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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. Where do you plan on fishing? Any big water? Any size motor would be good for trolling (unless you plan on doing some high speed trolling) but if you are fishing out in the big water you may want to think about your trolling motor as a backup for getting to shore if the main motor has problems.... and the bigger the HP the better in that case.
  2. I guess hockey started eh?
  3. Who's watching the watch dogs? Dun dun dun...................
  4. Just send a picture message (SMS) from your phone to your email address. Instead of sending the "text message" to a phone #, send it to your email address. It works!!!!
  5. I started out with the 20$ ready2fish combo from walmart. I LOVED IT! Got onto this site, heard all the jazz of the good stuff... I've since upgraded to a higher quality rod and reel... and dream of the days when I can drop 5 bills on a rod and not care....but I doubt that will happen. Kickingfrog takes it! You get what you pay for... for the most part. I believe after a certain price point... you get into the "class system". Buy a nicer combo from walmart, in the $80-$100 range, and you'll see the difference for yourself. Then you can decide if its worth spending upwards of 250$ on just the reel....
  6. I dip everything I buy in pink paint, because real men use pink!
  7. In Soviet Russia gym membership pays you! Sorry I couldn't resist... There is so much wrong with society today, a few of you briefly touched on some of the topics. Johnny is one of those guys who everyone thought was a crazy 10 years ago.... and the truth is just now starting to come to the surface! What am I talking about? I sound crazy too! Monetary system..what does that really mean? What ever happened to making sure your tribe had a full belly and a shelter to protect you from the elements? I guess we all forget we are the same species... human. And technology? Isn't the definition to make life easier? But I guess that only works if you can afford it... is that right? I'm just going to stop....
  8. There's lots of fish in there, no real monsters. I made a couple reports from here before, but get little repose. Decent fishing from shore as well. Bigugli fishes there all the time.
  9. "My hearts beatin, My hearts beatin, my hands are shakin, my hands are shakin BUT IM STILL SHOOTING!! AND IM STILL GETTING HEAD SHOTS... ITS LIKE BOOM HEAD SHOT... BOOM HEAD SHOT!! BOOM HEADSHOT" Yes... Yes it is! PWN FISH!
  10. I wouldn't mind one of those maps of Georgian Bay!
  11. More bass than pike. I fish it all the time. Watch out for the rowers. And there's carp if you are into that!
  13. Who the hell gets birds nests on a spinning reel? I'm going to have to try some of these tips... wouldn't you want a weight on the line if your trying to get it to spool tighter?
  14. Hey guys! I'm heading up to the cottage for a 7 day fishing journey! I will primarily be fishing the Menominee Channel, the South Channel, and Five Mile Bay. Pretty much south of Parry Island. Now, I used to just fish for bass because that's all I seemed to catch on a hook and worm with the occasional bonus pike. But I see people out there with down riggers so I can assume there's salmon out deep in the channel? Does anyone know what species are predominant in these areas? Or is it just mostly Pike and Bass? I assume Pike are plentiful as the season is open year round. I'm looking to maybe get into a walleye but I'm not sure if my efforts would be wasted. I mean I haven't really figured out where the monster pike are... which is what I really want to get into. But if there are other species and my bass/pike tactics aren't working I'd love to hunt another species. Thanks for the input in advance!
  15. I think I'd like my bait caster more if it was a left hand retrieve....
  16. Interested as to what brought up this topic....
  17. What bait were you using again? lol just kidding! Awesome report, I wonder if I can get my hands on some before I head up to the cottage....
  18. Already doing a charity golf tournament for work on the 28th! I hope the September 18th date gets selected as I can make that one for sure. If that is the date, I'll be PM'ing you about a boat dan!
  19. The saying is true, there's more than one way to skin a cat! More than one way to catch a fish too! And whatever is good for you works (according to you)!
  20. I thought it wasn't for at least a month?
  21. TC1OZ

    Great FYI

    I was expecting him to announce my boat winnings, but that was pretty entertaining. Maybe they will get some half decent crap at my local wal-mart now that they are sponsoring fishing tourneys again!
  22. lol I'd call the cops
  23. Agreed! Most of the time when the child is a snotty little brat, one or both of the parents are as well....
  24. lolol Roy you are not helping!
  25. Can someone post me a google maps link... I wanna head down there with some garbage bags tonight!
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