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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. A "short cut" (cuts a good 2 miles to town walking across the ice there) he's most likely been using, at this time of year, since he was knee high to a grasshopper. Unfortunately Penetang Harbour has numerous springs and there's an open section of water there right now, even though there are huts out on the bay. Condolences to his father and family. Bill.. guess there was no compassion training in your up bringing.
  2. The big ones like to cruise with their yaps open, sucking up anything they can find to stay BIG! Walleyemaster laughed at me in 2011.. fishing 14 FOW ! .. but guess who got the only fish. My first one of size came out of SIXTEEN feet of water... and the screen lite up RED at about 7 feet down. The one in my avatar came out of 32 feet.. bait set at 15 feet off bottom. The one that, by line scream and snap (after eating what I was reeling up) came out of 40 FOW and was at about the 15 to 18 feet down spot when it stole my catch. Small lakers seem to hug bottom like the whitefish... but things of size seem to cruise because they're not afraid of being bait! Most know what I fish with...
  3. Jennifer did her last full week of chemo from Monday Jan 7th to Friday 11th. Hopefully the last she'll ever see! Based on his reactions... I think her Oncologist is amazed more than anyone in all of this.. I guess he picked the right chemotherapy drugs, as the tumour has shrunk out of sight and it's impossible to find the spot physically anymore. I'm not sure he actually expected this outcome, but based on the last MRI (waiting for a new one) the drugs have worked and effectively started killing this bone tumour (the best the radiologist can see in the images) after chemo week #3. We were promised that we'd be told a surgery date when we came in on Monday, but some things just get old and predictable... and her Oncologist said " I guess I should get a hold of your surgeon" instead on Monday AM. Exactly what he said he was going to do three weeks prior. So we have no idea when surgery is.. nor can any of us make any plans because of same. We are waiting for a call this week from the neurosurgeon's secretary for an appointment in the following week or so.. and the best we have so far is surgery will be about two weeks after that appointment. Hopefully we'll learn both dates at the same time when the call comes, but I imagine it will be an appointment to see the neuro again and then at that time she'll get her date for surgery to remove the effected skull bone area. Leaves us all handcuffed and sitting on pins and needles, but it is what it is. Picture of Leah, Jen and I as her last chemo bag beeped out...
  4. Not when you're fishing an area with a slot size and going to transport!
  5. True enough... but in quest of a fish we.. okay some I go fishing with.. push our luck at times and could be swimmers on many given days. Even during great cold winters... swimming is just a vent hole away.
  6. Say all you want guys... there are many of us here, me included, that this could (or has) happen(ed) to at any given time. Make sure you speak up and come clean when you get wet !
  7. "Bonking" a fish on the head rarely works.. no "humanity" to it so you may wanna reinvestigate your procedure. Take your knife... cut the lower skin/flesh area between the two gill plates and the body.... or pull the gills out so they bleed out. Not only does it actually kill the fish..(bonking does not).. it bleeds them out so you have nice clean and tasty fillets.
  8. What's a "sick day" ? That said... we named our second boat "The Boardroom", as our secretary couldn't lie to save her life... but she could spit out "They're in the Boardroom and I can't disturb them" !
  9. Like most here need and excuse to follow the OP's lead!!! I gotta drive for 2 hours first!! LOL

    1. ecmilley


      good news i presume


    2. irishfield


      Done chemo is all Ernie... surgery to go yet to remove the effected skull bone.


    3. Rich Clemens

      Rich Clemens

      Finally. Good newsa Wayne

  11. Thanks Roy!! Never noticed... had my highschool sweatheart out for her birthday supper and a night on the town.
  12. One more day of chemo to go... hopefully her last ever!!

    1. ecmilley


      fingers crossed hoping for the best wayne


    2. irishfield


      Thanks Ernie! One more round in the morning and we wait for surgery to remove the effected skull bone

  13. Yep..advertisers.. start calling them up in your quiet hours in the store... tell them "Did you know" and the printing presses should start back up.
  14. Electric shift or manual. Electric should be a easy to diagnois!
  15. Congrats fella... it just gets more expensive from here on out!! LOL (but I wouldn't trade fatherhood for anything in the world!)
  16. Good luck Pete... You can do it.... if you want a peek at my families cardiology history it would be enough to scare you there alone! I dropped from a high of 228 to a consistant 191, simply by taking regular Pepsi out of my life and switching to diet. Same amounts... just removed the sugar.
  17. Everything that was an embedded link, in peoples threads, is gone... ..I can read the forum on Leah's laptop, here in the big city, but at the top there is a warning "The webpage cannot be displayed"... but maybe that's the rotating advert spot not q'ng up? Double click to go back... EI 7 I believe this HP is running on. now appears normal again.
  18. Keys these days are usually brass or aluminum... not gonna help him unless there's a good steel ring on it.
  19. No you're not Wayne, Lloyd... Wayne was working...you was RnR'n!! I see the forum update has messed the links and embedding!
  20. Snow and trees.. I know where that trail goes!! Glad the day worked for you guys!!!
  21. Passed her blood work today.. so we're thru day one of chemo with four days to go, of what hopefully will be Jen's last ever week of chemo! Surgery date yet unknown, but we should know by weeks end.
  22. Yah.. I thought it was a dumb business move, but hey I didn't buy the place so I don't get a say in it! Always Loon Lodge in the hub or similar if you wanted to do Temagami or some places on Nippising as well.
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