I have no OOS outrage, take a pic and put it back! I don't care what the season is.....
People who rage on people for OOS pictures are hypocrites, if you really cared about the fish why are you trying to catch them on a hook or even capture them for that matter. let alone catch and release...
If you really wanted them to flourish you wouldn't be out there catching them, you'd be telling people to stop fishing in general.
Obviously there's a huge difference if people are fishing and keeping out of season fish (who posts that on the internet), but come on now he just wanted a picture of a fish that 98% of people will never get in their life.
People get off your freaking high horses..... and lecture the people who aren't aware you need a fishing license to participate in the act of fishing.
Or if you really really really are on that horse, send the man a PM!