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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Sorry to hear about you medical problem. Nice to hear your going to get out and give some fishing a go. Make sure you give us a report when you return. Mike
  2. Great report and pics. Thanks and glad you caught some fish and had fun.
  3. Congrats Brian thats amazing. I need to do the same thing just can't get motivated enough to get at it. Way to go for making it happen. Mike
  4. Congrats to the winners you sure have won some awesome prizes. Enjoy
  5. Great fish and that is the skinniest walleye I've ever seen.
  6. Great report and pics Cliff. That last pic of your daughter hugging Bigcliff is great, kids hug with so much emotion and I don't blame her for not being happy about going home as its never as much fun. Mike
  7. Looks like a great time for your group. Congrats on the nice fish.
  8. Tough day for all us Toronto Fire Fighters. Losing one of your own doesn't happen often and hurts us all when it does. Our thoughts are all going out to his family and his co-workers. Mike
  9. Great video Thanks for posting it.
  10. Congrats Dan. Nice to see one of the board members win big. Mike
  11. Glad to hear you had a good week up there Terry. Thanks for the report and pics. Mike
  12. Some great fish there, Congrats.
  13. Great report Tom. Of all the lakes I've fished it's my favorite. Thanks for the report and pics
  14. All great fish, Congrats again.
  15. Great fish Ryan, Congrats.
  16. Happy Brithday guys, I hope you both have a great day. Mike
  17. Very nice Mike. Congrats to you and the family on a successful outing.
  18. Great looking fish, Congrats.
  19. Congrats on the fish and Good Luck with the new truck. Mike
  20. Thanks for the report Phil and Congrats on some nice fish. Enjoy
  21. Lots of gret lookng fish Garry. Thanks for the report and pics.
  22. Thanks for the heads up. I'm due for some new camo.
  23. Beauty trout, congrats and keep the reports coming.
  24. Great report and pics. I've always heard good things about the lake and form your pics it looks like a great place to holiday. Thanks for the report and pics. Mike
  25. Congrats Jim that a great looking fish. Mike
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