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Everything posted by smally21

  1. you haven't said that the house has knob and tube (though it is most likely) could be it just has cloth wiring. as you have mentioned ontario is not the US but a full rewire would be in order if this house was to be sold in ontario. just for laughs some numbers from average licensed guys in my area panel upgrade (im assuming glass breakers) is about 1500 to rewire is a low of 120 a device to a high of 250 a device, so at 50 devices 6000-1000 not to mention any holes in the walls, floors will be extra what is safe, what is insurable, what is legal? i dont think is the issue, its more that 70 year old wiring is going to be a constant problem and someone is going to have to change it eventually. everything you try to add, customize, renovate will be a pain. good luck whatever you decide
  2. berkley cherrywood for 20$. sedona 2500 for 60$
  3. stag and does are just a great time - who cares what they are for. and its usually a good deal, 10 or so to get in, cheap drinks you know. cheaper then a bar night. you're never gonna live it down if you boycott your own brothers wedding events for whatever reason. why dont you just go, drink too much and put away yout judges robes in favor of a lampshade.
  4. great stuff - thanks
  5. car theft is so rampant in hamilton police don't respond to theft or break and enter of vehicles. over 6000 stolen vehicles a year. that is in the neighbourhood of 1 in 20 cars will be stolen each year. every car i have ever owned has been broken into, or stolen completely. i have had over a dozen break and enters and 3 stolen cars in the last 20 years. its a pretty serious problem around here, and it doesn't seem to matter if you are in the downtown area or expensive suburbs, you just dont get too attached to a vehicle around here.
  6. nice ride ive got to run into you and dan out on the bay this year. that deal at fin and feather sounds pretty good. id be interested but the boat visits lots of other places too.
  7. how do they know where thay are going? all that in a couple of foot deep ditch.
  8. now you're really in for it.
  9. every police officer would know this.... As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality, and justice. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty. I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities. I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession. . . law enforcement. (Dantzker et al, 2003)
  10. he is a sworn police officer - police powers on and off duty. and on or off duty, he has a cell phone and more friends than you do. an interesting article is here considering on or off duty conduct http://www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/pubdocs/bcdocs/341409/ceyssens.pdf and an excerpt is here. "The test in policing is not dissimilar. Courts of law and tribunals have consistently ruled that the police complaint process captures off duty conduct, so long as a nexus exists between the impugned off duty conduct and either public respect for the constabulary or the fitness of the police officer to hold the office of constable." if you really beleive he is "out ta get ya". avoid at all costs. get hold of unit commander or equivalent or professional standards branch. they might tell ya to get lost, or not, but at least you have a record of your complaint. hopefully it just blows over. you're not going to win, if you know what i'm saying. but officers have codes of professional conduct too. this situation has lose lose lose written all over it. a good time to be the bigger man and stay out of it. good luck with your problem!
  11. nice wheels - but i like your choice of a Stratos even more.
  12. a couple of wins = stanley cup! i love leafs fans and give you all the credit. keep it up!
  13. crappie perch hunter you have cojones as hard as hockey pucks for making that hockey comment but i gotta agree. (i'll go down with you brother!} rico boxing great point - lose lose. c'mon roy its wrestling, the oldest of combat sports - no biting or nothin!
  14. riding the fence here. a FF enters a burning house with a million dollars of equipment, training, experience and education, thus reducing the risks. (note reduceing, not eliminating) A civilian enters a burning house with none of those things, thus assuming great risk. If an on duty FF entered a house alone, with no equipment, he would be branded an idiot and fired. If an off duty FF or civilian does it, they are a hero. succesful rescuers are heroes, unsuccessful rescuers are considered foolhardy, or dead. an electrician goes to work, does his job and wires up a bunch of pot lights, no one cares. a FF goes to work, does his job and rescues woman from burning house and is a hero. this is a great story and a great outcome by a special kind of person. im not going after anyone here, just raising some interesting points. does the job make you a hero, or the act? is it a greater act for a citizen to do it than a professional? FF's perform a unique job and assume considerable risk. acts like this are commendable.
  15. ive heard running the tank low and running gas line anitifreeze (methly hydrate) will make your car run hot and clean. then it will blow up, so promptly fill the tank with regular fuel. a greasy mechanic will solve the problem and is often your best choice. just a rumour above maybe someone could put it to rest either way?
  16. however you feel it seems like all parties involved handled their objections with class, or at least are well versed in TSN style interview speak. personally, they should have both girls and boys classes. in many cases it seems the girls are req'd to join the boys teams for lack of competition or opportunity. girls played boys hockey in our town because there wasn't enough players for an all girls league. i wouldn't want to wrestle a girl either. (unless it was after a few drinks and dinner). tough to explain to the wrestling team your second place ribbon in those circumstances. at least no one acted like buffoons and started WW3 over it.
  17. Well done. deserves a tip for that fare! the laptop was just showin' off. everyday heroes.
  18. good point polliwog - the hand signal represents exactly that! i know the bike doesn't require turn signals - but are there stipulations on night driving without signals?
  19. try the open mike nite at the snooty fox on tuesdays - if they are still doing it. hosted by a local self taught guy who puts on a good show. you can watch, chat, or bring your axe. the music selections are broad, so dont be afraid to play whatever you know.
  20. the best way to win in traffic court is to never end up there. traffic offences will almost always be your word against the officer's. no judge is going to side against the officer, because he is the highly trained professional and you're the wreckless law breaker (not to mention judges might forget their signals once in while too). examinations of the officer are next to useless - anything prejudicial to the crown's case will just be met with some answer like "I dont recall". anything handy to your case will be picked apart and spun until it makes you look more guilty than when you started. and the judge doesn't get bonuses for lettin' people off. you're best hope in traffic court is to hightail it to the prosecutor and beg for mercy. they'll reduce your charge if you're super respectful and polite. the justice of the peace will listen to hardship cases and excuses before a judge will, and almost always reduce fines and increase time to pay. traffic court is a joke. stay out of there my friends!!!!! just caught the 'parade' story.its great - never heard it before.
  21. just like crossing the border in yoiur vehicle, some cars get stopped and some dont. not all usps packages will get tagged for brokerage fees - but all ups packages will be tagged. so sometimes i pay at the door for usps stuff, sometimes you dont, but it will always be less than ups, who i just wont use anymore. the vendor is likely not responsible for any delays. nor are they responsible for any customs fees or duties. and beating up on them really isn`t fair. they are not holding your parcel, or charging you duty, or collecting hst. the hit and miss part can be a little frustrating, and the fact that the odd package takes two weeks longer than a similar package is odd too. it hasn`t been long enough to freak out yet, im going on 30 days for a package out of the states but its the odd one i guess. good luck hope you get it soon and the brokerage fairy is kind to you.
  22. if a tree falls in the forest..... like FFA says, to not affect traffic would mean no one to affect - including no traffic officer to issue the ticket. at which point you could also talk on your cell phone. so yeah - you dont need to signal when no one is around, but then who would know what you did. if you got a ticket then someone was around. its not really a signal if no one receives it. im gonna stop typing now.
  23. this might not be helpful but i wouldn't put that much money into a spinning combo. while i love my stradics, i get equivalent, or at least good enough performance from reels like a sedona for half the money. inexpensive med light spinning rods have great feel and are less trouble to maintain, or pitch if they break. i put the bigger dollars into baitcasting setups where it seems to matter more. but hey, a stradic with a compre/crucial setup would be a nice way to use the gift card!
  24. my stratos claims to be 17.5ft but is quite a bit bigger in real life. it is 24ft on the trailer, without using the swing tongue. the trailer, like most is 8.5ft wide. the boat wont fit under a 7ft door. so essentially its too long, too wide and too tall to go in any garage without an overheight, double door garage that is extra long. you're going to have a heck of a time getting a 19ft boat in the garage. if you can, you've got a nicer garage than i do!
  25. buoys have reflectors on them, cause they're dropped in a waterway where people would hit them if they weren't clearly marked. kind of like an ice hut in the middle of the lake i suppose.......... of course, some one wacks a buoy or a weather float every now and then.
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