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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. I'm not whistling because I cheated, the test is common sense... or at least I thought it was. Its just a big joke as the article states. As for multiple tests being done on one computer... definitely you can. I mean what if one person was the witness for several peoples tests and they all did it at his house/computer... But honestly some of the online tests are such a joke, one of the more popular websites gave me and my wifes licenses for free because of their own carelessness. I love when people who have no idea about the internet open an internet business! As for my in laws, they got the test done at the boat show... and the guy administering the test gave out answers.... not only that... but if you fail you can keep trying with no waiting period... what kind of licensing system is that? make it match a drivers license at least, you can't just keep trying for those!
  2. Sweet that video tided me over till my lunch break! Love your reports and the videos are great! Keep it up limey!
  3. Fix the video! I want to seeeee lol! I love your reports Limey! Cant wait to add some numbers for the team on Monday!
  4. I second that motion! lolol.
  5. lol GCD was the reason I went from a lurker to a member! I miss the old coot!
  6. Awesome looking fish... I'd put a glove on for sure to get my hook back lol.
  7. Damn! Sorry dude... I guess the guy near me has a queer eye for a straight guy! hahaha. He'll fix anything he knows how to..has a little kiosk in the mall. Does leather, boot, shoe, and stitching repairs. Maybe it is worth getting a new one, I'm sure the place in your signature will hook you up.
  8. Most seamstresses are hurting for work and won't turn you down. Just check google for something close to you. http://www.ylm.ca/orgs/ylm_company_detail.asp?ID=73697 I bet this place would gladly accept your business. Hope it helps.
  9. My cottage is safe! Woohoo!
  10. Good stuff! I wish there was a fishing club when I was in high school.
  11. I'll be in Parry Sound from the 23rd to the 26th. Anyone interested in hooking up on the 24th? I'm pretty much in Seguin Township on one of the many islands (directly across from Parry). I'll be using my aunts boat and I know a few pike spots. I always enjoy company as the wife wants to turn around after the first hour lol. Just shoot me a PM or post here!
  12. lol, I got up to 120 KM/H for a good stretch between the falls and fort erie and only slowed down because I realized its just safer... So I'm gonna say no, especially since its really windy in that stretch of QEW.
  13. Damn straight! I moved to Fort Erie so I would fit in... St. Catharines people always looked at me funny! Very good point Roy! Also don't leave your gear in the boat lolol.
  14. I don't know how anyone would be okay with just the tablet... buy the filter man. They are well worth the money! I've drank water off muddy streams on the Bruce Trail many times! The water is crystal clear when it hits my lips! It does suck cleaning the filter...but its better than disinfecting the crap and drinking most of it! Coffee filter would get out large things that you can see, but what about those smaller organisms you cant... The filters filter, the tablets dis-infect..The choice is yours at the end of the day! Have fun!
  15. Just put it on upright! Cuts through the wind lol... Not the first time I've done it like this. I took Rich's 14 footer to Waterford the same way! Make sure you strap it down from all sides... If you don't want to look as ridiculous just use the 2x4's and strap the boat down to the rack/front/back of the van really really good and you don't need to worry about securing the 2x4's.
  16. Scrap it and get a better used car! Sounds like its going to cost more than a used car to fix it...
  17. Earth is full. Go home. lol Nice fishing dude! Looks like good eats (if you like fish) hahaha.
  18. Nice pike dude! I'm hoping to get into some giants myself very soon! That second one looks like its been through hell and back. You'd be surprised how the body heals though!
  19. Honestly, if the carp takes off consider yourself lucky that you didn't have to set the hook. Just make sure you have enough line. And what kind of setup are you going for? Top water? Simple bread or corn floating on top will work from what I've been told, but I haven't tried it yet. I usually just use corn on bread on bottom with a sinker.
  20. I only see two
  21. I use the wunder boner while they are still alive.
  22. lolol that hand job gave me a wunder boner...
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