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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Son's quote for Geothermal for his house new house next door was $18,000. Contractors are doubling the cost knowing the government was rebating 50% as an upgrade. Issue.. you can't get the rebate in a new house, so he has to move in first for six months and then do it. So $9000 to recoupe after rebate from the government + the electrical costs to run the pumps.... that's a LOT of bush cords of wood!
  2. So nice of Ford to program 4 way activation... on airbag deployment! Impacts like that are why the airbag fuse is pulled in my plow truck,,, I hate the taste of C4 !
  3. TJ.. clean the chimney and carry on!! You will NEVER recoupe the costs of changing your oil burner over to LPG... and the oil furnace will still run when SFalls is below -40 !! Coming from a guy that burns countless cords of oak and maple... and still has a $600+ / every three weeks oil bill !
  4. Can someone move this to announcements.... Good luck TJ !!! Hope it works out and gives Monique lots of work to do....
  5. Not sure if George has a road all the way down there to Tamar yet...it's been a messed up year up there as well. Give him a call... Slush.. deep snow.. you never know until you wake up on any given morning, but the sled trail is at least always there and you can stick to it. Once you get out on the open lake it can be bare and frozen or a logistical nightmare. You never know... ..and I always call him George for some reason.. I think it's Bruce! lol
  6. But that is what he meant Sinclair... it's an absolute piece of crap to pull!
  7. The only issue arises when someone backs out mid transaction. You are either in.. or you're out... with the purchase, as you get one shot as the existing owner to file the hand over with the MNR from what I've been told/seen/heard.
  8. Depends where it is.. and what the circumstances are. Some are still transferable... some have been deemed "when the current owner dies" it's gone.... where buying the company that holds the LUP.. they haven't "died". If you start a new corporation... you can roll the ownership where ever you want over the years simply by selling shares of the company or the entire thing. Will all depend on the LUP in question as to which way you go.. but be prepared for someone doing the annual tax returns for same.
  9. The things a guy will do to get his truck fixed!!! Sounds like a good time.... I should get there some day.. but I'll bring the steaks! lol
  10. Don't worry.. they'll come out of the same hole if you find the right spot! Temagami Shores in town... and you can follow the sled trail down the center of the NEarm on the ATV's right from their boat ramp. Getting off the trail is another story pending conditions, although Paul kept pace with us last year on his ATV... even all the way from Town to the end of the South Arm and back.. and up into Kokoko Lake. Other options.. head for the hub and try to get a room at Loon Lodge... or way down the South Arm to Tamar and see if George isn't booked up solid. Temagami Lodge.. on the West side of Temagami Island, right off the ice road to the Reserve. Ketchenany Lodge might still have the lights on... and not sure if Lockheart is open in the winter at Wishin U were Fishin, but I haven't seen a road off to Rick's in spawning bay in a couple of years and think they've moved to town for the winters. Malcom would know.. Also Linda's wigwams on Bear Island...
  11. You may not need a "company" to obtain one, but you'll probably have to buy a current company as many LUP's are not transferable anymore. If the owner dies.... the LUP dies with him/her. Do your homework before making any offers on LUP's for sale...
  12. Don't believe everything you see on the interweb... a totally staged event.. oh and the FAA ain't too happy with the pilot right now, although nobody was ever in any real danger.. and that wing's a LONG way from hitting the ground. I know guys that could have done that whole routine inverted, but I'd probably have to get TJ to ride the ATV for the whole effect..
  13. For sure Roy... there is Black as well and not sure what else is up Andre's sleeve for the 2013's. There is currently a $100 off offer for boats purchased before Feb 28th, 2013 Naden will have a booth in Hamilton on family day weekend Feb 15th to 18th if anyone is going to that one. http://www.boatshowandsale.com/
  14. Was gonna send this to Muskymatt so he could post it... .................................................................................................... I get irritated when people come down on police officers, saying that they don't care about or respect others. Well, here is a story that clearly shows not all cops are in that category. This story involves the police in Calgary, who reported finding a man's body last Saturday in the early evening in the Bow River near the Center Street Bridge. The dead man's name would not be released until his family had been notified. The victim apparently drowned due to excessive beer consumption while visiting "someone" in the Center street area. He was wearing black fishnet stockings, 4 inch spiked heels, a red garter belt, a pink G-string, purple Lipstick, dazzle dust on his eyelids, 1/2 inch false eyelashes, and a Toronto Maple Leaf sweater. The Police removed the Maple Leaf sweater to spare his family any unnecessary embarrassment. You see the Calgary Police do care.
  15. Thanks Roy.. but I don't think they're that well built!! LMAO Never sure where Andre' will be flogging boats and I don't know where he finds the energy to be leaving for work every morning at 5am from Cobalt.. drives a son to school in New Liskeard and then Marina in Temagami for 7am and home most nights about midnight. Even though he doesn't always have a booth he is generally at every one of these shows. The show a couple weeks back Bill Kitts had a booth for his dock business and I'm sure there was probably a Naden or two in the display. Andre' spent three days there and picked up at least seven new dealers. The week between Christmas and New Years he, himself, drove a full load of boats to a dealer in Alberta. Where all these boats keep going is beyond me (well I do know), but the demand is unreal considering the economy and the fact you'd think every camp would already have boats. Lake of the Woods... sold over a dozen to one lodge, in Red, with all new Mercs. Not to be outdone.. the Lodge next door bought fifteen in Blue !! lol
  16. Friggin Lloyd and his trained fish act....
  17. I'm not defending anyone Rich... I'm making a point. There's been countless threads that we, fishermen, have had here about blasting the fish eating Cormorants and leaving them to rot. Seals are the Cormorants of the east coast, as far as they're concerned down there, eating their fish stocks.
  18. Would you post the same link Nick if some veterinarians found 5000 Cormorants dead on the beach?
  19. My wife wants Malonton Manitoba.. the entire town. Her grandparents and family cleared it and built it.... I even have the original pistol her GFather was given to protect the post office...
  20. You'd be assuming a LOT there Dave... amazed mine even does text..
  21. This one Terry.. wanna go halves? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/CANAIR-HOVERCRAFT-506-?cmd=ViewItem&hash=item337f930524&item=221183673636&pt=Motors_Aircraft It's even right here in Ontario... in Port Perry!
  22. Snugs as a bug in the shop today.. fire going.. music blaring away. Sure glad I took my compass with me though... to go shut the compressor off in the hangar. I might have ended up in the swampy area to the east of the hangar door, from yesterdays spring weather, and had to call 911 on my cell phone to be rescued!
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