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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. No hang over yet Mike, it was New Years EVE day! It was nice with the aroma of a few camp fires going on as well. Fortunately the rain actually held off until the trip home, so stayed nice and dry! ...Here comes the cold & snow again!
  2. Hit the lower yest. with baby brother (25) visiting from BC. Got the Brown Roe all set Thurs night, lots of different sized bags & colours ready to go!...Of course it probably would have worked better if I hadn't left it in the fridge. Well that just meant working other methods! 7 hours of: Gulp minnows couple different sizes, some trout flies (buggers etc), skinny Pink worms, few single Chinny eggs (from jar), Mepps spinners, Cleo spoons, Cast Master, Chrome Rattle-Trap, Pink/Purple jigs,...hmm think that was everything...Not even a sniff!! Was great day to be out without a doubt, but man, was the bite ever off! Visibilty was at least a couple of feet as well. The whole day, saw 1 steelie caught on a pink bag, and 3 lakers caught on monster sized jigs with plastic fish bodies. It seemed everyone we talked to was switching up between minnows & roe, but no takers. I know I was getting down to the bottom because I broke off about a dozen times with the minnows & flies. Oh well, it was at least an awsome New Years Eve day to be out on the river!
  3. I was all excited to pull a Frabill Tru-Trax net out of a big long box shipped from LeBaron...only to find the hoop had been crushed in transit. At least everyone is healthy!
  4. Think I got my 1st card about 12-13 years ago.
  5. Oh man, that's incredible! As someone who was skiing almost before walking, and later started parachuting, that just blows me away! VERY cool!
  6. Yes, 'tried' being the key word! Like the wise man says "A lousy day of fishing is still better than a good day in the office" Just starting to feel the legs from the climb back up.
  7. Well the pool wasn't producing much more than Aaron was catching on the lower the other day. 8 hours yesterday with only a sniff on a ½ ounce Chrome/Green Cleo. Something big that pulled drag for a few seconds then sent the spoon flying! This was my 1st real adventure at using roe collected from last months lower trip with Castelleno. Had some nice Brown roe to work with. Combination of fresh & cured. 5 colours of mesh, a few bags of each colour, 2-3 sizes in each as well. Made sure to have some bags approaching the size of a quarter incase water was coffee like.(Wife happy I didn't spill any while working in front of the TV ) Spent on average an hour each at 8 different spots working the float anywhere from 10-50 feet out from waters edge just tumbling along bottom. Not even a bump. Tried various Mepps, cleos, & others. Only the 'spitter'. Visibility was only 1½ feet or so. Only saw a couple of others hook up the whole day. One guy hit the 'grand slam' of trout. Apparently his 'successful' weapon of choice was live minnows. Oh well...at least I got some exercise and the scenery was nice. Good luck out there this weekend!
  8. And our underwater musical guests are...The Rolling Stones!
  9. Surprised they didn't jump in to swim with it. Impressive creature. (Not the people so much!)
  10. I KNEW he had a familiar face!! It's the Million Dollar Man! When did the name change happen Ted, Lloyd, who ever you are?
  11. Well that is definitely a nice story, thanks for sharing!
  12. LED is still an LCD display, it's just a different way of lighting the screen. Traditional 'LCD' use flourescent tubes for back lighting, which require more power & greater tv thickness. 'LED' use the light emitting diodes which consume FAR less energy than flourescent tubes, and allow for the much thinner cross section. The LED also create darker "darks" & brighter "whites" which is huge. You'll probably notice that the LED units are providing MUCH greater contrast ratios compared to LCD as a result. 150,000 : 1 on an LCD is pretty good. LED are now getting in to the 3,000,000 : 1 range. That's a whole lot of better colour & light differentiation!
  13. I think it was the left one.
  14. Voted. Nice Gator!
  15. Just picture them in their underwear Dave (...or at least the Southern hotties! )
  16. Sounds like there's going to be some fishing 'gear' under the tree this year!! Struggling to get my 10 year old interested.
  17. Mike, It was at the International Centre. Sounds like it might be worth a visit next year.
  18. Could have been worth it just to be able to shoot the breeze with some of these guys. To bad sounds like it wasn't up to snuff for the avid angler. It was the first year I guess. Maybe it'll be better next year. Just leaves more looking forward to February!
  19. Didn't see any reports on this 'mega' show. Did anyone go? What's the feedback? I heard Gord Pyzer was going to be there. How was it from a fishing pont of view? Did anyone find any decent deals?
  20. spelt = spelled your = you're
  21. Maybe not, but you've sure found a way to put a little PAIN REDUCTION in a bottle though! Cheers, and bottoms up! (...or at least that's how she said she likes it! )
  22. Sweet! Now that's a good report! Way to go, nice looking Chrome. I bet they'll be just yummy!
  23. That's just amazing! Way to get those minds sparked; sure would've loved something like that when I was that age!
  24. ah, great photo Wayne! She looks like she's ready for the fight! ...Or maybe she does just want the camera to disappear
  25. Sweet Browns there Aaron! Funny about the roe / Kwikfish. Last weekend we were mostly catching the beauty Browns as well, on roe only. Steelie action was light then too. About 11 Browns to only 3 chromers. Fun none the less!
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