. It's about time they adjusted their prices to reflect our dollars strength when comparing it to the american greenback.
  15. Oh my.....those are some beautiful fish. Where bouts in Alaska are you?
  16. Stoty, order some from a auto parts store that sells NGK plugs. They usually don't stock them because there not for automotive use but they are half the price of a marine dealer. But they usually make you buy the whole box (10). Then you will be stocked up for next time.
  17. Most of the launches around here are free. The odd private one charges 5.00, which I think is reasonable. I guess if you want to live in southern Ontario you have to pay to play.
  18. Nice shots Brandon. How close are you to the bears to get those shots?
  19. Well that really sucks. I am booked there for 24,25,26, would of been grreat to be able to meet everyone. Do me a big favour and don't burn down Mikey Bigfish cabin because that is where I am staying.
  20. Hey Stoty don't you like the Ranger walleye boat? They look pretty sweet. Just kidding man, nice ride. I like the cover too.
  21. My father has been a diehard Mopar fan since the fifties. He has never bought anything but Mopar products. I have asked him numerous times why he continues to buy them, I think they are junk. He has a Dakota truck that needed new brakes all the way around after 4000km. The reason for this from the dealer was he doesn't drive it enough. He has a new top of the line mini van that needed a new rear end after only one week of ownership. The dealers response was the rearend was missing a part on inspection. Maybe his vans rearend was put together by the guy puffing on the lefty at lunch. I can't wait to show him this video clip. He's an ex military man that has no use for people that abuse drugs and alcohol. This is not an isolated case in the manufacturing industry. Society has gotten pretty pathetic hasn't it.
  22. They say the best ones grow in the western provinces.
  23. theres a reason for a 3/8 fuel line on a big V6. And it aint got anything to do with green
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