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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Hey...us dial up freaks have rights too you know! LOL 40KB per picture or less would be nice! Thanks! Great stuff Tony. Will right click all them red x's and open them up while I work away here. Wayne
  2. Was not censored for fishing locations...it's a auto word dictionary sensor censor.
  3. I know why and I've been waiting for someone to talk about a wet swampy area!
  4. Gee...one new item into the house and another out the next day. One way of keeping things tidy ! LOL
  5. Looks like we finally get a drop into the negative C's on Jan 13th or so ! Until then best bring an air scoot if you want to venture out.
  6. Less time on here and more out in the boat!
  7. What clampet said! Ice isn't even safe up in Temagami....except for a few small back lakes....sure isn't safe on the Bog. +8C yesterday and I just came in from splitting wood wearing just my overalls..no jacket. Definitely not making ice today.
  8. Well I didn't...but hopefully Mike did for our team entry. Sounds like Rick has the update issue taken care of this '07 round and has smartly made it the teams responsibility to do so and not his. Step one in his 2007 resolutions checked off!!
  9. Out installing the blade wire fence around his fishin spot Rick !
  10. Jamie....12 months of training...have you got the OFC logo in a picture embedded in your brain yet!? We sure could have used one of your skis or carp last year.
  11. RICK ! Please go and read your 2007 resolution list! Thank you!
  12. Thanks Mike for looking after our team! Now if we could have just got that Crazyhook fella to show an OFC logo in a picture......
  13. Who would have thought Terry.....boat fishing in January on the H river! Good to see you got out in the fresh air, while I was sleeping in to start the year off wrong.
  14. Glen becomes more and more Canadian, by infusion, every time he goes to bed
  15. Poured rain ALL night up here. Presume it did the same East of here..
  16. DOUG ! Take shorter steps! LOL
  17. Same to you Don and everyone else here on OFC!!
  18. Thanks Dan! Same back at ya! Hope you're winning that poker game....
  19. Pretty sad to spend new years eve on OFC! 25 Tom !
  20. That narrows it down to at least 1000 islands Chris ! LOL Describes a good part of them...with numerous being the children/grand children/great grandchildren of executives from the Ohio based tire giant that put their first "executive training camp" (read fishing retreat!) on the lake in 1905/1906 when the train first made it to Temagami.
  21. Thanks for that post Drew and to think we could have hooked up down there! I was in SF about the same time. Next time.....
  22. We could have an "inner harbour" race at Lakair. Spiel knows the water is fine in there......
  23. LOL Mike ! Them surface runs of NMD wire make me nervous though..... One picture hanging nail in the wrong place and....
  24. Great stuff Chris! So that's what a Temagami fish looks like! LOL Glen....here's a Lake T monster...caught by a guy that goes to the same clothing store as you!
  25. You lose weight Phil ??? Oh no...it's the fish that did! lol Great stuff buddy! Glad to see you getting out there and wetting a line in late December!
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