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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Uhaul... check the tire pressure... jack the wheels off the ground and roll the wheel to check the bearings.. BEFORE you leave the rental yard!
  2. Can anyone help me with some pocket change...the Batmobile just sold for $4,620,000 with buyers fee!

    1. irishfield


      ....nope. damn, that's just lint!


  3. Been watching hockey on TV since I was knee high to a grasshopper.. sitting in the cold basement as a kid and trying to find the puck amongst the static on the old black and white. Can't even consider watching a hockey game now... with these snivelling, over paid, over rated sports folks chasing a puck around. I'm watching overpriced cars go across the block instead...
  4. Depends on what you are towing and it's drag factor. Weight isn't the real issue. I can pull my 2150 Lund Baron.. loaded with everything for a season at the lake.. and mileage goes from about 12.8l/100km non-towing increasing to 16.5 to 17 l/100km pulling the boat (probably 4500lbs) Now pulling a lighter enclosed trailer.... the mileage drops to 24l/100km. Almost double the fuel burn. The worst thing I pulled for fuel mileage that totally surprised me was when Terry, Dan and I put 2 sleds and all our huts and such on a double sled trailer with Terry's ATV in the box of the truck. All that stuff grabbing air almost had us out of fuel by the time we got to Temagami..
  5. Thanks T Dot.. welcome to the madness we call OFC ! First and last page won't give you much of what she's been through, but when you get a a few hours... read the filler in between, where she lost her r pelvic bone... learned to walk again and then was diagnosed with a Ewing's tumour on her skull. Finally snagged an MRI date... so we're back in the city Monday for that and a neuro appointment on Tuesday. Then we'll hopefully learn when surgery is to remove the effected skull bone.
  6. Snowing heavy right now.... and +2 then rain overnight and tomorrow... if the ice stays it should soak the snow and lock it all together.
  7. Glad we're on the same page Manitou.. unfortunate that others jump to conclusions... reading extra emotion into typed words. Good to see my last paragraph being responded to... re living on reserve. Seems you have it in hand, while others use it as a crutch. Many could learn from you and your honey's incentives!
  8. I'm not calling you "out".. I'm advising you of what you are going to save by letting those kids get educated in a professional capacity when they grow up. Use it to it's full capacity while you can and have these children make a mark on the world. You said education isn't fee for status folks... it absolutely is, even for off reserve status holders, and as pointed out by others they sometimes get bonuses after the fact as well when they graduate. I didn't make the "decision" to pay that money for my children.. I had no choice in the matter as they sure couldn't make that money over the summers themselves to get their education.#1 - Five years in engineering... #2 - 4 years for a New media degree.. and #3 - 4 years + 2 more years in her masters to be an Architect. Can't imagine the tally for the number of kids your fishing posts always show. ..and Yes.. Sorry, I was at work and got behind on this thread. I wonder how any work gets done in Ontario with so many that can post by the minute here... and I know, I'm one to talk.. I type fast! lol
  9. My neighbour at the lake just drove his explorer to the dock... so I think we're gonna be good up there considering a full week of -25C to come starting Monday!
  10. I always scratch my head... when the two packs stuck together are $5.00 and the single pack beside them is $3.49!
  11. Notice it only works if you pack a slush ball in the hole! Besides... I've learned, from being schooled by others, first fish is obtainable by shoving your spoon thru the slush and jigging... so it doesn't see the light!
  12. There was no intent to offend anyone... he has a BIG family on the go up there by the looks of his posts... all I was getting at. Couldn't imagine the cost to send them all to Post secondary when they get older. As for the "did Gramma sleep with a native"... it is what it is. When you fork out the money I did to get my children a good education and you see others get if for free.. yah it burns your ass and you look for other avenues!
  13. Sorry.. I'm a little behind here, I had to work! You'll be changing that tune and keeping your mouth closed when that football team you're breeding starts going to Post Secondary to become Doctors and Lawyers. Yours are all going to go to College or University for free, if they so chose, and you won't be forking out $100,000 per child like I did because they didn't qualify for OSAP! My mother always gave me an evil eye..... the numerous times my kids where burning thru $20 grand a year in University to a finally tally of $325,000 as of last week.... and I kept asking her, "are you sure... Gramma never had a native over in the cold North of Gooderham..., not even one night... so I can claim status"? Now that said... for anyone that wants to get on a level playing field.. .go get your Teachers degree or become a professor... all their kids get to attend the institution they teach at for FREE as well, on the tax payers backs. A much kept quiet secret that I didn't learn about until I witnessed a whole slew of staff handing there own kids diplomas/degrees at Ryerson graduation ceremonies! I'd also like to ask those that live on the reserves... is anyone actually keeping you there, in what people are complaining are appauling circumstances? Is it the fact that purchase and earned income are non-taxable that keeps folks there, or is it the lack of desire to advance into regular society. We have a few here, on the board, that have broken that barrier and I applaud them.
  14. Of course there is misinformation on both sides ... it makes for "good" news reporting! In todays age, there is no reason to be misinformed on any of this..... even Clayton Kennedy (Chief Spence's boyfriend) doesn't deny he got paid $850/day(TAX FREE) while his fellow citzens live in unheated homes with little or no food. More money than my daughters neurosurgeon gets paid/day by OHIP!
  15. Exactly Kemp.. they are breaking the law by blocking highways, railways and every other mode in between. Anyone else would be handcuffed and drug off to the clink.
  16. I'm not implying anything... I'm stating a fact. Barrie's "protest" made my daughter late for work.
  17. Just because some have no need to go to work.... doesn't mean they have the right to make my daughter late for same this morning!
  18. Already some pretty good ice Brian. Probably enough to drive my truck to the dock now..... too much work in the shop to play for a bit and we'll wait and see what happens for February.
  19. Probably won't matter to me at this rate.. we can't plan anything as we have no surgery date. By the time we get one... it will be too late for anyone to book the time slot off.
  20. Don't give it much hope.. looking at the 14 day temps and the winds that go with them, but Temagami will be crackin and poppin with a entire week below -25C !
  21. Like I said Kemper.. he lives right there.. and I'm sure knows the ice like the back of his hand. Definitely not a first time crossing, just stepped in the wrong place Monday morning in the dark. 2 funerals attended, for 2 x 19 year olds in 2 weeks... is too much for this old guy!
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