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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. I would gladly trade you some walleye filets for those ling filets any day. Seriously, they are that good.
  2. Same here, just teasing you Doc. Grapes is what Grapes is, and I find him quite entertaining. Not saying I agree with everything he says, but he's alot more entertaining then most of the games now days that are played in the NHL.
  3. Check any army surplus store, they have lots and there good quality. The one I bought years ago came with a heavy green canvas sheath for 10 bucks.
  4. I had a incident last week with my lunch. I had forgot my lunch on the kitchen table when I headed out to work in the morning. On my way to the office for duty at noon I stopped at the local Subway down the street and grabbed a sub. I got to the office and settled in and ate half my sub. The first bite of the other half and a nice long black hair comes sliding out of my sub. Spit the bite into the garbage and throw the remainder of my sub in as well. Pissed me off, cause I was really hungry and enjoyed the first half. Then I got thinking, I don't recall any of the staff wearing hair nets or the little hats that most of the Subway servers wear. I will let them know the next time I stop in, what happened, and will be looking to see if they are wearing their hair nets. I very seldom eat out anymore because most of the time the food is disapointing, and being one that likes to cook maybe my expectations are to high. Also I went into a Kelseys in our area once. It was about 8:00 pm on a saturday evening and there were very few customers in the restaurant. My girl and I order and our food comes in about 15 minutes then this airhead server drags down a big vacuum cleaner and starts vacuumung the floor all around us. We couldn't even talk because of the noise. So I sop the girl and politely ask if she can do that after were done. She told me were closing in an hour and she was told by the manager to start vacuuming. Fine with me, that was 3 yrs ago and I haven't gone back to this day. Was never a big fan of there boil in a bag over priced food anyway. Most of the chain franchises main concern is turning tables as quick as possible, they really don't care about your dining experience.
  5. Those BELL cable markers work well as runners. I think there made of fiberglass. I have used them for runners with good success
  6. I have to agree with Wayne...tough way to learn a lesson. Especially the Wisers part.
  7. I just avoid regular gas in all my small motors and they just seem to run better. Maybe a little hot, like Cliff said, but it works for me. Oh yeah and some Sea Foam too.
  8. That is an amazing stat. I really enjoyed the game last night. Team Canada is a big team and last night they were huge out there. Team Russia, has hot goaltending, and they are capable of scoring in bunches. Don't under estimate them for a second. Personally..... I think they are shitting in their skates thinking about playing the Canucks. GO CANADA GO.
  9. I was wondering why those big bucks were mostly looking back, till we got to the wolf pic. Awesome, thanks.
  10. Why don't you just put a straw in the fresh drilled hole you drill and drink that....same thing
  11. But what was Hasek doing playing for team Russia? I thought he was from Check or Slovak or something. Almost certian he's not Russian. Obviously the rules for the Spengler Cup are much different.
  12. I watched the third period and was impressed with their skating. They all seem fast.
  13. Awesome pics... So what did you think of the team? At times they looked tired and were losing lots of battles along the boards. But it's the outcome of the game that matters most. Now they must build on that for the next game. GO CANADA GO!
  14. I have always been a big fan of a nice table setting.... you instantly get the feeling something special is about to happen. Well done Roy, Merry Christmas.
  15. I think a bag of horse manure would be more appropriate. The leafs suck so bad and have for a long time.
  16. I like a top sirloin on the barbie with a sprinkle of Montreal steak spice, baked potato, and grilled veggies with a nice borolo to wash things down.
  17. I just bought a can here at my local napa for 8.99. Think I will go and get a few more cans at that price.
  18. DanD what would a set of those run me? I need 215/60R/15.
  19. Thanks for all the replies. I have been driving for 34 years and have never had an accident and only 1 ticket. I have never had snow tires before and have done pretty good with just all seasons. My..what did we do before they invented snow tires. Thanks Skeeter I will check kijiji out and see whats there. Snow tires won't save your life if you drive like a jackass. Just my opinion. Defensive driving and giving yourself more time to get to your destination in the winter will. What about the Motomaster SE someone was telling me they are a good all season tire with an agressive grip and do well in the snow?
  20. Thanks for the info guys....but read the post.
  21. I am looking to purchase a new set of all season tires and would like to know what is the best available for winter conditions. I would buy snow tires if I was going to keep my car longer than 2 years. I can't justify spending a grand on new snow tires and rims unless I was keeping the car for at least another 5 yrs. The car I am driving is for work and is a 4 door Olds Alero. Any help from my fellow OFNers would be appreciated. Also let me know which tires to stay away from. Thanks in advance.
  22. By the title, I thought you were going to take him ice fishing for an hour.
  23. I just used the 1" white styrofoam insulation. Just cut it to size to fit the door panels then taped them together with duct tape at the seams and done. It's not the prettiest but it does the job. They have been on there for almost 15 yrs now and still no problems.
  24. Unfortunately Dara, a home inspection is more for piece of mind then anything. I don't think that there are any minimal requirements as far as training goes to become a home inspector in Ontario. You basically need a ladder and a flashlight and a bit of knowlwdge of the components in a home and your good to go. A home inspection is not a warranty and will be stated in the report. In my area they run 3 or 4 hundred dollars and take an average of 2 to 3 hrs to complete. Now when buying a resale home a more important document to ask for is a Seller Property Information Statement (form 220). This document is filled out buy the seller when he lists the home and is available to any buyer when requested or inquiring about the property. This form is not mandatory either but we use them regularily in the area that I work in. It has all the general questions about the property as well as any enviromental, improvements and structural. They are basically answered yes, no, unknown, or non applicable. Now if a seller blatantly lies about some questions on the S.P.I.S. and problems occur down the roads, you have a much better chance getting compensation from the seller, when you take him to court. When representing buyers it is one of the first things I ask for when we find a home that they are interested in. Some of the answers to the questions on this form will have me investigate more in depth to prevent these unplesant situations for my buyer after posession takes place. Personally I would rather have a furnace and a electrical inspection done buy a certified tradesperson in that field. They at least have a provincial license and will be held accountable. Just remember when buying a resale home, BUYER BEWARE. Hope this helps.
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