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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. Here's the 14lb Sheepie. What a fight they are!
  2. Got out yesterday with Lloyd in Picton along with a couple other OFNer's Mark Adams & Cowanjo, and friend Peter. While the wind picked up a little, it was still a gorgeous day! I have never seen so many fish on a graph before! Even with so many shaking their at us, the bite was rather tough. With 4 of us on board, we pulled in 4 Sheephead & 4 'Eyes. (Not including Cowanjo's 6" Silver Bass that hit as he was bringing in a line to change out the lure. It should have counted towards his 'at bat' ) There's definately something to be said for playing with 12-14 lb Sheepies off the down rigger! Here's my 1st Walleye ever (would've tipped the scales at least around 12lbs ) We opted for enjoying each others company in place of the "in flight movie". Lloyd had an interesting story when we arrived of the previous night him being asleep on board when someone actually boarded to take (ie steal) his equipment! They apparently skedadled (sp?) pretty quick when they realized someone was actually on board when he started yelling from 8 feet away. Unfortuantely they got away before he could get his "hands" on them! All in all it was a fun day in the sun, and aboslutley no one farted the whole day! Few more pictures to follow...
  3. Well hopefully things won't be as tough and I'll have a little more to report next week, as I'm going to be out with Lloyd this Sunday! Looking forward to it.
  4. As I don't have WFN or whatever other channels the show may be on, I look forward to checking them out now!
  5. I've caught a couple of nice 3-4 lb Browns on silver #3 Mepps with egg pattern body. I would imagine the Steelies would take it as well.
  6. One more full size shot:
  7. Here's the replica from Downsview...It's rather awe inspiring! My son under it
  8. He was an amazing person. Here's a picture: L to R: father-in-law, Jan Zurakowski, me (don't have as many chins now!) & Jim Floyd (V.P. Engineering for the Arrow)
  9. Just a beaut!
  10. My wife & I had the pleasure of spending time talking with him 'Jan' over dinner a few years before he passed. While we did talk about flying & the Arrow for 15-20 minutes, the remainder of the time was talking about life living in the country and how he turned a forest into a lodge and about the hundreds of trees he harvested himself by hand etc. He was a very humble man. He was so passionate about his life with his family that he made, which was rooted in sighting a plot of land from the air. To hear the stories from one of his son's, Mark, about how they got made fun of as kids because their dad would come home from 'work' with blood shot eyes. Other kids / people thought he was 'drinking', when it was actually a result of the incredible G's and forces exerted while doing his test flying! They couldn't share the truth with their friends. Jan is a hero of mine. One of my favourite 'keepsakes' is my "1st solo" certificate when I got my pilots license that he autographed for me. I'll try & dig up a picture. (They're all pre-digital unfortunately!)
  11. Like the chrome!
  12. Sounds familiar. Couldn't have said it better myself...well maybe close! I netted a couple 4-5 lb Steelies this morning for a guy. Didn't catch any myself. ...other than some 10" smolts.
  13. Oh Billy, Billy, Billy Bob, I guess you're having trouble seeing the swing & hit, been to the optometrist lately? Gotta get that tunnel vision checked! Let's assume that you really don't know what I'm thinking, and you're just reading the words I've typed. I know, I know, it's so easy to jump to conclusions and warp things to your advantage, however I don't THINK I made any reference to it being 'fine & dandy' that no one pays the protection fee. Boy, I can only imagine who's crew they'd rather see pull up to their house fire...Mr. "gotta get paid 1st" BillyBob , or Mr. "I'm Hooked" on saving the place. I would think a small town service who is cash strapped might actually look forward to the opportunity to be "hired for service" and paid actual cost coverage. But hey, what do I know about small town finances & mindset, I just do what I can for the 160,000 people who rely on us to act. Getting car insurance after an accident? Now you're just being silly. But wait, if you're stupid enough to not have car insurance...will the fire dept still not come to your collision? You see, in our neck of the woods the fire dept responds as needed, to even those out of town motorists who haven't directly contributed to the city bank account ahead of time. Anywho, for those interested, here's a link to the news site with a video clip of the incident: http://www.wpsdlocal6.com/news/local/Firefighters-watch-as-home-burns-to-the-ground-104052668.html ...and a Happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone! Gotta go find some Trout with my name on it!
  14. I didn't miss any point. Yes they were billed the $75 ahead of time, and if they paid it they MAYBE wouldn't have lost everything. My point was about still fighting the fire and THEN billing them the total cost of doing so AFTERWARDS. Just like if they didn't have fire insurance on the unit, they will have to PAY for the services to get rebuilt or what ever. So what'd the responding truck do, call & check on the surrounding exposures to see if they were paid up before deciding to protect them or not?...Ooops Mr. Neighbour, you're not paid up either, so if your house catches fire as a result of your neighbour, we're going to sit and watch it burn as well. You're telling me that you'd stand & watch the initial fire spread to other houses and not REACT if it was known they hadn't paid the $75? I'd be more concerned about the ramifications of NOT acting. If someone from 'out of town' gets in a car accident, they will get a bill for the response. We don't check for valid car insurance 1st.
  15. As a Canadian Volunteer Fire Officer I'm appauled at the notion of this. In emergency situations we take 'calculated risks'. The notion that a late $75 could mean the difference between total property destruction and potential protection of some personally valuable property/belongings is ludicrous. We have a duty to ACT within the confines of our level of training. In-action could have our in legal troubles over negligence issues. The city bills the province $350.00 per truck per hour for responses to provincial highways. Why the hell can't they bill a 'delinquent' home owner for the services they've used to fight their fire? Fight the fire 1st, then send them a bill for $1200 per truck ($300/hr x 4 hrs) plus materials. Add it to their taxes owing. Allow them 1 year at $100/ month to pay it off. They will sure as heck not forget the $75 annual fee again! My point is, I would ACT then worry about $ Anyone heard the term 'essential service'? Kind of has ring to it!
  16. They are going to use a 'book value' for the vehicle, established based on year etc. and ranked on various vehicle 'conditions' ie. poor, fair, good, excellent etc. This will be their starting point. Say it's considered to be in 'good' condition. They then have a maximum value established for your model in this condition. They will then look at the cost of repairs to bring the vehicle back to that 'good' condition. They will only pay for repairs upto 80% of that predetermined value. If the vehicle is valued at $1,000.00, they will pay upto $800.00 to fix it. If it is estimated to be $900.00 for the repair they will write it off and offer you a settlement. This is due to the 'salvage' value of the vehicle, which is about 20%. If they offer you $1,000.00 for it, they will get their $200.00 back from the scrap people, which means they're out the $800.00, or 80% of the value. At least no one was hurt.
  17. mmmm...gotta like a good bout if indigestion! Looks good!
  18. Isn't your Lund Pro V 19 feet long? My Lund Pro V is 38 feet long!
  19. Isn't it played with multiple feet (or foots)?
  20. ...and what's with spelling Crayfish with a 'w' ?
  21. Wow Garry, that's some seriously useful info for the novice! Which I definitely am. Thanks for the write up.
  22. Doesn't he know that earth worms can grow to 12 feet long in an acidic environment?
  23. What's wrong with being a good angler? As long as they're throwing back the males!
  24. 1 Million? That's only 2740 per day , Bassman, the boat's as good as yours!
  25. Glad I could intrude, er...point out the obvious, I mean, be a pain in the , (yes, 6½ lbs is definitely a goal worth working towards...just having trouble doing it from shore!)
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