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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Doubt it Rob... not one on my Honda 5. Isn't one on my 2007 9.9 Merc pro kicker either
  2. The idea is to drain as much old dirty oil out before refilling and installing a new filter. Why on earth would you run the motor first and sling the old dirty stuff back onto motor parts and fill the filter? The motor should sit for at least an hour if it's been run.. so the filter will drain out and save a lot of mess when removing it. It's gonna be 23+C tomorrow... no need to warm it up.
  3. Hey Paul.. what does it say in that shiny black booklet with Mercury on it in Red, that came with your boat??
  4. This one is still on the first page.. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57472 I'm sure there are 10 more not far behind it and a sticky somewhere as well on importing boats.
  5. Lots of boats sitting on bottom around Honey Harbour... and they didn't sink!
  6. Supposed to be 28C on Saturday lads.... someone get on it !
  7. Thanks everyone... nothing's holding her back that's for sure. She's had her ups and downs but mainly Jennifer is pressing forward. Hoping now that she's back in the city and close to her good friends that it will be even more reason for her to spark a flame at working to get closer to walking again. So yesterday was a day of wondering what to do for Leah and I, with Jennifer off our couch and back in the city. Then this morning we got slapped back to reality of how quick things can change. I'd mentioned a couple posts ago about Jen's 4 hours wait to see the Dr's back on Sept 6th as they were giving other families bad news. One of them was Kayla and she passed away 3 days later. http://ontario.announcements.ca.msn.com/guelphmercury/profile/219638--mccormick-kayla-marie-chartier
  8. Fishin with Mum ! Now there are some serious memories that'll make you sleep well at night !
  9. YES! Point was... there is no need for the "blah blah blah about his company or financial position. He's dead..
  10. I sure hope when I die that my wife doesn't read on here.. "he built a crappy airplane.. but he was an okay guy". RIP Steve...yah did good by anyones standards !
  11. How's about you read the Ontario Fishing Regulations and measure how far you are from the FISHWAY ! I think "This Area CLOSED to Fishing" is pretty self explanitory !
  12. I all wiish a big alllegator would cum along and et all them realT shows !
  13. You know that you can buy batteries for cameras eh Kevin.... they're not all disposables. Some nice little fishies in those pictures !
  14. I found British beer was an acquired taste... takes about 2 of them before you acquire another 5 or 6 pints! I'd never touch a bottle of our crap if I could have access to fresh 6X or Bountiful any day of the week. Closest thing I found in Toronto was Fullers London Pride.. they serve it at the Village Idiot on Dundas West.
  15. Guess I'm a day late and a serving tray short !
  16. Thanks guys! Here's a video that I just uploaded, with her riding the bike on Monday afternoon and Leah teasing her that she can ride herself home! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/e28VqbZtI1s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. Jen had 3 CT's yesterday at 8am.. chest, intestinal and pelvic. Saw both her surgeon and oncologist in the afternoon and her CT's are absolutely clean... as are her blood tests. She showed both (actually 5) Doctors that she can put her full weight on the unattached leg, at only 3 months out, so they're already talking about her shoe lift fitting for the "miracle child". WHEN she walks... I think she'll be on the talk show circuit with her surgeon ! Her Oncologist still doesn't even begin to understand how the whole thing is possible, but he has seen her progress with his own two eyes and he's as amazed as anyone else. I did some retrofitting to her apartment, removed some automatic door closers from her front storm door so she can get her main door unlocked without fighting the storm door. Installed some hooks for things and a flip down door stop on her laundry room door that has an autocloser. This way she can use her walker going thru, carrying her clothes on the walker seat. Drilled a hole in the stop and attached a cord up to the door knob so she can retract the door stop when done. Her cupboards and fridge are full of groceries and she's on her own ! Scary at this end, and probably at hers as well... but a stage that has to be tested and conquered by all of us. Here she is a couple days before going home, riding the ballbike that we'd bought hoping the ball would be more comfortable for her to sit on and get exercise/leg strengthening. Left leg is doing the turning and the right is along for the ride about 80% right now, but she's getting better and the leg is getting stronger. She can drive Leah's truck now... ALL with her right leg/foot. And with Leah's truck you have to lift your leg over to the brake pedal...simple heel pivot doesn't work.
  18. I wouldn't believe double Will... even if you climbed all the way to the top of the Powder Mountain Pass in Washington State and then took a reading.
  19. I had no problem with the one I had when I was 16/17 either, after I pulled the 4 banger and shoed in a 302 that is !
  20. Come'on Billy Bob... everyone knows that Pintos only blew up when hit from behind when they had their left signal light on!
  21. Most insurance companies raise the risk $$ rate after 50mph and why mine only does 49.. being so heavy and all that 275 just can't get it past 49 ! I didn't think you'd have an insurance issue, as I've said many times there is no law against overpowering a boat in Canada and I don't imagine the insurance company can do much after the fact if they take on the insurance coverage contract with boat and HP stated on the application.
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