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Everything posted by NAW

  1. If water in the gas is not the problem, then I'd be giving the carb a cleaning. Try seafoam first. If that doesn't work, educated your self on the itnernal workings of a carb, and have fun. Lots of good stuff on line for how to clean a carb.
  2. Like many others here, fishing is a year round sport for me. There's usually a few weeks between hard and soft water season when I relax, clean my car, do some home renovations, etc... I do fish a lot less in fall time during the hunting season. But it never really stops.
  3. Sperm Whale. I guess it's not really a fish...
  4. There will be writing on the barrel somewhere. You might have to take the gun appart to see it, but almost every gun has some sort of marking on the barrel. It may be very small print, and hard to read.
  5. Wow. That sucks. Had to spend some time cleaning up instead of fishing Is that the first time something like this has happened at the camp? Might have to board the place up when you not there
  6. I made mine out of a peace of aluminum. Same idea though. The only pain in the butt, is sometime the clamp rattles a little bit with the motor is running.
  7. I live in the area, and ice fish every weekend. PM we when the lakes harden up, I can show you a few spots.
  8. Man, those are some monsters! Great pics man Hope to see some pike reports from Cooch. You gunna fish for them thru the ice this winter?
  9. Congrets Chad. This is your best post on OFC for sure :thumbsup_anim: Enjoy all the great years to come
  10. Nice Dan! One day I'll make it up to grouse heaven. Tasty little critters!
  11. We've been going to the bait station every weekend. Nearly 1000 photos have been taken. This week was unique though. Our first "non-bear" visitors. A family of coons. A few fishers, or at least what I think are fishers. Maybe they are martin, or weasel?? Keep in mind that that is a 45 gallon drum. In the one pic there is a fisher on the ground, and another in the drum with his tail hanging out. We also had our first bear on bear encounter caught on camera. Very cool. The weekend after next we'll try our luck. Been shooting the bow every day.
  12. It's a very distinguished look Brian. Nice whitie too.
  13. Congrets on the the PB Simon. What a beast eh Nice clean looking fish too.
  14. Very nice indeed! Thanks for sharing
  15. I don't know what is funnier. The situation, or the reporters reaction.. In all seriousness though, Wow that was dangerous..
  16. First baby is due Sept 3rd. It's been busy getting ready for that. So this year, I've only made it out maybe 12 times in the soft water season. Hardwater, I didn't miss a weekend. As for how long? I was raised in Pickle Lake. I didn't eat baby food, to expensive. My mom feed me mashed pickerel and pike that my dad would catch daily in the river in our back yard after work. Been fishing my entire life. Like you, I don't have the time or money to get in to various different species of fish. Been fishing Pickerel, Bass, Pike, Whitefish and Pan fish, and am happy with that for now.
  17. What thickness? Might have a chunk laying around. If not, metal supermarkets will have something.
  18. Adventure fishing maps might have that lake mapped out. They are not the best maps. But they show access points, and rough depths / structure. Most of they have the local bait shops listed too. A good last resort option. How you doing Alex? Getting geared up for Hockey season?
  19. No. Not that I'm aware of.
  20. X2.. But I run a VW Golf, and 14' tinner. So I don't mind running the boat up onto shore. I wouldn't be doing that at a concrete launch with a fancy fishing boat.
  21. I'll fire you a PM later today. There are a few realy realy nice spots for training in my neighbourhood. I'm on a K9 SAR team, and we train all the time. I know what it's like trying to find good land for training.
  22. I run a 36lb on a 14' aluminum. Can troll dead slow all weekend long. It's one of my favourite ways to fish. Bought the biggest battery I could for it. I would suggest bigger then 36lb.
  23. If you are buying private you do not pay tax. Once tax man gets wind that you have registered a boat, they will inquire as to how much you paid, and will come after you for the tax. If you do not have a receipt, they will come and inspect the boat, and charge you whatever they think it's worth (basically). So as mentioned before, keep your receipts. Make sure you get the ownership for the trailer, and a bill of sale so you can get it put in your name. The Bill of sale should include details about the boat, motor and trailer. (boat make + model, motor make + model, trailer make+model, etc..) If the bill just says "bought a boat, motor and trailer for $xx" then people at the DMV might throw it out. That's what they tried to do to me. They need specidics acording the woman I talked talked to. As far as the other details, I can't really help. I havn't bought a boat worth more then $1000...
  24. Congrets on the boat! What are the details of the boat? Are we talking a $30,000 bass boat, of a $1000 tin lizy? Makes a bit of a difference.
  25. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/story/2012/08/14/mb-fish-muskie-bite-foot-kenora.html
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