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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Well said Terry... ..and those complaining about their tax dollars being used for the helicopter. I'm glad to see the $5000/hr we put into the OPP egg beater put to a good use, instead of just milling around Simcoe County burning fuel and putting hours in the pilots logs. The crew is on every day... it's usually in the air every day.. and there was no additional cost for it's use on said day to go save a few lives! ..and by the way, that approximate $5k/hour for each helicopter (fuel/maintenance/crew/etc) doesn't even start to put a dent in the depreciaton or acquisiton costs at 6.25 MILLION dollars each.
  2. A foot of fresh snow up here (Penetang) and almost 2 feet in the Ottawa Valley... not gonna help make safe ice, it's only going to make it more dangerous. If you don't know where you're going.. DON'T !
  3. Yah.. nothing like using a 5 lb hand sledge, and a cut off wheel in the grinder, to take out leaf spring bolts and cut U bolts.... just to take your mind off things!! LOL Don't ever buy your wife leaf springs and new shocks for Christmas.. this is what you get to spend Boxing Day doing...
  4. Drive 4 hours North.. there's ice.. but take a spud bar!! I can sled to my dock apparently.. .but no further up the lake in Temagami.
  5. Yep.. James made them and the masses followed. Brian you know whom I was referring to... that was selling James product. His name is still in the word filter for many many reasons!
  6. Thanks for the smile Roger!!! Hope you find yourself making a few this Christmas yourself!!
  7. Next time you're fishing with Andy.. just steal some out of his box!! LOL James is a good lad... his "seller" .. ie meegs on line didn't do him any justice.. just sayin. Great to see you help a guy advertise his product though Terry!
  8. I still use my 6'6" as a daily fishing rod... purchased at LB's on Dundas... 1983! Have never found anything better... well until Spiel made a couple custom rods for the family.. but of course he put other peoples names on them so I'm not allowed to use them!
  9. Give thoughts to buying her a "NO NO" for Christmas!!
  10. I can tell you up front and personal... if you ever drove a milk truck, you'd never drink Eggnog! El Dorado Silver Deluxe and diet Pepsi for me... Thank God no local LCBO store stocks the stuff or the bottle wouldn't last as long!
  11. Thanks Rick.. I presume you're talking some of the smaller lakes and not Temagami itself. This is a shot from only 10 days ago.. wide open other than the bay in town and the narrows down by boatline marine.
  12. How much ice are they telling you is there Rick?
  13. There was white caps on the Grand River today... in downtown GALT. Gonna have to get really calm before any ice starts happening, even Orr Lake was wide open again this morning. By now... Terry and I are already heading towards Kinmount for a day of ice fishing, not gonna happen this holiday season!
  14. ..from the days that I had to run out to Krazy Krazies on a Saturday morning and buy a coloured TV... 1982.. couldn't stand Bugs Bunny in black and white anymore...
  15. Hell Rick.. he might just surprise you and be a PITA for many months to come, like any good F-in-law would do!! Enjoy the holiday...hugs to all and thanks for the Christmas card! Wayne
  16. Thanks everyone! Three days in the books.. two to go. Then we can go home for Christmas on Friday afternoon! Just hope we miss the pre-christmas weekend rush hour up the 400.
  17. Thanks guys.. Passed her blood work this morning and day one of chemo is in the books. Four more to go this week and we can go home for Christmas. Full week #6 is slated for Jan 7th and based on that week happening (and a new MRI picture), surgery to remove the effected skull bone about 3 weeks after.. so late Jan early Feb.
  18. AFAIK Regulations don't need to go through parliment.. they only need to be signed off by the minister responsible and put thru the Gazette TWICE to become law. First time through the public can question it / public consultation in an attempt to stall or change it. Second time it's etched in stone.
  19. Split this summer and burned already... I'd be calling a chimney sweep as well! Unseasoned wood is just a recipe for disaster.
  20. A trip down memory lane Erik... great for us all from time to time!! THANKS!
  21. Very sad that numerous people couldn't leave this at.... our hearts bleed for all these families!
  22. Did yah sign it... "Best fishes Chris, Spiel?
  23. Physio 5 to 6 times per WEEK since last October (Sun Life hates her ass.. totally covered to the tune of over 25 grand for Physio and about the same for anti infection needles during her first chemo sessions). Walking sure didn't come easy... now to take care of this Ewing's tumour on her skull.
  24. As you can see if you stop the video there.. everything is gone.. pelvic, pubic and a good part of her sacrum in an attempt to get clear margins from the bone sarcoma on the right side. Nothing will ever be replaced as there's no hard bone left to bolt anything to. Yes, her femur ball is just floating in tissue and muscle. She hasn't taken a pain killer for it since day 12 after surgery... although she's gonna have issues to counter with spinal curvature over time and be a chiros best $ friend. They told her she'd be in bed in the hospital for at least 6 weeks, possibly 6 months... she was out of there on day 18!
  25. Thanks Tayzak... it's not only you, her Oncologist doesn't understand how she can walk either.. but her sure does brag that she can!
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