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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. nice pike dude!
  2. Sweet post! I've never tossed a line in when I'm in Toronto... I should give it a try some time.
  3. I'm dying to get into some bass! Love your videos!
  4. Anything DSL/ADSL is owned by bell at the end of the day. They have a monopoly on the telephone lines that we the public paid to build. Bell is the scum of the earth. That's just my two cents. If you can go cable, do it. I use Cogeco for internet and use VOIP (primus) for telephone. You can't even compare the speed of cable to DSL... its not fair. I just can't wait till we get fiber! Damn yankies are ahead of the game... I will always blame the CRTC for us being behind in communications technology...
  5. epic photoshop
  6. sweet fish dude!
  7. Home phone number = primus and I don't get any unwanted calls. The call screen feature works really well. Cell phone = koodo. Just get random people calling me, thinking its someone else's #...
  8. nice fish dude!
  9. Gasoline/Diesel Current Tax : 5% Tax after change : 13% Dara whats the name of your auditor. I'd love to tell his supervisors hes lying to people or has no idea what hes talking about. And shame on your for believe something without looking it up for yourself.
  10. Just think of how much more gas will be come HST July first...
  11. Awesome bird dude! I've though about getting into hunting, just too expensive for me right now.
  12. Ummm should I cancel my order of 4?
  13. Whats $150 worth of batteries look like Dan... I'm now interested... What about like power supply batteries and things like that? or is this just AAA, AA batteries you are recycling... Because I know I could collect tons... My work pays people to take them away lol.
  14. Like I said, I'll let this contest slide since I'm winning the Facts of Fishing boat!!!
  15. You know there's tons of fish under the water... but when you can literally see 100's of them surfacing its insane!
  16. Thanks! That's what I was assuming. At first when I just saw one swell I assumed its a beaver taking out a fish or something. Then I noticed them ALLLL over!
  17. You got me.. if I can find anything that's 9.9 HP or less for $150 or less sure. But I don't see it happening lol! Maybe your supreme Kijiji skills can hook me up!
  18. cute but useless
  19. I sent you a PM. Hopefully I don't see 100's of fishermen at the end of my street....
  20. Hazardous Waste Materials Day has it! Check your local trash collection leaflet for the dates in your area. (2010 should of come to you recently) I like to leave them around my house randomly so when I'm out of batteries and on the hunt... I at least entertain myself for a while. *Yes I found one* *damn its dead* *puts back where he found*
  21. We'll I'll be there from the 14th-16th but I'm not a yokel! If the fishing is amazing I'll probably make a few more tips up to my buddies cottage! I can't wait for bass to open up in Parry Sound!!!
  22. Went out late afternoon to leak test my "new" boat. Went really well... only one tiny leak. While me and my buddy were lugging it into the water his daughter was pointing to the water saying "fishy". I look to my left at the little creek assuming there's a tad pole. Nothing, I'm like wheres the fish? She points out to the lake again, I'm like OHHHHHHHHH jeeze! Seriously there were over a hundred that I could count in a matter of seconds... Now are they coming into spawn? The area I was at the water was fairly shallow. Do they feed when they are in this close freaking out? They were just slapping each other almost... not sure exactly. There was this one that came right up to shore...like less than a foot from shore. I went over by it, stayed COMPLETELY still until I walked away and it took off like a bat out of hell. Huge swells of water as it took off. I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to catch one of these guys... If so.. what bait would I use. Its ALL slop (probably the reason they were surfacing (just hitting seaweed everywhere else). Here is a video of just one of the MANY swarms I saw : http://yfrog.us/10dscf0877z (can't do a direct link with .mp4 on this site....) And here's what the whole area looks like : How would you even being to fish this area? Would it be a waste of time (the skeeters are horrible in this area lol)?
  23. GIANT FISH MAN! even if your wife is 4ft nothing those are GIANTS loloool. Let me know if your fishing Fort Erie.. I can show you some hot spots!
  24. No problem, just seemed more like an attack out of left field than a topic of discussion lol. I don't post much about it on this forum, but a few of my local hot spots are near Tim Hortons... And I've been doing a lot of roll up collection this time of year... and funny how they are all losers? I have a feeling people keep the winners... But I feel the same as you, it wasn't there to begin with, shouldn't be left there. Good point, I agree with you 100%, but I'm sure that if you read it now you'll see why I was confused.
  25. NICE DUDE!!! Looks new to me! I just leak tested my banger, only one tiny leak to fix and she'll be out on the water :D I'm going electric only hahaha.
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