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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Good stuff TS...gotta instill safe fishin to the youngsters around here (and some of the adults...LOL)
  2. Great stuff Ron. Great to know a guy that's always out scouting hOOters for us! LOL
  3. Beauty fish..and as Joey says. This might be one of the few times I'd support some photoshop on OFC!
  4. I paid $400cdn cash for my 401 Dax. A deal compared to the $569+ tax in the BPS counter display at the time.
  5. Even though Raf was able to get some ebay deals on his CBC's I haven't seen a CBC31PTS, or 30 if you want right hand retrieve, come up on Ebay in quite some time. You can walk into JB's and get one from Brian for under $200 and that's what I did for my second one after giving up on ebay. Love my two Cabo's and the CTE401 I have.
  6. Here's a webcam from Lagoon City. I'd imagine it's gonna look the same for a few more weeks... http://www.theweathernetwork.com/features/...ON0034?CAON0430
  7. LOL Corey! Hope his wife doesn't find out he caught them.....
  8. Nobody's "profile" was carried over from the old board. Like everyone you had to reregister here and if you wanted your old post count added you need to know it, or a close estimate, and ask a moderator to fix your post counter. As for Hawk Junction...can't help you there...never fished the area.
  9. Great stuff Drew. Wonderful summary of 2006. Only thing missin is that nice shot of a big yeller 'plane on the ice. Still my desktop pic....
  10. Good luck Dave! My brother hasn't been home in about 28 years.... for more than a few days at a time ....and he's still happily married! LOL
  11. What the business is going to be would really help......
  12. Heck..bring the boat and take in some fishing as well !
  13. Thank goodness that's a decission I don't have to make...as I"m currently boatless! Otherwise yes...it would be back out and we'd be fishin...
  14. Mike! Was wondering if anyone was paying attention! LOL
  15. Leah's roses are in full bloom in the front garden! Great weather for hauling logs and splitting firewood...but I'm sure not getting an value out of my ski pass at Blue!
  16. Does it matter if they cast or do you prefer to Troll?
  17. All the time you spend here Pete and you've never seen it mentioned!? lol We even had a multi page thread going already on the old forum... Booked my cottage back on October the 16th.
  18. Too much time in front of the computer monitor!!! Good luck fella...all will be fine I'm sure!
  19. Don't know the good the bad or the ugly Jeff, but if you are going new and get a price quoted I will see if Temagami Marine will beat it for you. They still show a 1744 from last year with a 90 on it for $25K http://www.temagamimarine.com/f1744.html http://www.temagamimarine.com/mirrocraft.html
  20. Better bring a tent Budd! Our older daughters University Grad is June 7th in TO and we'll be up to the lake the next day if I have my way. Therefore we'll be coming down to Lakair this year, with truck and boat in tow....no motorhome. Tourney has been 12 noon to 3pm on Saturday and some of those caught become the fillets for the fish fry, while the un-needed and strong fighters get released for another day.
  21. THANKS Tony! Ya really didn't need to go to that trouble. Really great you did though...I know some of the "experienced" fishermen over Buckhorn way were giving up trying to read the forum on dial up. You've had a busy season! How many more years of washin Aaron's boat before he lets you drive? lol
  22. Guess we lost the pinned Lakair thread from the last Forum...maybe we should start another. Nippissing...the "official" event is the weekend of June 23/24th. Many of us will be there for most of the week 18th to 25th and some after that as well.
  23. Long ...long time ago Roger! Cabin #7
  24. They're actually 80KB to almost 200KB..makes a huge difference when you're on 22,800 ...compared to if they were all below 70KB. I fully understand it's sometimes hard to compress that low of res anymore with todays mega mega pixal cameras. Not complaining....just begging! LOL
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