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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. That's too funny! I was going to hit up the bass pro on my way up to my buddies cottage but unless the traffic is bad we'll be long gone before 9 AM.
  2. This is a little out of left field... Have I done something for you to question my cleanliness or my respect towards nature? **Edit** My friends family also owns two cottages on Nipissing (which is where I'm visiting)... I think they've been respecting their properties for quite some time now. My buddy is pretty confident I'll be catching lots of pike and walleye off his dock but I want to keep my options open!!
  3. 1 carp, 1 hour, not a bad day! The carp looks HUGE but I believe that's just the blur!
  4. GJ Dude! Love the pics! I hope to add some numbers to our team! Looks like I've got some work cut out for me! Great report, keep em coming!
  5. Any money says I'm drinking a brew tossing a glow spoon hahaha at just that moment.
  6. awesome fish!!!
  7. nice fish dude. looks like some fond memories!
  8. anywhere to rent a tinny/canoe there??
  9. Thanks for the tips guys! I really appreciate it!
  10. west end close to the town of lavigne a little bit more north east between cash bay and laviighe So probably close hahaha. Hook me up via PM or post it. I don't know the area. My buddy says we can just catch tons off his dock, I'd like to get out there for everything and anything! I believe Pike opens on the Saturday and I'd love to land a monster But I'm hoping to get drunk enough to eat a fish or two, and I hear walleye are good eats!
  11. Nice fish dude!
  12. Any idea on baits and presentation? I'm thinking painted jigs with some sort of soft plastics (switch it up) and just bounce it off bottom. Any tips, tricks, hints, suggestions? Heading to buddies cottage and we are land locked, but its probably for the best
  13. If I were in charge of the MNR I would be sitting in my big office enjoying my awesome salary knowing that I have an amazing pension to follow. Oh ya, I'd also help some fish too!
  14. Sweet carp! I need to get out fishing! Been super busy lately!
  15. I'm going to check my local CTC when I get off work today.
  16. Humm new with a year warranty, can't go wrong.
  17. that is awesome lol
  18. If the fishing is good, you'll be bringing "care packages" every weekend! Sorry I have no tips for you! Good luck to your daughter.
  19. I would love to see a picture of that!
  20. Nice post dude! I would of started another topic! Then again.. I don't catch as many fish hahahahaha
  21. I don't know why you aren't out smallie hunting Nice fish none the less!
  22. lolol. I should toss one of my wife's unfinished knitting projects into my tackle bag and use it for my next skunk report
  23. That looks awesome! I just need to get my buddy who loves hiking into fishing...And I'll be making trips like this all the time! Sweet report, looked like a great trip...and considering some of my fishing days I'd say you did well!
  24. Just play it safe and quit fishing. Maybe pickup knitting or something.
  25. They dropped the fitness test in 2007, I was the last group to take a fitness test... Although I don't know who the hell could fail it. And PT during basic is laughable, just pretend you are trying hard and they can't say anything to you.
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