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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I do the livewells and power washer as per the link Dan provided.... and at the same time I do my oil/filter and lower end oil changes. This does two things.. it makes sure there is no water in the lower unit(s) that could freeze/crack them and the few late fall trips put new fresh oil on everything for the winter layup period.
  2. That's a prettier fish then them damn illusive Auroras anyhow Dana!!
  3. Number 8.. where I clicked it was at 20 and said 622 in the text above it. Did I click the right spot...
  4. Hey G... can you see which finger I'm holding up ! Have fun !
  5. Three fireplaces in the house and my grammas old parlour stove in the workshop. Two out of 4 have been fired up since early yesterday keepin the house just right at about 74 F!
  6. Hey, if you wanna try and shoe that thing between the South tip shoal of Hope and the North/East tip shoal of Christian.. have at'r ! Sure wouldn't be where I'd be taking her ! I'd be heading for that lighthouse I took a picture of and staying about 500 feet off to the West of it. Then heading for the light on the N/E tip of Hope.. but staying at least 1000 feet EAST of it when you get anywhere close to Hope. Then straight for Methodist Point (Awenda PPark) and then a left turn right down the middle of the gap between it and Giant's Tomb. Any other course, on anything but a glass calm day, and you're just asking for trouble.
  7. I'm real serious about knowing where them rocks are as well... You can see these ones, or most of them... but you can't see the ones until it's way too late North of Hope Island.
  8. That could be one fun boat ride or an absolute nightmare pending weather and this time of year I'd bet on the latter... what size/type boat ? Also be damn sure you know where you are going coming in thru the Westerns and Hope Island !!
  9. I leave my fuel tank where ever it is at after late fall Muskie and top it with fresh fuel in the spring. The condensation and water in the tank myth is just that.. they condense on the outside of the tank.. not generally inside.
  10. Always Lew.. axle stands under the frame behind the wheels with the tongue sitting on the floor and then lift the tongue up. Allows the springs to hang and get some arch back and lets the tires be round. Also the perfect time now that you can spin all the wheels to check the bearings for side play etc.
  11. So I guess you need to fillet a whitefish for the real test...
  12. Good to hear the cocktail they picked is working Richard!!
  13. Keep feeding her... she'll make a great rug for in front of the camp stove....
  14. If you were going to Maui I could hook you up with a local father and son that I sold and shipped an aircraft to, but unfortunately can't offer any help for Oahu.
  15. 150 Merc is what's on my F-in-laws 26' Bentley Pontoon. Perfect for it...
  16. It is sad when it comes right down to it. The illusive trout finally caught and photographed and it's disappeared as the highlight.
  17. Most of us around here with friends like that find new ones !! Just sayin...
  18. Dirty Mary Crazy Larry ! Brings back some great teen memories everytime I watch it... and I managed to not get dents in mine as those LTD's just couldn't keep up!
  19. Thanks Mircacon.. some wonderful words there. We actually lucked out and produced two that the boys are kept well aware that I have guns !
  20. Thanks for the breath of fresh air from Geary's Connie ! 2 extra days... gotta love it when you live your own schedule and not the clock !!
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