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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Nice fish Rob, Congrats. Seems that all the reports are showing more fish moving along the north shore and things are heating up out there. Thanks
  2. Aweseome pics Justin and trip log. It's always been high on my wife and mine places to visit. You and your brother sure look alot alike. Thanks for all the great pics. Mike
  3. Great looking fish Patrick and congrats on the walleye.
  4. Great pics Cliff. One thing I notice in all your pics is everyone is smiling, even Lew. A great sign that a good time was had by all. Thanks for posting them and congrats on all you fish. Mike
  5. Awesome pics Marty. He has a great big smile in every pic while holding the fish, nice to see him out there enjoying himself. Mike
  6. Great report Joey. Looks like you had another awesome trip there again this year. Thanks for posting all the great pics along with the report. Mike
  7. Very nice and Congrats on the PB.
  8. Great report guys and Congrats on the fish. Mike
  9. Great report TJ. Scale or not that spider would not be in the same boat as me, thats just creepy. Mike
  10. Well my annual trip has come and gone now. Due to holiday booking problems this year with one of the members we had to move our trip a month earlier then normal. I always perfered July time as the weather is often more stable, water is warmer for swimming and bugs are usually down by then. The trip was a blast as usual but the weather was tough as a cold front moved in with rain everyday and dang is was cool in the boat. Fishing was tough but we always manage more then enough to keep us happy. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story. Our home for the 5 days The water was high from the rain all spring Enough fish for dinner Fish fry Some of the wild life, bears were everywhere this year.. This little guy spend all his time chasing the rabbits back and forth by the cottage all day. Dressed for the weather, most days the high temp was about mid 40's The sun finally showed itself on the morning the plane arrived to pick us up. Our ride
  11. Welcome back Tony and nice ride.
  12. Thanks for the offer Brian. I'll discuss it with the crew and maybe they can pick me up there as there coming in from the Toronto area anyways. I'll let you know later today. Mike
  13. If you don't mind a short drive you can make the run over to Dunnville and either fish the river or drive out to Port Maitland and fish right off the pier. The perch have moved into the pier area and everyone is doing well there.
  14. Great looking fish and Congrats on your first muskie.
  15. Probably going to be ok but they did warn you about it. I had an old 73 rebuilt and it ran better then ever once the break in period was over.
  16. Cool report, Thanks
  17. Great fish Dan. Congrats on a successful first trip for the year and Thanks for the report.
  18. Great report Rich. A few fish and good times as always. Thanks Mike
  19. Anyone know of a secure parking spot to leave a vehicle between Washago and Huntsville? We are making the annual fishing trip and are going to meet in the area and take only one vehicle up this year. So I'm hoping to find a spot to leave a vehicle that would be safe. Thanks for any ideas or suggestions. Mike
  20. Good to hear you got slimed Lew. Wasn't best weather for being on the water this weekend anyways. Hope the rest of the season goes as planned for you and you boat lots of fish.
  21. Hey Big Daddy, welcome aboard. There is a great launch right in Bewdley (free) but you have to park along the main road. Moving along the North shore there are a few more launches. Next one is at Wood Duck drive (free) just off county rd 2. All right launch but little parking and no dock. Just East of that you can use the launch at Island view Marine, small fee and parking on site. Great launch and the owner is a nice guy. Close to Otonabee river mouth and some good fishign areas. A little bit up the river but free launches are Micheals Cresent (free with rd parking and dock), Squirrel Creek Park( free, no dock but lots of parking), and Campbelltown ( free and lots of parking, decent dock). Next along the way is Hiawatha, nice lauch with small fee and parking around it. Hope these help and good luck with the fishing.
  22. Yeah I hope everyone is safe there have all ready been reports of funnel clouds spotted in the London area. Be safe everyone and watch the news for updates
  23. Congrats on your first. Way to go
  24. Congrats onj a great opener for you and great way to start off the season.
  25. Congrats to Dad. That will be an awesome boat for many years to come, they build them to last.
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