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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Yep...had postcard.exe stop by yesterday...got the same fate as them all... DELETE!
  2. Thanks Jack! My your year be HEALTHY and Happy as well.
  3. Nice fishies Jeff ! Thought it was going to be a post about bar hopping in Niagara Falls. Them lakers can be a handful to hang on to eh ! Muscular buggers.
  4. Gee...I wonder what she was buttering you up for.... Beauty fish !
  5. Gee..and I thought I lived one block away from the Mental Health Centre for a reason nightfisher...glad someone else is aware of their surroundings! lol
  6. One question is whether the continual Chem spraying above us is helping our weather or is it what's controlling/screwing up our current weather. Nobody will admit it's even going on, or who is doing it...other than the vague confirmation I got out of the Toronto Airspace Manager that there are MANY flights on his radar screen that he can't talk about. Been going on for years...and I also suspect the 10 fold increase in respiratory issues goes hand and hand with what they are dumping into the air that is hitting the ground. I watch it on about a twice weekly basis here where I presume they have the "lake effect" to help with their goals (what ever they are). Large jets laying down one mile grids like a checker board and then watch what they laid out spread to form full cloud cover in less than 30 minutes...and yes I know the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. Contrails quickly dissipate and you can usually watch them disappear a few miles behind the jet as it progresses forwards...Chem trails spread out and don't go away. If you pay attention you can watch them turn the spray on and off and with a good vantage point you can watch them turn around and lay another line down in the opposite direction in about 1 mile grids. My son has shots of it being done over Hamilton/Lake Ontario as well. Whether you think it's a conspiracy theory or not.....hit this site and give it a read to draw your own conclusions....but I'll guarantee you start paying more attention to what's flying above you! http://www.airapparent.ca/index.html
  7. I don't know Rich...but I'm sure waiting for some answers as I have Mapcreate coming with my Lowrance.
  8. Steve..we leave ourselves open to and collect them on purpose. I get around 40/hour..my son gets about 500/hr. My son is a code writing partner in "Spam Assassin" that many ISP's used to filter mail for clients. We feed everything we get thru his machine to help "train" it, to improve it's performance. Wayne
  9. Like Tom points out..... just use common sense..hit delete and move on. I get about 30 to 40 spam/hour...every day. Makes it really fun when I come home after a month away! Generally about 10% of those are "from" TD/ Scotia Bank/ Wells Fargo /Chase Manhatten...or any other bank in the world. These are right up there with emails from "ebay" and "paypal".. DELETE...delete..delete.
  10. Damn brown noser ! Noticed a few much needed clean ups today....and you're right Glen it's a thankless job the lads do to keep it clean around here. Wayne
  11. Leah got $1 off coupons for the Spring Show, from Bass Pro when she did her Christmas shopping in there. Guess it's their way of showing that they support it...while they have their own little "show" the same dates at the store! LOL Feb 15, 16, 17 and 18th Steve!
  12. They're all here Steve..send them a PM and it will pop up on their email to check in. Proper name spacing/spelling 4x4bassin kylem Dano
  13. You can't put a price on living life to the fullest...... But seriously...your spending spree will come to an end, in a few years, when your parents kick you out.
  14. I'll take the church pew Roger ! LOL
  15. I keep my brain occupied turning things like this.. ..back into this...
  16. He won't look any good in it....send it my way instead ! LOL Congrats Remo ! U lucky bugger you !
  17. Browse them all here Roger... http://www.lowrance.com/Marine/
  18. They are on most plow/salt/sand trucks. That would suggest they have some merit.
  19. Drambue or Sambuca...sipped slowly..not guzzled ! Keeps my wife from coughing her lungs out or breaking ribs doing so, when nothing else is working. Of course you need to see a Doctor. As FinDevil pointed out sounds like Broncitous. A few mask treatments of Pulmicort and one of the many models of "puffers" (now "inhalers" as most are propellant free now) may be in your future.
  20. In the spring....could be weeks thanks to mist/fog. Like they say.."time to spare...go by air" ! Not an option I would be chosing if I had a schedule of any kind to stick to. I don't even take my airplane up to Temagami until late June/early July and even then cross country can be iffy in the highest terrain in Ontario. Like you say LOTS of water all the way up #11 to Cochrane. Not as much along the road from there to Hearst, but should be lots of opportunity around Kapaskasing. After Hearst lots of water again right to Nipigon/Thunder Bay. BTW..the Provincial Park (has a lake) between Cochrane and Kapaskasing is called Rene Brunelle.
  21. Could camp at Rene ?? Provincial Park for a night or two and fish. I misplaced my parks book..can't remember the name of the park. Probably a motel in Moonbeam as well...not sure what's there to fish in the immediate area. Have never stopped to do so between Hearst and Rene ? Park. Could stop in Hearst...many lakes there and I'm sure Medic can help you there and get you out on a water body.
  22. Watch for it to come back up...he may have made an error in the pricing and will post the auction again. Many want emails direct now as the questions come right up on the auction page for all to read. When they steal an identity they steal everything name/sales count/feedback/ etc. Why you never respond to an enquiry from "Ebay" in your email addressed to simply your email address and not you personally. People that do so open themselves widely to having their account stolen.
  23. Not particularily....but you know me...I'll help anyone! BTW..the main No No..... DO NOT DRY CLEAN !!!!
  24. How do I remove mildew from my Mustang Survival garment? The best way to remove mildew is to never let it start - prevention is the key. Always store your boating equipment and garments in a dry and well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight, and be sure to avoid stowage in areas that are prone to high humidity or significant temperature fluctuations. You can try the following steps to help neutralize and limit the spread of mildew on the garment: 1. Soak in a solution of 2 cups of salt per gallon of warm water 2. Scrub affected mildew areas 3. Hang to dry in a well ventilated area 4. Once dry, hand wash with an antibacterial soap and warm water 5. Hang to dry completely and store in a dry place 6. Hang to dry in a well ventilated area 7. Once dry, hand wash with an antibacterial soap and warm water 8. Hang to dry completely and store in a dry place How do I remove grease from Mustang Survival products? We would recommend that you use a mild detergent (no bleach) in warm water. Scrub with a medium bristled brush and rinse thoroughly in clean water. NOTE: Consult product specific care and maintenance guidelines. http://www.mustangsurvival.com/resources/d...maintenance.php
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