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Everything posted by fishinguypat

  1. My pb pike 42 inches came on a lure i only used once and had no confidence in, it was a long worm type plastic on a jig head that made it have an action like a crankbait, it was garbage after words though
  2. Why don't you try something your kids like and get into that,then you could be with the family more.then when you get back into fishing one day it will be worth the wait
  3. hypothetically speaking it can be done hypothetically
  4. what are the best colours for glow spoons? i just got yellow glow
  5. iheard owen sound is sarting to get a run already, suppose to be better then last year, and i guess rainfall would drive them up river but still its a little warm for my liking
  6. Really i would stay put until a good rainfall, but if you live close then why not
  7. (mouth drooling)
  8. silva is the best in the world in my opinion, he uses the first round to identify his opponent then learns to adapt to their fighting style,
  9. i would do the same thing if some one poured urine into my bathub if i was in it
  11. thanks , I was planning on using an old toaster oven actually.so I don't need to use clear coat on them after I am done curing them?
  12. ahh looks like i found one, it wasn't on this site though http://www.niagarafishing.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=20754
  13. Hello, I was thinking of trying to make my own glow spoons this year since I heard it can save you a few bucks and glow better then store brand cleos for salmon. I remember seeing a tutorial on this site made by someone of how to make them, but now i can't find the thread . can anyone locate it or have any better site that shows a tutorial of how to make them? Thanks, fishinguypat
  14. He didn't do anything to you or to your knowledge do anything wrong so why you be hatin'?
  15. I don't see what the problem is fishing is way to over crowded in ontario anyways
  16. I heard the same thing on a different forum...
  17. Pardon my french but... they were just a couple fish and they paid the fines and everything so, give the poor man a break
  18. Gotta go with the cheap Oakleys
  19. I think you should have had a V8
  20. why not just go with a clear braid?
  21. CT this week
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