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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. Welcome and thanks for the pics!
  2. If this was for Saturday I would be in
  3. Holy Carp! That kinda sucks, I enjoy carp fishing, but I enjoy fishing for other species as well...
  4. Here @ OFC! We're a real community! EPIC!
  5. Sweet deal! Congrats and thanks for the report, you did a great job writing!
  6. Fish tastes gross, good thing he got the fine!
  7. ....Sad but they brought it on themselves.
  8. And people called me a freak for looking at peoples photobucket accounts....
  9. Not open in my area till the 4th Saturday of June!
  10. Sweaty Betty has to be my fav!
  11. The guy in your neck of the words was KEEPING the bass... theres a big difference between C&R and C&K.... They can not give you a ticket for catching and releasing an OOS fish. I use live bait, pike love worms and minnows... so do all the other fish. Leave the internet arguing to the people who don't actually fish.
  12. Awesome post! Very cool looking fish!
  13. I really thought he was going to land that back flip, but the tail of the motor just clipped the wake....
  14. EPIC POST! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Whats the big deal? He was taking his bass boat wake boarding...
  16. That area on the Canadian side is deadly, where I got my PB smallie!
  17. I voted... not for this.
  18. Damn.. Looks like he already tried gunning it out of there!!! This is why I don't mind walking to my fishing spot, and I park in PARKING lots!
  19. I still get the check format as I don't want tax money being directly deposited. It says I'm getting 2 more payments through out the year, I assume my wifes payments are attached to my check. (and the kids i guess?) I got $330.
  20. That looks pretty neat! Thanks for the replies!
  21. Anyone else make less than $160k a year and get one of these checks in the mail yet? I doubt this extra money will even cover the extra taxes on my gas bill, let alone all the other things that are going up.... Not too happy about this HST crap!
  22. Finally someone who read my post and not just make assumptions! I forgot how an honest question can turn into a flame post in no time...
  23. Just to clear this up for everyone I only plan on going to places where I can usually stand in the water or swim to the shore in less than 20 strokes... But I appreciate all the concern, I just want to be off shore and legal. And my father has a nice boat that's good for bigger water but it stays at the cottage, this is just something to get me off shore trolling around for pike and bass (when they open)
  24. Wouldn't it be considered a personal watercraft if both people were wearing a PFD? The website is a little vague for some parts, or maybe its just me.
  25. TC1OZ


    Its a great place! Welcome!
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