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Everything posted by landry

  1. Everstart do last long and are a good price. Perhaps your charger is malfunctioning and killing your batteries too.
  2. Phone the Burlington headquarters and I bet they will sort it out.
  3. I find most "big box" stores to have great customer service and exchange policies. It totally sucks that you did not get what you want but I don't think after all this time that it's Cabelas' fault. I would call MK back and see if they won't look after you. In fact I bet if you went to their warehouse in burlington that they would look after you - the customer service guy there is amazing - forget his name.
  4. Well - he surfaced at 4:30 and all was fine. Had a decent day in Niagara area (US side). Got a few lakers, a dozen nice smallies and a zillion silver bass. Oh and we both got sea sick and had to retreat to shore for a half hour. What a day. Lol.
  5. Sitting in the van. Waiting for my fishing partner to show. No response on his cell. Not looking good. He's never done this to me but I did it to him once. Karma.
  6. I disagree. What if you think you got it patched properly but small amounts are still seeping into your wooden transom. Then u will have a huge problem on your hands.
  7. No. Check your map settings.
  8. These liberal politicians make me sick. Global warming is undeniable. Scientist pretty much universally believe this to be a real issue. By believing otherwise, you are allowing big companies, such as Exxon, to manipulate you. They are wealthy and powerful lobbyists and we are an easy target as change is hard for humans. Having said that - this plan seems a little rash/aggressive to me. And I am sure there number one plan to get us to use less fossil fuels will involving adding more taxes.
  9. One more example of what a disgrace Harper was. Not that I trust Trudeau but this is good to see.
  10. Do u know where your boat is leaking? Mine started last year. I plugged all drain and intake holes and it disappeared. Was a cracked pump. Have u tried that?
  11. You should just go and hug the Detroit for walleye if u r heading that way. You will get some and a ton of silver bass. Jocelyn will set u up with tackle.
  12. Nobody was questioning YOUR motives. And Jocelyn wouldn't fish illegally either. Every season there are pretend like anglers on St Clair - it bugs me. If that was your motive you would not have advertised your plan here. Nobody is judging you - the responses simply stated that pike are incidental and not overly populated on that lake.
  13. Not saying you would do this BUT I am always realllly sceptical of "pike" anglers in the Spring on St Clair. The pike population is not very good. To me it seems like a bad idea and looks a lot like pre season musky fishing. Just my opinion not an accusation.
  14. I would use 80-100 for pike seeing as the baits are smaller but I have seen Muskie bite Clem through 100. 40 is risky. 20 is pointless.
  15. Beans. I am sorry for your loss. I bet you have some great fishing memories with her.
  16. Local shops and Sail typically bet their prices now.
  17. Lots of young people are super hard working and motivated nowadays. I'm a teacher and I am constantly impressed with kids nowadays. Not all of them. Some will have to learn the hard way. I hate when 50+ folks say how lazy or entitled young people are and how easy they have it. I fear for my two teenagers. They are polite, hardworking and smart (like their mother thank goodness). How will they be able to afford a home and get ahead with the crazy rising house prices?
  18. That price isn't so amazing though as in the winter the 999 SI units were $999 at Sail. I have the 859 unit. It marks fish well and marks jigs in water over 60' better than my lowrance did.
  19. Your reports are always amazing. You walk the walk and live life fully. Kudos.
  20. Thanks Craig. I have a nice ride now but will be buying again when I retire. Btw - I was not criticizing the brand in any way. Good info that I will one day use when making my next purchase. Landry
  21. I perceive Starcraft to be below Lund, Princecraft, alumacraft and Crestliner. That's my perception not fact - am I wrong? Enlighten me.
  22. Kijiji prices are all over the map. It's ridiculous and often misleading. I agree it's a niche market though I think it's worth at least 12,000 and likely more. I wouldn't sell it for 11,000 unless u want the deal done. New prices are really helping you now - unless u r planning to buy new that is.
  23. Fixed it myself. The alarm had a broken wire connector. Thanks for the Leo everyone.
  24. Me too:)
  25. Someone else suggested my battery had low voltage so I will test with a new battery first. Great ideas guys. Thanks.
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