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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. There are all sorts of variations on similar scams. I've had calls from various people with some challenging to understand 'accents' claiming to be from Texas in need of some fairly 'generic' industrial equipment I supply. They want to pay by credit card and want it air freighted over night and it doesn't really matter the cost just "get it shipped". When you're in Texas, the "oil belt", these commodity items are sold at any industrial supplier. When it's even pointed out to them that these $4000 worth of components they can pick up for about $2000 locally, they don't want to hear it. That's when you use a bit of your business accumen to make sure they have a nice day and move along. Sounds like a prudent thing to do to be a little suspicious. Anyone who wouldn't be, I think would be a little naive.
  2. Hey Bruce, is it that 'Port Posse' that's part of the 'aggressive' bunch?
  3. Sounds like a great day! (minus the airborne portion)
  4. Ok, but can he say 'Sonar'? Sounds like you've got a fishing protoge in the making Simon!
  5. Sweet Laker! Love the contrast in the photos as well! Great pics!
  6. Wow, way to Go! Congratulations!
  7. Nice looking dish & fish! Gotta get out there...new sonar needs to be tried out!
  8. What's the story with the pics Blair, Bongo?
  9. Great that you finally got down. Nice that you hooked into a few as well.
  10. You beat me to it! Was just going to post myself. It'd be pretty funny sitting on a park bench and making people think you were throwing something at them when all you were doing was fishing!
  11. Wow. That is quite the video. It would be interesting to see the rest of the documentary for more context. Looks kinda like Bronte in the fall!
  12. Wow, long day & cold too! Nice lookin' eye there! Going in the frying pan or swimming another day?
  13. Wow, excellent looking day! Great pics!
  14. Love the "Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum" promo shot in the 1st pic! Looks like fun. What did you sleep on? tarp, foam, etc.
  15. Awesome pics! Man, if a pic is worth a thousand words, you my friend get the whole Websters dictionary worth in your posts! You ain't wear'n any lucky satin under garments are ya? Nice looking fish there LG !
  16. Was trying to help dig you out of a hole after you said you like satin panties! If you completed your sentence as noted, it wouldn't have come across as anything other than normal heterosexual manliness. I was beginning to think you love wearing them!
  17. Nice cat Joey. Never had catfish. Enjoy it.
  18. I have NEVER recieved one!
  19. Your English teacher wouldn't be happy. It's an incomplete sentence. "I love satin panties...on my wife/girlfriend when I walk in the door" That's kinda what you meant...right?
  20. What, You don't were a cup with one of those umm...hand warmers in it? Hmmm...think I've stumbled on the next great cross marketing idea! The Fishing "Cup 'n Heater" Tag Line: "Keep your sons warm & protected from the hard knocks that stiff water fishing sometimes delivers" Who's going to be the 1st to place an order?
  21. I'd like to find where this HT chair is available on its own. At Lebaron it comes with a flip over and not seperately. Anyone know where you can get one of these? I'm 6'1 210 lbs and it was fairly comfortable. You're able to spread your legs out which can make it easier to get up from.
  22. If you're jigging for women it's a good thing!
  23. Paul knows what he's talking about. Take his word for it.
  24. I hear there's a goaly in the London area disguising himself as a World Jr. Gold Medalist too...
  25. I feel for you Rick. It can be tough to cope with a loss such as your. No parent should have to see there children pass, no matter the age. Give your Grandmother a giant OFC group hug. Stay strong.
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