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Everything posted by fishinguypat

  1. Does anyone know how the water levels are at Bronte creek now? I was there last week and it was pretty low. I heard there was a site for checking this?
  2. Hi I'm looking for a good price on a Salmon/Steelhead rod for drift fishing and maybe casting lures. A spinning rod though in the price range of under $100 Thanks for any help
  3. seems pretty dark... from a superior trib i presume?
  4. I'm gonna go on a limb here and say the Crocodile came first
  5. They actually pulled a knife on you?? Holy crap, they meant buissness
  6. i know a friend that went 3 nights straight without catching any a few days ago... although his friend had caught many so it depends where you go on the river
  7. catching bait?
  8. My Condolences...
  9. Because I have some some small flies I found in a pouch once that had nymphs and egg imitations in it and I have never used them before
  10. how small of a fly we talking here?
  11. braid has no stretch so it would brake easier in these situations
  12. there is snagging apparently ...purposely hooking a fish in the gills or mouth... or by letting the salmon swim through your line and get hooked in the mouth... or there is the drifting method where you drift with roe or skein and when it gets within close range of the salmon it gets hooked either by the line flowing through its mouth or because the salmon sucks in water and it happens to get hooked... so there is no possible way other than this to catch salmon on marshmellow other than this?
  13. ... you won 15 million!!!!!
  14. How Childish....
  15. for salmon season there is no point to ask where people are fishing because most gta streams/rivers have good runs anyway
  16. ...well at least someone had luck with the atlas trout mellows
  17. hmmm. i don't know why cause there old? remember to scrape the skin on catfish to remove the slime tough if you are cooking with skin on though
  18. fishnCanada and Canadian sportfishing are my favourites ...but fish tv is close behind
  19. for salmon/trout i knock them out with a rock to the head, the cut above the head to release most of the blood altough i sometimes cut the gills
  20. i understand the other stuff but why the ear plugs?
  21. thats what i call early season Salmon WOW
  22. this is a cold summer
  23. Nice!
  24. that was a joke
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