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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Well Geoff... there only appears to be about 6 or 7 R Sheppard's on 411.ca Start with the one closest to where you found the card. One is in Jackson Point...
  2. I was using a "prop" to hunt them last week too Brian....
  3. Yep.. water becomes pretty hard at speeds the hull wasn't designed for !! (but I don't mind writing the invoices!)
  4. Growing up in a butcher shop Paul I spent my entire childhood fishing with processed meat left overs instead of worms like all the other cool kids. I can tell ya.. mock chicken is one slipper mess to try and keep on your hook!! As for hot dogs, wth, I eat'm raw for lunch many days. Schneiders Red Hots.. nothing other !
  5. In Canada there is no requirement to abide by the Max HP rating on the boat. There is also no requirement in Canada to have insurance on a boat, although it's like playing russian roulette with 3 bullets in the gun.
  6. OH.. you'll run full out just to see how fast it goes! Don't kid yourself...
  7. Hate to see what winter's gonna be like around here. All this nice weather....
  8. That's how I know they didnt' ring the door bell.... Actually, I'm not sure if I was in the house or already cutting the runway. As for what took the picture, not about to disclose my property security systems on an open forum.
  9. One of you come by and not know how to operate a door bell??
  10. Well you were easy to find... hanging around cute gals giving out the fishing gear...
  11. I think your scale is broken Billy Bob... I just weighed a gallon of our water and it was 10 lbs !
  12. All it did was freeze my computer + take me to a page called The Consumer Standard - How to save money.
  13. "Chuck Testa does not taxidermy pets" !
  14. LOL Albert... can't believe they wrecked a truck just to see if proven technology works !
  15. I've owned more than a few scales since I was about 10 years old... and have NEVER weighed a fish. Yes I've caught some... just never see a need.
  16. Check your fluid reservoir.. and make sure it's full. Try to back up without plugging the lights in (if you have reverse lock out solenoid) and you shouldn't be able to push the trailer at all.
  17. Have you got brakes on your trailer Peter? With mine.. once I hit the brakes, even coming down the big hill into North Bay (heading South), the trailer does most of the work stopping before the light at the bottom of the hill.
  18. What I loved about the UK.. if you're in the outer lanes and not passing someone... you're subject to charge. Pass someone on the left (our right) you're charged. As for trailering thru TO... my only fear is some ass taking out my engine and transom ! Other than that I can point and swerve as well with 30 feet following me as I can with just the truck!
  19. I got a case of these from Jack and Jill's auction... if anyone wants one (or more) $10 each + postage. PM me...
  20. All I ever got from Nick was a leaky boat... Great it all worked out and he got you on some fish !
  21. Dang.. I hope nobody sees that "Aircraft Patrolled" sign on my camp up North and takes a picture!
  22. Had her 2 month post op check up last Tuesday. Lung and pelvic x-rays are clear, thank God, and she's booked for MRI/CT's in October. The young lad noted a few pages back with the same right pelvic Ewing's, that Jen bought toys for his 18th, has 14 spots on his lungs now. and he isn't even done the chemo sessions for the pelvic bone. Surgeon pulled Jen's leg a ways out.. and let the muscles pull it back in. He's happy and she's now allowed to start putting weight on the leg and to do physio. One freaky x-ray I'll tell you with that femur ball all alone in tissue land with no mates to play with!
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