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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Wow, what a great thread. Hey G, I know you don't feel bad for what you said. I agree with you, as do alot of others. I haven't tried the Koppers yet but I will some day. I already have a ton of stuff at my disposal that catches fish on a regular basis. Them frogs sure look nice though. Mercer might of been a little sensitive to your comments but you were by no means slagging him. I'm sure Dave is a great guy, and he does a fine job promoting sport fishing. I don't watch his show, because I find his humour a little corny, and silly. That doesn't mean I don't like the man. I love this site because we all have our own opinions and don't mind sharing them with each other. And of course there is going to be differences,thats what makes it so interesting.
  2. Stag and Doe parties are for pussy-whipped grooms to be, in my opinion. When my kid brother got married I put on a stag party for him that he will never forget. We played poker, lots to eat, a keg of beer. Most of the boys from our hockey team showed up and after my brother was half lit we made him put his goalie gear on and took shots on him. Was way to funny. Everything was free from me but the boys donated cash and my bro was given about 750 bucks. We didn't tell any of the gals where the party was taking place because they were determined to crash it. If I get invited to stag and doe parties there is usually a ticket purchase involved. I buy the ticket and usually don't bother going. Rather be out fishing.
  3. Maybe without booze lots of us wouldn't be here.
  4. welcome to the loonie bin,and keep your stick on the ice.
  5. If you think gas is the only thing that is going up, just wait a few weeks for the trickle effect to start working.
  6. Bigugli nailed this question right on the head.
  7. Congratulations John. A very special moment for sure. Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
  8. KVD heads into the final day with almost a 4lb lead. The guy is awesome, probably the best pro bass fisherman out there. And has been for some time now. Just my opinion, what do you think?
  9. The Hobie fishing kayaks look pretty cool, but pricey.
  10. When my neighbour with the big guns drops by on saturday night to watch Hockey Night In Canada and brings her own six-pack
  11. We got about 6 or 7 inches here yesterday. The roads were good all day. Plows kept everything open and everything moving normal. We didnt have any wind so no drifting. Of course the schools were all open but no buses running. Heard on the news at 6 am there would be no buses running yesterday and it didnt start snowing here till 8am. The kids had a P.D. day on monday anad no school yesterday. I was wondering why are all P.D. days on friday and monday's only? Nice for a long weekend once a month for teachers plus all the other days they get off. They wonder why they get a bad rap from alot of parents. I'm not picking on teachers here...just saying.
  12. OMG its starting to snow. What am I gonna do now. Thank god the army is close by.
  13. Not a snow flake here yet, but I just heard they closed all the schools for the day anyways. haha
  14. He's proving to all how big of an idiot he is.
  15. Here in Pembroke, crappy has the better selection but wally world has the best prices. Walley world has a lot of junk and few things I am interested in. Crappy Tire's prices are an absolute rip off. For the buying power they have they sure are not passing it on to the customer. I spend my money at the local bass shops who have what I want, and their prices are at least 25% less than Crappy. You know your getting screwed by Crappy when the little independent with 500 sq ft of retail space can beat their prices by that much. And I love them little shops that are stuffed to the roof with good tackle and gear and the owners really appreciate your business.
  16. We live in Canada, get used to it. Sounds like a bunch of Americans that get a snow storm once every few years. For them I can understand their uncertianty. The news makes everything sound worse then it usually is, including the weather. Drama get's our attention I guess. Make your own decision, and plan your day accordingly. Give yourself extra time to get to your destinations and carry on, life goes on in the Great White North. In a few months we will be advised to stay indoors because it's to hot out.
  17. Cannon, you will see a huge difference by using hi-test in your snow blower. It will run better and have more power under a heavy load.
  18. The Toyota FJ Cruiser are a real nice vehicle. Unfortunately they have the lousiest fuel milage of all SUV's
  19. I did both jobs as a kid. Haying on my uncles farm was hard work but lots of fun hanging out with my cousins. My uncle paid me 50 bucks a week and free r&b. We never worked on Sunday, except for milking the cows. The when I was 15 I went to Tillsonberg to pick tobacco. My pay went from 50 a week to 50 a day. I remember waking up after my first day of tobacco picking and my hands were seized closed,couldn't open them. I have done alot of hard jobs in my life but tobacco picking was the toughest. We ate like kings on the farm I was on, but guys would quit on almost a daily basis. Most couldn't handle the work. My brother is sending his 12 yr old boy to my cousins farm this summer for a lesson in hard work. The funny thing is the young lad can't wait to go, his first job. I have already mentioned to him that when he starts his farm job this summer he can't quit because the work is to hard. Theres no quitters in our family.
  20. No....I think there is lots to choose from already.
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