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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. I don't understand what it is about water, mud and trees that gives a spot away? Like has been previously mentioned, if someone has never been to "the" spot before, how would they recognize it other than from some potentially obvious landmark such as an historic building in the back ground or bridge etc.? I could see blacking out the CN tower in the back ground if you were at the mouth of the credit
  2. I think that only applies on the starboard side of the boat.
  3. TJ, Do you eat the wolf meat as well, or was it taken just for the hide?
  4. Is a flossing rube a rural dentist?
  5. Were they using Shihtzu's or Chihuahua's for bait? I wouldn't let any pets smaller than a German Sheppard swim in that lake!
  6. I thought when Gary Loomis sold his name sake to Shimano, that they then had rods made overseas? Maybe not completely though. Who's got the answer? What I have heard that is interesting, is that while Gary Loomis had sold his name to Shimano as he had a diagnosis of terminal cancer and wanted to take care of his family, he apparently is now in optimal health and is in the process of getting back into production possibly under a variation of his name, instead of Shimano's "G. Loomis"
  7. Are you referring to me? Do they slice the fish? I can see where you may have been confused.
  8. I can't be the only one who sees that as being completely unlikely.
  9. Ahhh...the cream always rises to the top.
  10. I'm not a hunter, but I by no means am anti-hunting or anything like that. If I lived in a more remote or wilderness type location I'd probably hunt for food myself. However, what is it about running over seagulls and squirrels that is in any way remotely sporting or have anything to do with hunting?
  11. You could always ask what the circumstances of the fish being kept were. If he decided to keep it just see what it tasted like, than you could exercise your right to say "no thank you. While it is your right, I respectfully don't care to support keeping that species under those circumstances" If it was only kept as it wouldn't survive release, than you could respond with "I would LOVE to try some. It would be an absolute shame for it to go to waste!" I believe it's an offense to waste the flesh of a fish, so if it's not going to survive, he has an OBLIGATION to make use of the flesh, in which case ENJOY! I would think the same argument applies to all species.
  12. It's to help figure out how long a fence is!
  13. I'm one of those guys that doesn't know how good those eggs are. I'm new to the whole fishing thing, (only since last August), and am learning as I go. I've read all the threads about the Salmon slaughters for their eggs. Up until this point I've ever only had a chance to use a few eggs out of those little jars you get at Canadian Tire. I've only caught 2 trout in my life, both last winter: This girl started spewing eggs just after the picture snapped, just as being released. Now, being so new, I wasn't expecting to be bringing home any eggs, and definitely wasn't prepared to catch any. So, that being said, are Brown eggs better or preferred to others?
  14. ...Appreciate the info. I don't have any glow spoons yet, guess I probably haven't needed them so much yet as I haven't done any night fishing. I'll have to pick some up today or tomorrow. What kind of spoon size would you suggest? I would think something in the 4"-6" range. Does this sound right? or should I include something smaller as well? I definitely can't get out tonight, but there's potential for Friday or Saturday night!
  15. So is after dark the preferred period for having a chance at some of these guys? Does the action usually pick up after dark? The last 2 weekends I've been down there between 6-8pm and have not had anything show. (Other than 1 seagull which was carefully unhooked to fly off and try for someone else's bait!) The others there hadn't had anything either. I was washing some of the Red Devil & Cast Master spoons as well as some Mepps spinners (#4 with dressed trebbles) with no action. Is a glow spoon just a spoon with glow in the dark finish, or is it an actual brand of spoon? If it glows in the dark, do you hit it with a flash light or something before casting? Man, I don't know if I could even stay awake until midnight! You know, being in my late 30's and all. Having never caught a salmon before myself, I'm itchin' for my 1st report like yours!
  16. This is my 1st "That is utterly hillarious! " ROTFLMAO response! How 'bout "Rusty Bed Springs" by I.P. Nitely
  17. You'll find the author is a member if this site and would probably chime in to answer any questions about it.
  18. I believe anyone of any age who operates a boat with a motor will have to have one. 12 years old or 92 years old. But I think there are HP restrictions for kids/teens. Once you get the card it is good for life. No renewal. Ever.
  19. Yah, I guess "puppy" teeth can be painful too.
  20. Nice to see the horizontal hold. Did you have to use a lip-gripper, or did you man-up and just stick your thumb in it's mouth?
  21. Get a load of this. In Burlington they amended the by-laws pertaining to paved driveways recently (in the last year or 2). In order to have a base line for comparison, they had the city aerial photographed as of the date of the new by-law so they could counter any claims of "it was there before". Any driveway in the photograph was deemed "grandfathered in" while any changes could be compared to the photographs and you are busted.
  22. Not me personally, however my father-in-law worked on the Otter, Beaver, Caribou, Buffalo etc... I guess with 45 years in he pretty much worked on them all. Engineering dept. The family day they have is always interesting to cruise around the plant. As a private pilot I knew we would get along just fine when the girl friend (wife now!) first told me her dad built planes!
  23. You may need to be more specific than that. ...sorry, couldn't resist. Welcome.
  24. Actually it can be even quite a bit longer, 14' is available as well. http://www.american-firehouse.com/searchre...CategoryID=2127
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