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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Last spring I asked if there was anyone on the board that could make me so steelhead jigs. I got a reply from a dude and he said he would make his favorite patterns and have them ready for me in a couple of weeks. The price was hard to believe, but I told him to let me know how much he wanted and I would send the cash to him before he sent them with the shipping included. A few weeks went by and I pm'd him a couple of times to see how the progress was going. No reply, no reply, just someone blowing smoke out of his ass. Oh well at least he didn't ask for my money and just keep it. Still honesty is the only way to go. A man is only as good as his word in my books.
  2. I agree with Dutch. Maybe the bass clubs should institute a new rule stating that all bassboats fishing their tournaments must have a hotfoot installed.
  3. That was a great thread, one of the better ones on here in the last while. I was following it closely and enjoyed the different views from all the posts. Then someone is called an idiot and poof gone. Darn liberals. Just my 2 cents.
  4. Great report Skud. That walleye your dad is holding is a fine specimen she's gotta be in the 10 11 lb range.
  5. Hey Geoff you can probably find a shadow box frame in any home decor store. You might have to figure the size you will need and buy something close to that size. Just take whats in the frame out and use the frame for your lures. Most of these frames are over priced junk from China, looks like wood but its plastic. Or you can take your lures to a custom frame shop and have the real deal done with workmanship in the mounting and good quality materials used. You get what you pay for buds. If you want to do it yourself try yard sales for frames you can find some good deals there too.
  6. I think that CO should be sent back to school.
  7. I like the 5 inch flippin tubes with a 5/0 OWG gammy rigged weedless of course. Cast it on the slop and let it drop down in any openings. Let it sink and then give it a shake. Remember to fish it very slow. Also the 10 inch black worm on a light jig for them weedline drop-offs. I have caught lots of big bass on the black worm.
  8. Smalliefisher, maybe you should of taken up your problem with the guy that ran over your gear. running to the camp owner crying about some guy who ran over your gear is your problem not the owners. And as far as blaming the owners for letting someone drive that has been drinking, Give me a break man. The owners are probably glad that your not coming back.
  9. Great report. They are the trips I prefer as well. The journey in is always filled with incidents,ie busted trailers and equipment, having to McGiver to get things back on the road. All part of a good trip with the lads. But you guys really have a bums eye view for beer.haha
  10. Thanks Roy. I was feeling the same about the previous posts. Sounds like alot of sour grapes to me. I am going there to fish,drink and eat in that order. I don't really care if I see the owners during my stay unless I need them for something. We have the Mikey Bigfish cabin right on the water and I can't wait. If there is anyone else going to be staying or around there let me know, Our gang will be there from Nov 25 to the 28.
  11. I feel for you Governator, I have had to do this about 5 times now in my life and it doesn't get any easier believe me. But time will heal your broken heart and when you ask your wife, should we get another dog, just go and get one. The joy a good dog brings in the short time there with us outways the the sadness when we have to let them go. Once a dog lover always a dog lover.
  12. So I gather this is not the place to book a trip with to the B.O.Q.? Anyone care to elaborate cause I am booked there for the end of November. Our reason for booking there was #1 the location and we got a nice cabin. Are there other camps in the same general location that I should look into for next year?
  13. Thanks Terry but I am gonna stick with the Cronarch. It just feels better to me.
  14. It could be your battery, how old is it? It may also be your alternator, you should have a load test done, and alternator test at the same time at your local garage or go and buy a load tester and do it yourself. They are cheap and easy to use.
  15. Very nice especially when there ripping it up on the buzzbaits.
  16. I choose not to eat farm raised salmon as it is so fat chance of this convincing me to start. This is just for profit, not what is best for the public. Very sad indeed.
  17. I've had a bassboat since 1995. Thats when I sold my 17 foot Princecraft and bought my first bassboat. As far as I'm concerned there is no better platform to fish off of then a bassboat. Lots of storage and rod lockers. In the wind they are way better than any aluminum because of the lower profile while sitting on the water. They can float in really skinny water, and you can go like snot when you feel like it. Did I mention I also like performance and speed. We tend to get a bad rap as bassboat owners because of a few yahoos, but there few and far between.
  18. Some of my best days were during the rain. I fished a Pike&Walleye tournament years ago and it started raining real hard with no wind. I moved to a big point with lots of boulders and grass to cast for some pike. I wasn't there 5 minutes and got my fist fish on, it was a 6.5lb walleye, 3 to 4 ft of water casting a husky jerk. I caught 2 more in the same spot within half hour with none under 5 lbs, all walleye. Needless to say I won the tourney, and prize for biggest walleye. 1500 bucks thank you very much. I think because of the rain coming down so hard I was able to get in shallow without spooking the fish, so yes fishing in the rain can be fantastic as it provides natural stealth.
  19. Built in's are much better in my opinion. Easy to fuel up and never have issues with venting. They are usually placed where the weight is required for balance. They hold alot more fuel and you don't have to worry about contaminating your gear with fuel since there out of the way. We are talking about fuel tanks arn't we?
  20. Go away Garnet. Is that first hand knowledge, or did someone tell you that.
  21. You got that right Stoty, already have my 4 day trip planned and booked for the end of November on the BOQ
  22. Nice Striper fishstick. My buddy in New Brunswick keeps telling me to get down there for some Striper fishing. Says they fight like no tomorrow. Hopefully next year.
  23. Hey Dan you don't have to travel that far. If you like fall smallmouth in the 4 lb average with a good chance of catching 6 lber's and walleye averaging 4 lbs come up to the Ottawa Valley. Were so spoiled here with over 2000 lakes in Renfrew County and major rivers as well. Fall time smallies here is just plain SICK. Pm me if your interested. Less traveling= more fishing. Good Luck.
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