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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. I don't know Chris, sounds kind of "fishy" to me! Didn't he just send you a message about the next rod he would like you to build with 'extra thick grips' Sounds like a smart man "greasin' some wheels" if you ask me! (Not that anyone did, or will) ...and when was it you needed that new rod by Art? By the way Chris, that new rod tip held just fine on my 1st 3½ lb smallie early in the summer! Thanks again!
  2. Well there's 2 of us so far. Who else is interested?
  3. I'm in for the 17th. PM sent. May have another interested, although not confirmed.
  4. Hey Mark, I may be able to swing it. I just sent Lloyd a pm as well. I can't do the 10th. The 17th looks pretty good for me (and possibly 1 additional person). Inquired what the 3rd date option may be that he refers to. (Mentions 3 days, with 2 dates listed).
  5. I know it would, It's just with a 2 hour time frame and living 10 minutes from the lift bridge made it the choice last night. If the dredging is going to upset the apple cart for anything from Burlington, Bronte will just have to be the choice
  6. Headed down to the North pier under the lift bridge last night between 8-9:30, as the South pier is closed for renos. Threw some glow spoons, Cleos & others. Nothing happening. Can't imagine the dredging right off the end of the pier, (maybe 200 yards?) is going to help. Do you think the noise & all the stirred up sediment will kill any opportunity while it's going on? It's not like you can play from the other pier while it's going on either!
  7. Was at the Fishing World "debut" on Friday night. Nice rods. Played with drop shot demo. They were giving away $150 fitted G'Loomis jackets with purchase of rod. One guy who was there with his girlfriend asked if they were giving a jacket for each rod purchased. They said yes, so he passed his girlfriend a rod and said "here's one for you." Kinda like, she wouldn't have gotten a rod if there wasn't a jacket He actually walked out with 3 rods. Any how, was nice to chat with Bob & Darren Izumi and get pictures with my son. Mark Kulik was there as well. They had some food & drinks, and a sale on all bass gear. Picked up some X-raps for the first time.
  8. Wow, amazing looking getaway! Looks like the little princesses had fun! Yes there's some nice looking fish pics, but the turkey porn is SMOKIN' Need details on how you rigged the bbq to smoke that sucker! Can you fork over some details?
  9. If you need a 'wife' to make the trip happen,...(and hubby is buying)...I could try to fit into some heels! Should I pack my flippn' stick?
  10. Would that fish you've just caught for C & R not be considered in your "possession" before it's released? Therefore you're knowingly over your limit? I'm not saying I disagree with you, I'm just thinking from previous threads that the CO's consider the "catching" to have added to your possession, whether you've released it or not. Or at least in that brief moment before you release it, and that makes you over your limit?
  11. It's not that far of a stretch to think it could happen some day. It's how Salmon is regulated in the East.
  12. I think I read it's out of commission until December.
  13. How does a wheel fall off a trailer? Sounds like you guys had horseshoes somewhere that it didn't come off with the boat on it doing 100km/hr in traffic!
  14. Congrats. Have you told the wife yet? It's okay to go for the epidural...we won't think you're weak!
  15. Look at what Boyd Duckett did last year. He publicly outed E21 for the Carrot Stix (and company) not being of the calibre they had signed him up to endorse, so he said good bye and started his own brand. No other backers other than his own wallet (which was fat enough to start with, that it wouldn't hurt him too much if it didn't work out!)
  16. Ouch! That hit too close to home. Anyone else get "mocked" by their own family when you slip the flip-flops on (while wearing socks) when you head out to BBQ? Very entertaining!
  17. I think I need to go grill a pork chop for breakfast now! I bet the aroma had people salivating all afternoon!
  18. I was expecting after the first picture "home for the weekend" to read..."and there we stayed until it was time to leave on Sunday." Looks like you had the best of "both" worlds! Nice eyes.
  19. A place to keep the ice & pop!...Maybe a cold steak sandwhich
  20. Interesting Star article this morning. Have a read: http://www.thestar.com/news/sciencetech/science/article/839788--a-front-row-seat-to-evolution-at-your-local-stream
  21. It's probably only a deal if the guy colours inside the lines! (Unless it's supposed to be an abstract piece) ...Nice fishies.
  22. Don't confuse 'organic' with 'biodegradeable'. While 3rd generation 'plastic' baits such as Gulp! Alive are biodegradeable, along with a few other brands, it doesn't mean they are organic. They can still contain synthetics like PVC & PVA, which may disolve, but can still allow potentially toxic chemical byproducts to linger. An 'organic' bait would not include these synthetics. Information taken from the In-Fisherman 2009 BASS Guide, article about "Biodegradeables for Bass"
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