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Everything posted by Marko

  1. Great job guys its like baby sitting sometimes like mentioned in the post above but its what makes it special haha.
  2. If you are fishing in the park its going to be crazy busy with all the people going down in kayaks and tubes and canoes, so fish will probably be spooked. Now small mepps spinners size 0-1 have worked for me, the best one was just the plain silver one. Last year i caught a lot of bass in the park but this year none so far, kinda weird like that. If you are allowed to use live bait in the park then worms will work as well, bottom bounce them in deeper pools and you should get some hits.
  3. Ahh good old Owen Sound, didnt think they still ran up there lol. 6-7 years ago when i first started salmon fishing thats where we usually went and some fish were caught, nowadays i heard its getting worse and worse. I remember this local one night telling me i shouldn't be using roe to catch them and that cigarate butts are much cheaper. He was bragging about it too how he got a few the night before on cigarette butts. Also one night i almost got my head taken off by a guy casting his 3 oz sinker across the pier missing my head by couple of inches. Crazy stuff goes on there too. I`ve seen guys catch them on random spinners and spoons. Most people line them with either roe or cigarette butts or marshmallows or even wool.
  4. You probably need Java. Java.com and you should be good to go
  5. I dont think the fish are in the rivers yet, still probably just a bit too early. Couple of more rainy and colder nights and they should start showing up in small numbers. Last year i remember being there mid September and only seeing few in the creek. We hit one run head on and there were fish everywhere, mind you a lot of guys were lining them in pools or snagging them with big spoons but that's nothing new for Bronte. Some of the stuff that goes on there is just pathetic and disgusting.
  6. I am no fly fisherman by any means but have you tried egg imitations for big browns? I know salmon and bows will hit them i don't see a reason why browns would not.
  7. I thought you`d have to be younger then 16 to fish without a license but that might have changed in the last 10 years lol.
  8. I would try at the mouth of Credit. There should be some fish in there and plenty of space for you to fish before the salmon season starts.
  9. I got scared for a second when you were trying to get it out of the net and you only pulled its head out. Massive fish and congrats, they don't get much bigger.
  10. Grand River bass at its finest. I have the same lure and used it few times, never got anything on it lol.
  11. Its a fake, read about it at SI. Cool none the less
  12. Cant believe they are already catching bows in the river lol, this "summer" has fish all screwed up lol. Have i missed the salmon run haha.
  13. Southland anybody? What else is good two and a half men, House. Started watching dexter, well my gf made me and i just got sick of it not really sure why
  14. Great report man, nice going! That catfish looks like its posing for a magazine hahah
  15. In about a months time salmon should start showing up in small numbers. The only other fish that i`ve seen there were bass and carp other then salmon and bows.
  16. Earlier this morning yea but other then that no
  17. There is more info in here read up on it http://weblogs.asp.net/rternier/archive/20...characters.aspx
  18. Stop by kitchener will you lol. You have no idea how tempted i am to go fish up there lol. Today me and a buddy of mine were map questing Sault Ste Marie, just wanted to see how far it actually is......and its prety far.
  19. I am going to take a wild guess and say there are some bass up there but i know for sure that salmon make it that far in the fall and most likely rainbow trout do as well. Creek itself is fairly shallow so i would suggest fishing deeper holes.
  20. I agree, cabela prices are the best you`ll find out there and their bargain cave is one of a kind. With all these positive remarks from fishermen on this board, is there a reason cabelas has not build up one of their stores in GTA area?? There is some major cash to be made if they expended here, it would be awesome to have one as well. Shipping on rods is a little bit steep but hey, buy enough and you wont even realize how little you paid for the shipping.
  21. Sometimes....just sometimes people should mind their own business
  22. Hamilton Harbor is full of them. Went there few weeks ago and seen quite a few in shallow.
  23. I think all you need is a half naked girl on there casting and talking fishing for a minute or two and i think you are good to go haha. Voted few days in a row for you and i hope you win.
  24. Ahhh for some reason i always struggled to catch carp there this year being no different. The only time when i saw people catch some fish there is when they were bottom fishing using worms, they got couple of ok carp. You can try chumming the area you want to fish with a lot of corn the night before and then come back tomorrow and try where you chummed using corn. Like mentioned in Victors post, have your drag lose and stay close to your rod these fish hit hard. Good luck. i did see "few" of them spawning about 6-8 weeks ago, they were splashing up and down that stretch it was quite a sight to see
  25. About 95% of all the bass i got in my life were on worms, problem with using worms is that little fish will eat it as well so expect to have bunch little nibbles and little fish
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