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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. Nice fish dude! Congrats on the derby!
  2. Fancy photography, bring on the fish porn!!
  3. Great report! Nothings better than fishing with family!
  4. I'm loving all the ideas I'm getting from people. This will be a job on the budget so anything that sounds too expensive is probably not going to get done. But I have some marine plywood for free, so replacing the wood won't be an issue. And I've had many suggestions on painting it. We'll see what happens when I get 'er in my possession. Anyone have a suggestion on wheres the easiest place to drop it in around St. Catharines? I won't be using a trailer... Putting it on the roof and strapping it down... I guess I could just loosen the straps and slam my breaks at the bottom of the ramp... lol. Thank you everyone for your suggestions!
  5. Sounds like solid advice! I just need to get the boat in my hands to measure the wood. I should be able to get that replaced free of charge. My father in law is re-doing the wood in his 14' Lund and this man spares no expense lol. I love it! This is exactly what I want to do with my boat.
  6. A license or registration is mandatory for all pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more, including personal watercraft. Currently, proof of competency is required if you fall into one of two categories: 1. You operate a pleasure craft fitted with a motor AND are born after April 1, 1983; or, 2. You operate a pleasure craft fitted with a motor that is under 4m (13 feet) in length (regardless of age). If you were born before April 1, 1983 and operate a pleasure craft fitted with a motor that is 4 m and over in length, you will require proof of operator competency by September 15, 2009.
  7. Its things like this I want to know.. What do I sand it with? I would of just tossed sand paper on my hand sander lol.
  8. That's because you are too giving/caring TJ! Just worry about yourself next time Thanks for all your hard work around here... I love these boards!
  9. Looks like fun TJ! I swear there's 6 people from my work who just got back from Cuba. As well as my parents! Seems like the deals are hot right now! Bring a travel rod next time
  10. Knowing myself I'll probably just spray it with a garden hose and take it out with paddles...lol But realistically I wouldn't mind putting about 200$ into it. (as far as painting it/replacing the wood) A floor would be interesting but I'd have no idea how to go about that.. Anyone have a blue print or concept on how to do a subfloor? (not that it would really need one its pretty small) This boat is big enough to get my family to my island in Parry Sound and its the right size for hitting up all of my favorite bass spots. So I figure if it doesn't leak I might as well make it look nice and use it for the next 5-10 years until I get a boat from my moms boyfriend. I think electric would be easier and I could add things like a fish finder/lights when the money allows for it. First things first will be to get the emergency paddle and the rest of the devices needed to make sure I'm legal for a stop on the water. But since I don't plan on registering it/getting a big motor I only need to have the safety requirements and I have my boaters card. As for going used with the trolling motor. I spent a good amount of time looking on here and kijiji this summer and people wanted almost as much as new for the trolling motor. I found a 25 Lbs thrust at CTC for $140ish and I figure new with warranty is better than used with none for the same price.. But that probably won't be for a few months.
  11. Sounds like you have your own fishing show... oh wait! Lots of good info! <3
  12. Thanks for the words of encouragement. There is decent sized patch on the back near the side, but the seller said the leak was patched. I'll be picking it up on Thursday and tossing it in the nearest body of water I can find (hopefully I wont be pulling it off bottom) but for 200$ its worth the risk in my opinion... A trolling motor/battery will probably run me the same.
  13. bumping since I changed the topic from getting a boat... to fixing one up
  14. Well I traded my junker car for a junker boat! Any suggestions? I figure I'll just sand it and get some marine paint (maybe do it all green). Any tips? Should I just sand the inside and paint that as well? I'm clearly new to the whole boating world... Anything will help!
  15. lord tunderin jesus! that's a hoot
  16. TC1OZ

    Hey buddy... How have you been? Were you at? Lets go fishing.

  17. They look like shaven drowned cats Nice fish, Looks like fun. Thanks for the report!
  18. Caught this beast a week an a half ago hunting pan fish. Slip float, split shot, and a hook/live worm. It just came out of no where and took the bobber under. Had quite a bit of fight to it.
  19. EPIC POST!
  20. Where they written by hand? (looks like they worked)
  21. Congrats! It's always exciting starting something new!
  22. Went out with Carpman3000 and Ed for some crappie. The weather was predicted to be horrible for today! Thankfully that wasn't the case. Showed up around 11:45 AM and the fish were just biting. We were using 1/8 OZ jigs with micro tubes. Here's my first crappie / first time using a tube jig successfully : And another: Here's one of Carpman3000's: And my favorite type of bait the old worm got the biggest fish of the day. Ed reeled in a real slab at 12.5 Inches and 1Lbs : We caught a total of 7 crappie and 3 blue gill in a matter of 1 1/2 hours. All and all I would say it was a successful outing!
  23. I don't eat fish in general... I was laughing at the replies!
  24. lol @ this thread! I wouldn't eat a carp
  25. I have a decent sized plano bag. Fits 4 of the large clear containers and 4 of the half size. Two side pockets and a front. Does the trick for me!
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