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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I havn't be hunting as long as I've been fishing. Only started hunting about 3 years ago. I love it. Wish I would have started hunting back when I was a tike. Got my first dear this past christmas with a cross bow. Best feeling I've ever felt before.
  2. I have just inherited a 12' aluminum boat from my Grandpa. I took it to Little Lake in Barrie to test it for leaks. Unfortunately it has 3 rivets that are sheared off, so it leaks pretty good. While we were on the water, I decided to throw a Hula Popper in the shallow water. I've heard the Largies in Little Lake make for good top water action. I've never fished top water before. The second cast, a decent Largie exploded out of the water, just missing my lure, and jumping a good 14" in the air. That was friggen cool to see them attack like that!! About 30 casts later, one hit his mark, and I was able land my first top water Large Mouth. I have only ever caught one Large Mouth before in my life, and it was only about 6" long. So I guess this is a first time, and a personal best for me.
  3. By chance, I ended up fishing little lake twice this week. I bought a small 12' tin boat, and wanted to test it for leaks. Boats to small for Simcoe, so I hit little. Same thing for me cudz. Hammerhandles, and Largies. Nothing worth going back again for.. I did manage to catch my first top water Largie. That was exciting.
  4. yyyuuuuuummmm.. Looks like a tasty meal.
  5. It took me a minute to get that.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH A few hours ago (10 beers ago) I would have cought on instantly. Good stuff.
  6. There are some fun cliff jumping spots there. If you like Mountain Biking (specifically single track) there are some good trails around that area. There are also some good outfitting companies (sun trail outfitting) that you can rent canoes/kayaks for the day. Last time I was there, I learned how to surf big waves in a Kayak. Fun stuff.
  7. Looks like you all had a great time. I enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for the nice report.
  8. Are your chances decent to hook a few eyes up there in a day??
  9. MNR take to long to get back to you! I'd be dead by then. The wife has a nasty bite.
  10. "suspected the fish was suffering from a hormonal imbalance" Does that mean I can harpoon my wife if she starts biting me??
  11. There's a free launch site at the end of 89 (gilford) that will put out on to cooks. Just head north east to around Snake/Fox Islands. Should get something around the islands. You can also go north from the islands, and head toward long shoal. It's a good spot in the winter. The boat launch at 89 is brutal for larger boats thought. No docks, torn up sand bottom. Lots a guys get stuck there. There are a ton of Marinas along the west side of the lake, and most have launches you can use. Inisfill Beach Park is on that side as well. As far as boat launches, it all depends on what direction your coming from.
  12. Anyone have any issues with people cutting locks, and not returning the boat? I just received a free 12' tinner. And I was going to find a backwoods lake to store it at. I planned on locking it to a tree. I would hate to have the thing stolen though. I guess it depends on what lake I take it too. Somwhere between here and Sudbury.
  13. I've been fishing there for about 20 years. Gotta cottage there. There's a good mix of fish. Rarly get skunked. I hate using my depth finder on the lake, cuz I mark so many deep water fish, and can never seem to catch them!
  14. These posts make me laugh. You guys are great!
  15. A friend of mine is thinking about buying property in Armstrong. Can anybody comment on the fishing in that area? I'm sure it's great. Lots of fly'in lakes from what I here. Nipigon, and Wabakimi Prov. Park seem like perfect fishing spots to me. I also hunt. Does anyone know if there's a season for woodland Caribou in the Armstrong area? I would imagine the moose/partridge hunting is top dollar aswell. Anyone been there?? Comments?? Thanks,
  16. Excellent report. Great Pics. Pesky Pike eh! Eatin you bass like that.
  17. I called my insurance company (home/auto all in one) a few days after I bought my 14' 15Hp boat just to let them know that I have the boat, and if it gets stollen, i'm going to put a claim in. My rates didn't go up. They thanked me for letting them know. Gave me some peace of mind. OFAH seems like a good idea if your worried about insurance on the water.
  18. Same goes for me. If you’re in Simcoe county and want to cast a line, PM me. Always enough room in my boat for an experienced fisherman. I'll pick your brain though !!
  19. Anyone have any luck using the Strike King in Sexy Shad??? I've heard Izumi swear by them more then once. Was thinkin about pickin one up. Yes/No??? I havn't seen them in your top 5 yet.
  20. A net seem like common since to me. However, the net that I currently own is about 30 years old, and I believe it would do more damage, then good. (please correct me if I’m wrong). It’s a very old, none coated net. Will this old net injure a fish if I use It??? I’ve posted a pic below, so you know what I’m talking about. It's not in my budget to purchase a new coated net this year. I think I’ll try my best to avoid the Musky’s, until I can afford a good net, and some other important tools. The last thing I want to do it injure one of these magnificent creatures. (Which I've already done, and don't feel too good about).
  21. You also have to consider what you are going to be using the boat for. A 25Hp 4 stroke, as previously mentioned, is a heavy motor. If you’re going to be taking the motor on and off the boat a lot, then you'd better have a strong back!! I park my boat in front of my house all the time, and for that reason, I remove my motor almost every time I use it (15 Hp merc 2 stroke). It's light, and easy to move around. Not the case with a 4 stroke of similar or greater Hp. However, the 4 strokes are far better for the environment. It's a bit of a toss up. If I had the cash, I’d get a 4-stroke, 25 Hp for that specific boat. But I’d also get a real nice locking device so I could sleep at night, and not worry about my motor getting swiped.
  22. My 15 Hp merc has a weak spot in the carb, where if you hold it on that one spot on the trottle during acceleration, it will stall out. Will it cure that? My mechanic didn't... (i think I need a new mechanic)
  23. Gotta love Lady Simcoe. Ton a Jumbos. That’s a nice one. Last winter I had (x2) 12”ers on the line at the same time. Almost felt like a small whitie. (very small whitie)
  24. Poor little guy. That'l be a wallet wacker!
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