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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. I thought Michael Moore had curly hair?
  2. That's awsome footage! Keep'em coming!
  3. I recently read something on this, just don't remember wear. I read that generally sport fish can spawn through to the end of their lives, it's just a matter of how viable some of the eggs are at older ages. There was an example along the lines of a 3 year old fish laying say 10,000 eggs, and a 10 year old fish laying say 150,000 eggs. If the older fish had 30% unviable eggs, then that older fish still had 105,000 good eggs. 105,000 eggs are a LOT more than 10,000. Bigger older fish, more chances for successful reproduction Made sense anyhow.
  4. That's what happens when a goose gets all horny Just hope it was female after him!
  5. Probably most important, is what lure is it going to be hooked with?
  6. Wow, if your sons are 50, you must be REALLY old!
  7. Wow that's great! Mountain is right on 35 isn't it?
  8. Duckett. It's on the same lake Duckett won it on in 2007.
  9. Chicago Suntimes http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obam...-carp09.article The Obama administration said Monday it will spend $78.5 million to help keep giant Asian carp out of the Great Lakes as the ravenous species of fish threatens the water's ecosystems as well as nearby home values. The U.S. seeks to reduce the number of times Chicago's waterway navigational locks are opened to slow carp movement into the Great Lakes, the White House Council on Environmental Quality said in a statement. The U.S. also will use sonar, electrical shocks, netting and expedited carp DNA testing to control the population of the fish. DNA from Asian carp was found in Lake Michigan for the first time last month, hours after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to order the closing of locks and dams on rivers in the Chicago area. States including Michigan and New York have said immediate action is needed to keep the fish from hurting commercial fishing. The White House plan includes 25 short- and long-term actions, including the expedited testing of environmental DNA and doubling the testing samples to 120 per week. Also, the federal government will award a $13.2 million contract in March to build barriers between the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and the Des Plaines River. And it will award a $10.5 million contract to build a third electric barrier.
  10. She just wants you to buy her HER some new fishin gear! ...She's just using you for your fishing knowledge!...Get there quick before she changes her mind!
  11. OOD, Izumi's Real Fishing Salmon, Trout & Steelhead, Outdoor Canada, Bassman. ...just don't tell my wife I buy them ALL!!! Damn, I need to do less reading and more fishing!
  12. You'll see a few of these White rods at the Bassmaster Classic in a few weeks. There will be a number of pros tossing with these rods from Boyd Duckett. http://duckettfishing.com/home.php These are also micro guided. All guides same size at 4mm.
  13. So if it was your buddy's intention to do as you described and just drive the heck out of it for a weekend, it would probably stand to reason that he could have been just as likely to have been the one to give'er and done the unexpected acrobatics? Really, I'd say he should be saying thank you for being the one to bear the brunt of the experience, and PAYING YOU for having done the "test ride" and subsequently saving his hide from possibly a worse fate. If it wasn't you, it was likely going to happen to the next person riding it anyhow!
  14. Interesting read. The only thing I can do with my right hand is reel either a baitcast or spinner. I do everything lefty. Hockey, golf, swing a bat, writing, casting. Other then crankin' on the reel handle, I can't hold my toothbrush with my right hand. I can't imagine having to switch hands to cast & retrieve. Seems so foreign.
  15. Mepps, Trophy Trout series #3, as per this Brown who liked it. Liked it so much was hit 2 years in a row in the same spot same time of year. It's my lucky spinner!
  16. My wife was sitting across the room from me this morning when I was watching it...She really got a sense of what amuses me as I had tears running down my cheeks laughing! Then got to work and the boss was having a crappy day, so I pulled a chair near my desk & made him sit an watch it. It GREATLY improved his mood (he had a small 70 Johnson years ago!) Thanks for that!
  17. PM sent.
  18. Hang on!...Isn't it 12,357
  19. Great...I review a show, and now I'm expected to wear some guys mug plastered on my back! Got my shirt today! Thanks Dave! ...and you too TJ. Oh..Oh!! TJ, How 'bout the 1st one to review the shirt gets a Spring Fishing Show ticket... Mine's white, with Red lettering & a funny looking face on the back!!! Do I win again?!?
  20. Wow! Exceptional examples of some nice work guys!
  21. Head to lake Simcoe or Bay of Quinte. Do a search for "Simcoe (or Qunite) ice hut rentals" Both big bodies of water with lots of hut operators & lots of fish. Quinte would be mainly for Walleye & Simcoe would be mainly Lake Trout & White fish (or Perch).
  22. This link is to the press release Boyd put out: http://www.boydduckett.com/index.php?optio...7&Itemid=34 There is concern that the marketing strategy may not reflect the actual production "ingredients". The rod blank that they won ICAST with a few years ago was a carrot nano-biofibre produced unit. It is based on fairly reliable sources that they are not producing with the formulation that won them the original award. The rod designer Ken Whiting along with an E21 product manager have BOTH jumped ship from E21 and are working exclusively for Boyd Duckett now, producing there own propriatary "micro guided" rods. There is a lot to be read into each of these peoples actions, and direct discussion has proven to be rather interesting as well. (Have a number of Carrot Stix, including their 1st 2-pc ultra light model, along with other pre-production (Green in colour) & production rods )
  23. Those who ALLOW themselves to be walked on, WILL be walked on! A famous character once said "Life is like a box of chocolates" ...oops, wrong quote. "Stupid is as stupid does" ...Don't be stupid...stand up for yourself!
  24. BOTH great reports!! I've never been specifically Perchin' before, but definitely have the bug to get out and give it a go. My only challenge has been the few Perch I've caught incidentally, which were good keepers, I seemed to just MANGLE the meat trying to get the bones out!
  25. Ah, you're good, just havin' fun! ...specially with the guy from that Hog Swallowing place.
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