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Everything posted by smally21

  1. just over 22" and a little over 6 lbs. wouldn't get much attention on erie or simcoe but i was really happy to catch this on lower buckhorn. wasn't really serious about the fishin at the time - you know, no matching t-shirts or anything. just a stroke of luck i'd taken the kids out for a ride and stopped by one of my favorite spots....
  2. im with you NAW - in college there you used to be a giant coffee we called 'the pail' because it should have had a bucket style handle on it. the coffee was the size of an apple juice can. if i drank a whole one i'd curl up in a ball in the corner and shake for a few hours....paranoia, hallucinations, frequent urination, etc. don't know when it went off the menu but good riddance. it was like a speedball in a paper cup!
  3. i dont take alot of fish pics because i know what a fish looks like - but this guy deserved a few. i've caught hundreds of smallies on the buckhorn lakes but the average seems a little small, rarely over 3lbs - then this guy showed up! released after a few of his good side - should of taken him in to bayview for a weigh-in, turns out its almost a pound and a half bigger than last years buckhorn big fish winner. oh well we'll meet again... the crowd went wild!!!
  4. its gonna be called the 'panic attack size' and comes with 6 cigarettes...
  5. not if they are wearing helmets.... and i'd be surprised to hear it's legal to leave a firearm in the bikerack outside the Tim Hortons.
  6. you should try it and if you get in trouble just tell the officer you performed your due diligence and learned all you need to know about gun laws by asking questions of speculators on a fishing website. i'm sure they will let you off. if you really want to know call the CFO and ask there is a 1-800 #. hey joey is there a website i can order that bike from?
  7. going up the river seems to be a remarkably smooth, controlled ride. coming back down is just controlled mayhem, nothing you can really do but play along.... cool vids man.
  8. the fairly rare 5pin connector is usually used to provide a reverse lockout to the trailer brakes - if i try to back up without plugging in my 5 wire the trailer brakes lock up. i changed over my 5 pin to a 7 pin to eliminate the expensive, bulky 5 pin to 7 pin adapter. if your trailer has electric brakes or surge brakes with a breakaway kit you'll need to wire the reverse lockout. if not, as mentioned just connect the 'double brown wire set" to the brown of the flat four replcement. if you do need to wire in the brakes id suggest you forego the 5 pin and go straight to a 7 pin. then your trailer can be pulled by other vehicles with a more common 7 pin. pm me if you have any questions....
  9. look at the trailer construction, light wall 2 x 4 at best, bolted, not welded together with some light gauge plate to hold it in place. that construction style doesn't really match the boat. it might be long enough but that doesn't make it the right trailer. probably fine in all but the worst conditions, but they always seem to come up! an uneven boat ramp can be a nightmare - one with a hole is the worst! glad to hear you solved your problem.
  10. i've been to a few interesting old-timer wrecks - several of which involve punching their vehicles INTO the store. 85 year old in my town drove into the beer store right up to the counter! 88 year old downtown right thru the pharmacy window, thru the store into the stockroom. wish i had pics - and they probably wouldn't hit the greypower set!
  11. the few times i've tried LMB they have been very soft fleshed, a little gross when your thumb punches thru a fresh fillet you are trying to hold. i think it has more to do with the water temp and "sunbaked" nature of the fish, when caught in an 80+ degree shallow lake the fish comes out half cooked!. now a smally from an ice cold northern lake , seems like the flesh is firmer and much more palatable. tried a scugog largie once - turned me off not just LMB, but shallow water fish forever.
  12. my front live well is pretty long MM - but it will likely never see a fish that big! it is probably over 50". i found some xtra heavy rods that have a telescopic bottom that slides into the grip, solved the 7'6" problem. everything else fits in their ok. the individual tubes are also good for nav. lights, paddle with the handle removed, etc. listed at around 19K in the states, almost 35K here.
  13. a great boat - look forward to hearing about your ride. 27K US should make it about a quarter million here. but seriously i have the 375XF its the biggest 17.5 ft i've ever seen. so if stratos calls that 20ft its likely to be pretty big. love the storage it has, very clean onboard. could use more motor, so hopefully your test drive comes equipped with a little more than a 115. keep us informed!
  14. very nice - i certainly wouldn't want to pull out mine and measure up to those!
  15. i usually launch below the dam in dunville, 10$ on the honor system at a small marina behind the arena. i ususally go weekdays, never seen another person on the ramp. and as mentioned, about 6k to the lake. i stop in at fishmasters for bait and advice, i've never launched there might be better maybe dannyboy has used both and can comment??? the dunville dam is good for sheephead and cats, not much else in my experience. the river produces walleye (apparently) - i haven't had much luck, trolling big o's and such. perch at the mouth of the river certain times or year. tecumseh reef is fishable for bass in good weather
  16. they used to rappel off the platform to raise money for charity. the ropes were over 1000' long, you couldn't even lift the end to put your rack on. the walk looks like shakey legged fun. you're tied off, just have to keep reminding yourself!
  17. got mine @ chapters. had a coffee as well
  18. got ya. i dont head out that far too much its quite the run and as you say weather dependent. as far as the nanticole shoal rob v. - its about 20 miles from longpoint in front of nanticoke harbour along the shipping lanes in. you can PM me for the GPS coordinates if you like. HOWEVER - it can be tough to find, and can be very hard to fish in all but the best weather. trying to hover around a pile of rocks and fish it in 4-5 foot waves can be quite frustrating! i've never had the luck to make it worth the trip. if you launch from Hoovers marine or port maitland its only a short trip so you can check it out. include the hydro outlet and some north shore bass along three mile shoal, maybe some port maitland perch and you've got yourself a trip!
  19. nice work! i fish longpoint alot and its great bass fishing. did you head out to the bluffs?
  20. lots of crappie, and max. depth of 28'. I think its the best conservation fishing in the area, such as it is. and a good canoe spot as well
  21. a dude at work is always selling stuff for his kids rep hockey team. fundraiser for a week long trip to florida. a weekend in new york city. these 9 year olds have matching track suits to wear on the bus to the game. each one has a custom embroidered hockey bag with name and number - i helped him pick them up they were over 200$ each. they have mmore custom bling than an NBA franchise. they are 9 years old. all these kids live in half million dollar homes and go to school in navigators and lexus suvs. around here you are not sending inner city kids to camp, you are sponsoring jackets and bling to go to expensive tournaments and stay for a week at fancy hotels with giant swimming pools. im with ya. lets get blasted together. if a homeless guy with a coffee cup stands in front of the LCBO he is guilty of a crime called panhandling and subject to arrest or at least given the boot for tresspassing. maybe the homeless guy should get himself a baseball uniform.....
  22. who was there? i don't mean in the crowd, just wondering what members would hit a RAMA show. a great time no matter what i bet! i'm more than a little jealous....i hope you rocked and rolled all night.
  23. if you are that worried about it how about stop taking them home? if fishing for you is more about stocking your freezer than the 'thrill of the hunt' just go to the grocery store. if you had left that bass in the lake, or consumed it the day of the catch you wouldn't have anything to worry about. not sayin you've done anything wrong here, im sure you fished within your limit and nothing wrong with putting some fish in the freezer for a rainy day, and i appreciate your effort to learn more about the regs. why don't you just eat the damn things and then go fishing?
  24. didn't we have this conversation over about 200 posts a week ago? sinclair are you trying to start somethin'??
  25. the usual black 4-5" rollers you see everywhere are rated at 125-150lbs each. so, id just take the weight of the boat + fuel + gear divide by 125 and build to suit. as rollers dont distribute weight as well as bunks,the more you can afford to stuff under there the better, i've made trailers with 256 rollers on them. im assuming the 3100lbs is the carrying capacity of the trailer you mentioned, not its gross carrying capacity, which would include its own weight. likely a 3500 lb axle less the trailer weight (which probably exceeds 400lbs) has resulted in an optimistic 3100lbs. @ 2800 lbs dry you're really pushing it considering a few hundred lbs of fuel plus all your gear. you are in that no man's land between single and double axle....
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