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Everything posted by TC1OZ

  1. Hey guys, I'm picking up a tinny today, and I wanted to leak check it... I'm thinking Port Weller ramp on Lake O would be the easiest place to carry it in the water... Anyone else have a spot? I was thinking a small pond would be best but I can't think of any off the top of my head that I can drive up to... in the St. Catharines area. Any ideas?
  2. Its operating as normal. If you don't register you get ad's, if you register (and log in) you don't get ads (minus the classifieds).
  3. Monster walleye! I was watching a fishing show that used a local guide from Windsor... Any chance you were on WFN recently? lol Awesome post man!
  4. I'd like to thank Lunker777 for a very informative PM. He also remembered the name of the product for sealing the boat if there are any leaks. The product is called "Steelflex" by Fasco Unlimited. Picking up the boat tomorrow (unless the guy comes to get my car this afternoon and I can get to st. catharines) and I will be tossing it in the water to see if its leaking. I will update with pics. Thanks for all the help guys!
  5. That would be a first for me. Good luck explaining that one to a CO.
  6. That's an expensive dinner. Does the CO take the fish? or do they let you keep it and just fine you?
  7. I like coke better, but the pepsi slurpee is not bad.... music in the video = my jam
  8. Maybe I worded it horribly wrong... I'm not going to lie I was at work and made the post while doing technical support haha.
  9. I did. I believe they only charge GST (not PST as it was not sold in our province) and the duties are only charged on items that are not considered as NAFTA items.
  10. WOW! Thanks for all the information Lunker! I'm going to PM you to put your thinking cap on and get me a name of this product! (I edited your post to refrain for re-posting a wall of text lol)
  11. Exactly... My moms boyfriend had a CO hassle him for a license when he was casting a barbie rod for my very young cousin (who is not physically able to cast a rod). He had one but he gave the CO a hard time as to why he had to show it (especially consdering the circumstances). And trust me the laws CO's enforce are written the same way the laws the Police enforce are written... to interpretation. He was basically told if he put bait on the hook, helped tie the hook, or cast for someone... you need a license. Good point Mykester.
  12. He didn't keep it. After he pretended to catch it again he just tossed it back in. Not sure if its illegal thus why I made the topic and put a "?" after the illegal fishing... I guess people are missing the point of my post and assuming I'm trying to flame this guy... Just wondering if what he did was right... doesn't seem right to me. Even if its not illegal he didn't show the fish any respect. A 4 inch bass deserves as much respect as a 42" musky in my opinion. Funny enough he was a good 4 feet above the water he toss the hooked fish back into, plus his height. I actually watched this episode on my lunch break at work and thought to myself... Man I bet people on OFC would rip this guy a new if they saw what he was doing here... --------------------- I could care less, I'd do the same. I just posed the question if this was illegal or not. I know there are some hard core naturalists/conservationists who would take offense to this kind of action. And the fact that its not just some random guy.. this guy is on TV setting the example for anyone watching. Is that how you treat a fish?
  13. HAHAHA Thanks. Finally someone who just answered the damn question. I'm not sure either... Thus why I asked. I just know that its illegal to pick a fish out of water with your hands, not sure what the rules are on re-hooking a fish on a different line and throwing it back in the water/reeling it in are.... I only posted this because I know how hard core some people are on this forum... ripping on people for throwing the fish back in rather than releasing them with care... or for keeping it out of the water for too long. But when someone on TV re-hooks a fish and huffs it back into the water attached to a hook and reels it back in....no big deal. (To me it is no big deal, but some of the hardcore people should have a problem with this.)
  14. Sorry for this post... Didn't know I was going to ruffle feathers. I just like discussing the laws that we live by. Technically the fish was not caught by angling methods which is illegal. I was pretty shocked seeing this on TV. I guess we can turn a blind eye to some things.
  15. I hope you never run into a CO. They are a little more firm on the rules.
  16. Here's the image from last years trip with rich. Cheapest legal way to get your boat to the water!
  17. I haven't seen GCD around in the last couple of weeks.. Figure someones gotta stir the pot.
  18. Wow. Good idea. No wood rot there! Feel free to PM me the place for the plastic (I'll use them if they aren't too far out of the way).
  19. Well the fish was legally caught. Unhooked. Re-hooked on a different line. Thrown back in the water. And reeled back in. Not exactly the same. Looks like I made a bad post... But am I wrong on this being illegal or not? Correct me if I'm wrong, don't just tell me I'm wrong. Tell me why.
  20. I have no problem with it, thus I'm not going to send him a PM. But I was just wondering isn't this technically the same as snagging a fish, re-hooking it, and pretending you caught it?
  21. Wowoww! Currently reading this. I am already impressed just scrolling though his pics!
  22. I think of the camera I won every time I watch these videos!
  23. Tired?
  24. Just wanted to stir up some conversation.. as I know how much of a problem some of you guys have with this situation.. The episode was the "family fishing" episode and he was out fishing for little pan fish with his daughter. The host was fishing with his wife and daughter at the top of this small waterfall. The wife was razzing him about not catching anything. His daughter catches a little bass, and being a little girl he takes it off the hook for her. He then turns into himself and re-hooks the fish on his line, tosses the fish back to the bottom of the waterfall and "pretends to catch it". Now I know this was all in good fun and I'm really not offended by it. But isn't that illegal? Discuss...
  25. My original order was for $107. My credit card was charged for $115. The difference was the GST/PST & Duty. They make the adjustment before they ship it. I believe if its a considerable amount they will call you before processing the order. Not sure why everyone has so many horror stories. The process is exactly the same if I were to order it express. There will be no fees when my package arrives tomorrow.
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