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Everything posted by landry

  1. Moxie - wow. Great posts. Hall of fame worthy on OFC. Thanks for the giggles. Happy fishing.
  2. Yes I agree Dan. Does anyone carry them around here.
  3. The mediums barely fit me and yes they could be used with a baitcaster. The large was a little sloppier in my hand.
  4. Yes Josh. I am looking for casting gloves. I get cold hands easily. kast extreme gloves look impressive too but I can't find any locally and ordering gloves online would be risky. They appear to be more form fitting but the Simms felt doable in the store.
  5. Thanks guys. I wasn't looking for support but appreciate it. And I am actually not p:&&led off with Moxie. I am so used to this stuff by now. I just wanted to point out some basic and accurate facts. We are all entitled to our opinion, even if someone else thinks it's ridiculous.
  6. Moxie. That was an uneducated and rude post. I am a teacher. I invested in my future with five years of schooling at a cost of about 60,000. I could have been working like my buddies were for 30,000 a year. That put me behind them by about 200,000 - but it was an investment in my future and I don't regret it and am not whining about it. I am not going to tell you my job is harder than yours - I have never walked in your shoes. I have a great job. I love it. But like all jobs, it looks way easier from the outside. Ask my students parents and they will tell you I work hard and go beyond expectations for their family. I never whine about my job. What I do hate though is having my contract negotiation and "myself" being misrepresented in the press. The facts are right now that OPSBA has been refusing to meet with our union and purposely stalling. Of course they are offering us a ridiculously slashed contract so far (not the same as the high school teachers got btw - that's a lie) - but that's just good bargaining tactics. Now Kathleen is swooping in and finishing the plan by imposing a deadline when we, all teachers, have been wanting to talk and compromise all along. Don't believe everything you read in the media. Teachers care about class size and kids greatly. Do they care about themselves too - dam right. I have taken benefit cuts and pay freezes or "raises" that were actually below the cost of living many times in my twenty plus years teaching. Nobody, including you Moxie, wants their family to move backwards. And I ask you this - do you really want to strip away Health Care and Education bit by bit until we have what the Amricans have - a two tiered system where the wealthy send their kids to private schools and get immediate service when sick while the rest are stuck with second rate schools and hospitals. As stated, I like my job a lot and I am proud to help families raise their children BUT I am strongly encouraging my children to steer clear of teaching. Why would I want my daughter to invest years of time and money to land in a job where the media and many community members will automatically assume the worst of her and insinuate she is not a hard worker. In twenty years will their salary and benefits even be worth striving for. I worry they will not. I realize this is happening to other "middle class" workers too and it's wrong. Big corporations and government officials are not feeling the pinch like you and I. The gap is growing bigger while the increasingly poor bicker amongst themselves Take a step back - the middle class that most of us are part of is disappearing. You are getting poorer a tiny bit each year with pay freezes and climbing housing, gas...prices. But I am not whining about my job - I love my job. And I put my all into it.
  7. Anyone own these. Pondering buying them. Would love to hear reviews. Thanks
  8. Dutch - your posts are fantastic IMO.
  9. Ouch.
  10. And I totally agree with you about Trudeau. The fact that the crowd laughed during a debate when he was questioned about "how he would handle a meeting with Putin" pretty much sums it up.
  11. I used to be a liberal and I guess I am one by nature but in reality when it comes to politics I cannot identify with anyone. I am sick of empty promises from liberals and other parties. I am also sick of hearing the same old from people who blindly follow or buy conservative propaganda too. But mostly I hate that I get so pissed off at people's posts here and on Facebook about election candidates. I have a hard time seperating people's political views from the people themselves. It's so divisive.
  12. Those kids actually look like Habs fans.
  13. Lookinforwalleye. As a Canadian we are all entitled to our opinion. I find your posts very condescending in that you often refer to everyone with a different opinion as you as stupid. That is arrogant IMO. Politics and world issues are not black and white/wrong or right as you tend to suggest. Get off your high horse.
  14. I hate this thread yet I still read it. Why???? Somebody start a good fishing thread. Pleeeeease.
  15. There may be bigger caught but it is a VERY big Muskie and it's rude and petty to undermine someone's accomplishment.
  16. Outlaw - what are you talking about? Give me a break. What an untimely post.
  17. St clAir was slow yesterday. You didn't miss much. We went 1/4 casting the lake and river a bit. My friend lost a giant boat side.
  18. I think sheepshead are good fun. Better than smallies sometimes. Get a lot dropshotting and they are strong.
  19. If so that stinks. Canada is often an after thought. How are you liking the xi5 - in particular how do you find the pedal?
  20. My friend, best guy ever but a wee bit confused at times, once lost a $1000 mattress in highway. Got off at next ramp, went through Tim H drivethru???, and THEN circled back to get mattress. It was gone. Lol. Lucky nobody was hurt. I asked him if he strapped it down. He said "duh!!??" So I guess that was a no. Not really related but sort of.
  21. I agree with Cliff totally. I also agree that better gun laws/control...can only help, but likely not fix the problem. I also believe that America's political machine is badly broken - driven by self serving lobbyists, big business and right wing conservative bullies who will do anything to gain power. Unfortunately Obama, Hillary or even Donald (God help us all) will have an uphill, nearly impossible task of bringing about any significant reform, whether it's on guns, border issues, immigration, the environment or economics. It's like watching a slow motion train wreck AND unfortunate Canada is attached and in the last train car.
  22. I was joking?
  23. And they thought the Alabama rig was effective. FLW may have to ban this too.
  24. It will likely be safe there but very annoying to fish in.
  25. Sometimes nasty fall weather can make the fish go berserk. However - the winds are gonna be BIG.
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