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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Maybe a "Contact a Mod" Icon in the edited post....
  2. Pink and Blue.. Female and Male !
  3. That's Smiths Falls...lots of cougars there! Many I probably dated 30 years ago ! lol Seriously... they've been prowling the woods for a long time and the MNR knows and have released them. Many "rumours" about them reintroducing them just like Turkeys.. and probably why the collars.
  4. Sure makes it harder to steal Roger!! Lower the trailer nose all the way down.. stick a couple jack stands under the frame(closely behind the axle) that are sitting on a small square of plywood or patio stone and then raise the tongue back up... should = the tires hanging free. Loosen the nuts first if you plan to remove the wheels.. hard to do once in the air.
  5. 3 for a $1 drafts at the Skyline hotel on Dixon Road is the best I can do.... circa 1980
  6. Here for 77 days and 161 posts and you're trying to reinvent the wheel.... get serious! I've been edited, deleted, and threatened with ModQ on numerous occasions... . just part of the deal if you don't stay between the lines! Get use to it, or proof read your entry before hitting post ! .. and Gerritt... what happened to you???
  7. Seeing that the LCBO has to transfer all net profits to the province of Ontario... I don't imagine they are collection a tax receipt for the $2 they ask for for Sick Kids and the likes at the checkout !
  8. The MNR finally admitted back in June of 2010 that they know for a fact that cougars are back in Ontario
  9. Thanks guys.. her surgeon and oncologist are gonna faint, when they see her walk in to her check up on January 17th !
  10. One more.. 10 more... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b32OFbODJdc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> And just in case there were any doubters in the crowd! 100% weight on her unconnected leg and nobody holding her hand! Switched to arm crutches last week ! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/InN18OD3LoQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. Dont' forget folks... every tube of Anusol Hemorrhidal ointment comes with an all outboard fill adapter that's perfect for the job!! No need to venture any further than the medicine cabinet or the local drug store!
  12. Good to see it's staying civil... don't forget we have at least one member with family there and I'd hate to see him get run off from here as well...
  13. Thanks for the thoughts folks... Glad she's helping you along Erik !!
  14. I've had a few asking for updates.... Jen's blog from last night.. Her latest videos from last week. Elliptical fast enough to make the computer come on on Wednesday with about 40% weight on right leg.... and her first steps on only one crutch and 100% weight on her right leg. She still needs to get her 3 or 4 inch shoe lift to smooth it out, but she's getting there. If you want to continue watching her progress.. click watch on youtube in the bottom right corner of the video box and subscribed to her channel. Thanks for your year of concern! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rHTnfvQIh4g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EGA5al4bs9M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. Well Dan.. maybe that's why I didn't get as seriously involved in the discussion as others... it reminded me to much of WORK ! I did get a PM stating "U make seat belt parts - bull crap"... so I grabbed a random box of retained parts I have in the shop to take some pictures and realized I may just be responsible for the entire progression of the day up to and beyond the accident. I'll get some pics up later today. And as I stated previously.. yes I wear my seat belt to get us back on track here..
  16. Well a fresh 400 to 600 birds washed up today l2p.. get over there !
  17. So would this be a bad time to say I am where I am in life today... because when we opened our plastics business back in 1985 the first job I took on was moulding all the components for TRW and their VERY first belt system with a plastic locking mechanism for GMC? (and why I live less than one mile from their original Canadian belt facility) I've been in almost every seatbelt and airbag mfg facility in Canada, USA and Mexico to help engineer how they work and how to improve them. Everyone here has been in a car with seat belt components that I've moulded over the last 26 years. From the belt tongue, with plastic moulded over the steel plate, to that stupid little button that keeps it from sliding down to the floor (24 million of those little buttons a year, in 61 different colours, in their hayday - now they're just sewing on a patch of belt).
  18. I kinda like that half white/half black MinnKota Bill ! I saw that boat somewhere (or one just like it).. glad you scooped it up.
  19. Tell that to their families. Burned to death upside down in their belts, trying to get released. Guy not wearing in the back got thrown clear and lived. Like I said statistics can work any way you need them to. My cousin.. upside down in a swamp and car submerged. He got thrown out in the original tumble and woke up about 6 hours later on top of the cat tails, otherwise he probably would have drowned. ..and no, seatbelts don't kill anyone... doing stupid stuff generally leads to it!
  20. Not looking down my nose at it at all Smally. Statistics are anything you want to make them. In my case I have more friends dead from wearing their seatbelt than not wearing their seat belt in a serious crash. Doesn't mean it works that way on a national average, but it does in my mind. As for me.. I wear it land or air. No choice in my new F150, signal lights don't even work if the seat belt dinger is going!
  21. Gee thanks Smally.. and I was only replying to someone elses take on things. Man I love it here... If you want to look at things that way then I guess the guys that made the football team may have been too dumb to be geeks as well.
  22. Man Rob... too early to even be thinking of that! Stop already... Looks great...give some thoughts to the sled battery though. You'll kill it pretty quickly on a cold day. An idea... if you don't want the battery in the finder case.. add one under the hood somewhere with a switch to charge it as you move spots. I'm doing that now with mine (in the case) thru the helmut visor heat cord Y'd and plugged into my finder case.
  23. ..and then there's the night I slid out of the hot tub to go grab my camera in the cottage and she still didn't leave (Leah didn't flinch an inch left behind in the tub alone either! LOL) Nip.. that first shot could make your brother some good money in prints!
  24. Amazing eh Dan ! Winternet all year long here it seems now. Fishing posts get 4 replies.
  25. It's called a Communist State Lew ! Do as we say...
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