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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. It was too easy! Instead of just taking the topic south! Might I suggest you get bear mace versus just regular mace! I hope that helps!
  2. Just PM Lunatic and tell him the bears scratched your daddy's car!
  3. Well not to push any stereo types... but his name is Lunatic and he has a Harley symbol for his picture.... enough said.
  4. Well... This is the reason why a finance company won't let you have liability only.... I guess she learned her lesson, since she self financed.
  5. Because the cops get called after you try to resolve the situation is my guess on why you never call the cops.....
  6. She lied to someone about the lien on the car... Either you or the insurance company. I have a feeling its you as you can't get liability only insurance with a lien on the car. Or like everyone else says, she didn't actually have insurance.
  7. I just skip the middle man and order the 500 lot from china off ebay and get the lures for less than 50 cents a pop.
  8. You are all getting trolled, this has to be a summer reminder not to screw around in the rapids.... Wheres the news story?
  9. I crazy party and fish every time I go out! oh wait.. thats not what you guys are going on about eh?
  10. can you still do the machines with the e-test being required? I just assumed I would have to bring it in before next month...
  11. Or you can check out the bay of pirates and search for A+ Cert (you'll find all the current tests and brain dumps!) PM ME for a link, as I assume you have no idea what I'm talking about.
  12. I would of posted there, but its read only Cool idea Roy, its a shame you have to do that, but its needed!
  13. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=53 I guess they will be moving those reports soon! hahaha.
  14. RACISTS! (not you, the azn folk!)
  15. Root kit Trojans are almost impossible to remove, unless you created it and know how it attacks. Backup your data and format. As for your router being attacked, I have a good feeling you never changed the default admin password? Do that in the future to avoid that. My wife got a lovely root kit trojan last week by downloading this program to play one of her facebook games for her.... After spending 3 hours using all the above mentioned removal tools/antivirus programs after doing a windows restore and booting into safemode. I realized its all a waste of time as a complete re-install takes less than 40 mins. Now our network is back to full operation. Both my routers are safe as they have non-default passwords to access them. Hackers are so smart these days! I can barely keep up!
  16. Wow! I am still questing for the 40" from my cottage on the Georgian Bay.... I've had a couple follows that I know where up there...... Were you guys right out on the bay? I only ever fish in the archipelagos.
  17. I'm heading up to Killarny Mountain Lodge, should be exciting!
  18. Thanks for the read guys & the tips! Honestly... I think the fish in this creek will hit anything... its the only place I never get skunked!
  19. Did a lot of work around the house yesterday... so the wife let me out to go fishing! We only had an hour to fish but it was a very productive hour. We took my little tin boat down to the local creek and ended up hooking into a couple bass and some pike. Choice bait for the evening was chartreuse spinner baits with a chartreuse blade. My buddy was a little camera shy, but here are my highlight fish. The wife thought I lost my smile when we got married.... I told her I just need a decent fish in my hands! Now, I am pretty new to fishing, and don't claim to know very much... but from what I remember reading you should try to match your lure choice to the water conditions correct? So dark stained water go with darker lures? and clear water on bright days use more colorful lures correct? I pretty much just toss whatever I have in my bag, but would love to actually make some sort of real lure choice when fishing different waters... Am I understanding this correctly? or does someone want to break it down!
  20. Did they have gas motors and fish finders? I'll just stop now.
  21. Man I wish I had signed up for the tourney last year, I would of won with the smallie in my picture hahaha.
  22. That's one old bass... I'd toss it back, probably tastes horrible! hahaha that sucks, at least everyone earned a valuable lesson and no one lost an eye!
  23. I'd rather buy it out of a cooler for 2$... Not that I eat fish. Just saying.
  24. I'll just wait for the asian carp with a bow!
  25. HAHAHA that last picture is awesome. Thanks for the report, sounds like a great time out with Family~!
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