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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. I don't feel so alone anymore! This is almost as good as a fishing report! hahahaa
  2. awesome story!
  3. Awesome report. Congrats on placement, if you can't get 1st, 2nd is the next best Those look like some real hogs man!
  4. meh, if I lived in Toronto I'd use transit..... BUT I DON'T LIVE THERE! MUWHAHAHAHAHA HAIL THE DRIVE WAY GRAVE YARD!
  5. Awesome report dude! Gotta love those carp!
  6. Amazing report! That day will stick with both of you forever! This is the main reason I had a son! So I had someone to take fishing hahahaha.
  7. Nice fish fellahs!
  8. Only in the USA! A lawyer would be a huge waste of money up here...
  9. I'd be interested to know as well! For a friend who's of those dimensions....
  10. Looks like some good fishing! It's all the pollution down here that ruins the good reports!
  11. I always tip my spinners with those gulp alive minnows, rather than a curly tail grub. I figure its going to add sent along with that extra motion that fish love so much. Just when you start off using the secrete weapon and can't produce a fish it gets you thinking... hahaha Thanks for the report, looks like an excellent day out!
  12. This picture defines your post! It's what life is made of! Congrats on the awesome day out with a friend!
  13. Don't worry TennesseeGuy I think "MANOPAUSE" has taken care of that already!
  14. I'm hoping all this rain will get me a nice sized kitty today! Thanks for the quick report, looks like an awesome outing! I also love your john boat!
  15. Beautiful fish! Thanks for the report!
  16. hahaha! Thanks skeeter! I missed the post, and I have a feeling the wife toss the blow up doll! She was getting jealous of her figure! And you are only as old as you feel.... man did 40 come quick~! Thanks Roy! It was a great day thanks Joey! A great evening was had! I appreciate the post and was away from the computer for those few days as I had a friend up from down south. Hopefully I get into some fish today and I can followup with a report! .... I forgot I put my birthday into this thing lol.
  17. Glad to hear you are okay!
  18. Nice man! Looks like a good time with the pup! I haven't been out, but I don't hunt either! I keep saying I need to take it up...
  19. Awesome report. inb4anglingmethods
  20. Sounds like you back traced them! http://www.youtube.c...h?v=98Np9hNSIWo
  21. Only when you make contact is it stalking... LOL
  22. "There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot." Living proof of your own signature! At least you can laugh at yourself!
  23. sweet report man, I'd love to get out fishing with you... I'm sure I'd need a pen and paper for everything you'd teach me.
  24. Not all thieves are dumb thugs... those are the ones who get caught. Crazy world we live in, the real criminals get into politics!
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